How to arrange a small bathroom for a large family: 5 ideas that will accurately help


Take into account the interests of the younger family members, put shower instead of a bath or combine the bathrooms - tell you what you can do to use the small bathroom was comfortable for any family member.

How to arrange a small bathroom for a large family: 5 ideas that will accurately help 2471_1

How to arrange a small bathroom for a large family: 5 ideas that will accurately help

1 put the shower instead of the bath

If you have a big family and every morning near the door in the bathroom is going to turn a queue, there is an option to solve the problem: upgrade the room and make it more functional. You can even improve small rooms as follows: From the room it is worth removing a wide bath and replace it with a shower. If you wish, near or under the sink, you can place a washing machine or put a little one for two sinks.

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How to arrange a small bathroom for a large family: 5 ideas that will accurately help 2471_4
How to arrange a small bathroom for a large family: 5 ideas that will accurately help 2471_5
How to arrange a small bathroom for a large family: 5 ideas that will accurately help 2471_6

How to arrange a small bathroom for a large family: 5 ideas that will accurately help 2471_7

How to arrange a small bathroom for a large family: 5 ideas that will accurately help 2471_8

How to arrange a small bathroom for a large family: 5 ideas that will accurately help 2471_9

How to arrange a small bathroom for a large family: 5 ideas that will accurately help 2471_10

It is important to consider that the replacement of a shower bath is considered to be reorganized and requires coordination and reflection in the technical passport of the apartment.

  • Little Bathroom Design without toilet (52 photos)

2 Combine the bathrooms

Another option is to combine small rooms in the bathroom and toilet to one bathroom, if you lack places for storage and free space. Usually this situation occurs in old houses, where in the design of the bathrooms left the minimum number of areas.

When combining a large bathroom, an additional wardrobe will be placed, washing and drying machines, if you place them above the other.

Combining two wet areas also requires a project and harmonization in housing instances.

How to arrange a small bathroom for a large family: 5 ideas that will accurately help 2471_12
How to arrange a small bathroom for a large family: 5 ideas that will accurately help 2471_13
How to arrange a small bathroom for a large family: 5 ideas that will accurately help 2471_14
How to arrange a small bathroom for a large family: 5 ideas that will accurately help 2471_15
How to arrange a small bathroom for a large family: 5 ideas that will accurately help 2471_16

How to arrange a small bathroom for a large family: 5 ideas that will accurately help 2471_17

How to arrange a small bathroom for a large family: 5 ideas that will accurately help 2471_18

How to arrange a small bathroom for a large family: 5 ideas that will accurately help 2471_19

How to arrange a small bathroom for a large family: 5 ideas that will accurately help 2471_20

How to arrange a small bathroom for a large family: 5 ideas that will accurately help 2471_21

  • What to do if the bathroom area is only 2 square meters. M: 6 design tips

3 Focus on younger family members

When designing the bathroom, you need to understand what growth has the youngest family member. It is important to calculate the height of the sink so that it can use it independently. Of course, you do not need to do a completely tiny plumber, unless you do a separate children's bathroom. It is enough to think about the system that will help the child to get to the water. For example, it can be an attachment stool with steps and non-slip ribbons on them, special handrails for which you can stay.

Another option that allows you to hide the step and not break the interior of the bathroom, to embed it in the lowest box of the couch, which is under the sink. Be careful: the method is suitable only for cabinets, the boxes of which begin immediately from the floor, and also attached to the wall, otherwise the step can break, it should also be carefully fixed. See how it looks: the solution is presented in the photo in the gallery.

How to arrange a small bathroom for a large family: 5 ideas that will accurately help 2471_23
How to arrange a small bathroom for a large family: 5 ideas that will accurately help 2471_24

How to arrange a small bathroom for a large family: 5 ideas that will accurately help 2471_25

How to arrange a small bathroom for a large family: 5 ideas that will accurately help 2471_26

  • 8 country bathrooms that look stylish and thoughtful

4 Think about every family member

The little thing that is sometimes forgotten when designing the bathrooms is to consider storage of accessories belonging to different family members. It should be understood that everyone should have their own set consisting of towels, toothbrushes, washcloths and sometimes even leaving. Agree with relatives, where the personal belongings of everyone will be stored, as well as mark the accessories with the help of special nozzles, just permanent marker or determine who will belong to what color and buy things of the right colors.

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How to arrange a small bathroom for a large family: 5 ideas that will accurately help 2471_29

How to arrange a small bathroom for a large family: 5 ideas that will accurately help 2471_30

How to arrange a small bathroom for a large family: 5 ideas that will accurately help 2471_31

5 take free space storage systems

Solve the problem of storage in a small bathroom, if it enjoys a large number of people, various systems can be helped with free spaces. For example, if there is an empty wall, hang onto the strapping and pick up the filling for it. Another option is to take the space above the toilet and place the shelf, hooks or baskets above it.

In case there are no places at all, pay attention to the door: you can hang a rather roomy storage system. By the way, on the opposite side of the door, if the conditions allow, you can also place the strapping.

The video showed successful storage options in the bathroom for those who have little space.

  • 7 Lifehas from designers IKEA storage in a small bathroom

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