6 useful insects for your garden (do not hurry to drive them!)


We tell what insects you benefit your garden and a garden and how to help them.

6 useful insects for your garden (do not hurry to drive them!) 2434_1

6 useful insects for your garden (do not hurry to drive them!)

1 ladybug

A familiar to everyone beautiful insect can be not only red in black clock. There are about 70 types of ladybugs, and they all benefit your site. More than half of the species eat tool, which devours leaves of plants and leads to their death. The remaining types are powered by a pacarphids, an apple mixer and spider ticks.

To cope with parasites, you can buy ladybugs on large gardening markets or just gather in the wild around the site. Square insects on the plants on which parasites started. The part will fly away, but most will remain until the feed is over.

It is important not to confuse the larvae of ladybugs with some parasites. They look like dark gray caterpillars with yellow or red spots. The larvae is no less useful than adult insects - they are also actively eating TRU.

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6 useful insects for your garden (do not hurry to drive them!) 2434_4
6 useful insects for your garden (do not hurry to drive them!) 2434_5

6 useful insects for your garden (do not hurry to drive them!) 2434_6

6 useful insects for your garden (do not hurry to drive them!) 2434_7

6 useful insects for your garden (do not hurry to drive them!) 2434_8

2 stealth

In a different way, it is called tick-boring cow. This is a tiny bug, a size of 1.5 mm, which is actively powered by a spider tick. Stethorus is easy to find on raspberry, which is striking tick. The tick itself is small and red, or white. And the stealth has recognizable black hoppers.

As well as with God's cow, collect it in a jar and plan on your damaged plants. It is quite voracious, so it can help avoid chemical processing even with large clusters of a web tong.

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6 useful insects for your garden (do not hurry to drive them!) 2434_10

6 useful insects for your garden (do not hurry to drive them!) 2434_11

6 useful insects for your garden (do not hurry to drive them!) 2434_12

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3 bees, bumblebees and osmia

Everyone is well acquainted with bees and bumblebees, and Osmia - essentially the same bees, just loners. All these insects are needed to your garden in the spring, during flowering. Without them, there will be no pollination and there will be no harvest in most plants.

So that the bees flew to your site, plant wild flowers next to the trees and vegetable garden, give up pesticides or use them only at the roots of plants, as well as plant spicy herbs and plants that bloom all summer.

Despite all the utility for the garden, the bees still can bite. For their bites, many allergies. Therefore, be careful and do not close to the insect too close, and do not make sharp movements if the bee flies nearby.

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6 useful insects for your garden (do not hurry to drive them!) 2434_15

6 useful insects for your garden (do not hurry to drive them!) 2434_16

6 useful insects for your garden (do not hurry to drive them!) 2434_17

4 Burchal

These insects resemble flies with bees color. They eat tool, as well as pollen and nectar, so bring dual benefit: free the garden from parasites and pollinated plants.

To attract them, squeeze clover, cumin, dill, coriander and honey. Also do not pull the plantain growing along the tracks.

So that the garbaths could be overwhelmed, near the flower bed, you can put a small box packed with chips or straw.

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6 useful insects for your garden (do not hurry to drive them!) 2434_19

6 useful insects for your garden (do not hurry to drive them!) 2434_20

6 useful insects for your garden (do not hurry to drive them!) 2434_21

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5 Grudelitsa

This is a large black beetle that reaches up to 4 cm long. The bugger feeds on harmful caterpillars, fleas and gallians, both in adult condition and in the form of larvae.

They go to the hunt at night. As well as most of the useful insects, the buggers love spicy herbs and the availability of access to water.

By the way, the bugger is included in the "Red Book". Therefore, do not harm it and teach it children.

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6 useful insects for your garden (do not hurry to drive them!) 2434_24

6 useful insects for your garden (do not hurry to drive them!) 2434_25

6 useful insects for your garden (do not hurry to drive them!) 2434_26

6 Zlatagida

The zlatprace is a green insect with transparent wings similar to a moth. Hunting to the TRU, actively mature. Each larva destroys about 500 tools, so these insects should be brought to your garden for biological resistant to pest. Chemical processing after the zlatlazos no longer need.

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6 useful insects for your garden (do not hurry to drive them!) 2434_28

6 useful insects for your garden (do not hurry to drive them!) 2434_29

6 useful insects for your garden (do not hurry to drive them!) 2434_30

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