How to choose a place under the greenhouse: the rules that each dacket should know


The quality of the soil, the side of the world and the characteristics of the climate - these and other parameters are important to consider if you want to get a generous harvest from your greenhouse.

How to choose a place under the greenhouse: the rules that each dacket should know 2474_1

How to choose a place under the greenhouse: the rules that each dacket should know

We need to choose a place under the greenhouse so that the future building fit into the landscape. In addition to the sides of the light and direction of the wind, the quality of the soil, the lighting of the site and directly design, it is important to consider how you will approach it and provide for the place for the materials that you need in the process of growing vegetables. Let us give advice on this.

Choose a plot for building greenhouses

Stages of work

What to consider

- Landscape

- Side of Light

- Wind

- Lighting

Arrangement in the form of an extension

Roof location

Stages of work

  1. Choosing a place. Better closer to home. This is especially true for heated buildings. A convenient location will allow you to connect the heating directly and save. Avoid lowland, they are too humid, the soil is often subjected to freezing, which is unacceptable for the thermo-loving inhabitants of the construction. Check the location of groundwater. Optimally - one and a half meters from the surface, otherwise the structure may not resist. The place to build should be noted by sticking sticks in the ground around the perimeter. Watch for a specific site in different weather.

  2. Preparation of the site. The soil must be aligned, dried and around the perimeter to dug small pits for the flow of excess water.

  3. Stage of construction. After installing the frame, it, regardless of the material, is covered with special compositions from rust and fungus.

How to choose a place under the greenhouse: the rules that each dacket should know 2474_3
How to choose a place under the greenhouse: the rules that each dacket should know 2474_4

How to choose a place under the greenhouse: the rules that each dacket should know 2474_5

How to choose a place under the greenhouse: the rules that each dacket should know 2474_6

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What to take into account when choosing a place

Before stating construction, consider a plot from the point of view of several criteria, important for good growth of garden crops.

1. Type of soil and landscape

  • If you have a soft looser in the country, the construction can settle over some time. Select the pads with a more dense soil, and if there is too wet, plan the drainage.
  • On the clay soil, the construction is also not recommended, because this type of soil can delay moisture.
  • If the site is under the slope or terrain hilly and uneven, it is worth putting a foundation for the future structure.

How to choose a place under the greenhouse: the rules that each dacket should know 2474_8

2. Side of Light

It is also important to consider how to put the greenhouse regarding the parties of the world. It is necessary to provide plants good lighting and collect more harvest with beds.

  • Choose a plot illuminated during the day. Usually it is Western or East.
  • The building with a single-table roof according to the rules should be located from the west to the east, so that the roofs are facing south, there is more than the sun.
  • The duct roof is placed in the direction of the south to the north, so that the skates look east and the west.

How to choose a place under the greenhouse: the rules that each dacket should know 2474_9
How to choose a place under the greenhouse: the rules that each dacket should know 2474_10

How to choose a place under the greenhouse: the rules that each dacket should know 2474_11

How to choose a place under the greenhouse: the rules that each dacket should know 2474_12

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3. Wind direction

An important nuance is the wind. It is necessary to take into account its strength and direction. Even if you choose the most sunny glade at the cottage and put a greenhouse there, a strong wind will constantly reduce the temperature inside the construction and the rich yield can be forgotten. In the territory with strong winds, it is important to protect the structure at least partially, preferably from the north.

To protect the living fence with the South and West side, and from two other sides of the light, put a deaf fence, the screen. More efficiently the last method, the screen protects against wind, reflects the sun's rays, while maintaining heat inside the construction. Take into account the distance between the fence and the greenhouse so that the shadow does not fall on the plants. If you already have a fence on the site, watch the distance falls from it and start building from the place where the sun has.

How to choose a place under the greenhouse: the rules that each dacket should know 2474_14

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4. Lighting

The crop depends not only on the climate and optimal soil, but also on the amount of light produced by plants. Especially relevant this issue is worth it for those designs that are used in winter when the sun is completely small. For such greenhouses, the ideal orientation is on the south side, then you can additionally save on heating and lighting the beds.

You can put a tent construction, without walls. Their role will perform a big roof. Then the inside will fall more than the sun, and the plants will grow better. If you want to build several greenhouses, calculate the distance so that the buildings do not shadow each other.

How to choose a place under the greenhouse: the rules that each dacket should know 2474_16
How to choose a place under the greenhouse: the rules that each dacket should know 2474_17

How to choose a place under the greenhouse: the rules that each dacket should know 2474_18

How to choose a place under the greenhouse: the rules that each dacket should know 2474_19

It is also important to consider that the plants ripen according to a certain principle, this property is called photoperiodicity. To move from one state to another, for example, from flowering to the formation of fruits, cultures need a certain duration of the light day. Varieties are divided into plants of a long daylight and short. The first for full growth and flowering you need at least 12 hours of light, the second is less than 12 hours.

There are also neutral varieties to light, but most greenhouse crops are related to the plants of a short luminous day. And even they stop in development, if the day day is less than 10 hours. If you notice that the plants began to stretch, stopped blossoming or pale, it is worth thinking about additional lighting. It can be organized with special lamps for seedlings, they differ in color, cost and energy intensity.

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Where to put a greenhouse in the form of an extension

This design has several nuances that are important to foresee at the planning stage.

The main thing is what it is worth thinking about before planning a greenhouse in the form of an extension to the house, it's about plants nearby. Such a building may discard the shadow and prevent the development of cultures in the neighborhood. Start equipping a garden, retreating a couple of meters from the future of the greenhouse.

Another important point is the party where the cottage is facing. If in the direction of the greenhouse, then in winter, the coming snow can fill up the construction. This is especially important if you attach a greenhouse right to the wall of the house. In this case, pride such a construction that will endure the burden of snow. It is not covered with a polycarbonate, but the maximum thick glass, the first option simply will not withstand such a load. Do the roof of the extension with a strong row or round. But it is better to retreat a little from the main building, about three meters.

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How to choose a place under the greenhouse: the rules that each dacket should know 2474_22

How to choose a place under the greenhouse: the rules that each dacket should know 2474_23

How to choose a place under the greenhouse: the rules that each dacket should know 2474_24

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Features of the roof of the greenhouse

When the site does not allow you to put a full-fledged greenhouse, you can come up with unusual ways, for example, to use the roof space. Of course, we are talking about a gentle roof. It is pretty exotic, but nevertheless an acceptable option. It saves a place in the garden, provides good thermal insulation in the cold time, protects the roof from overheating. But it carries extra loads on the entire design. It is best to lay this kind of superstructure at the planning stage of the main building.

It is important that the overlaps of the building are reinforced concrete, otherwise the design may not withstand the load. Be sure to take into account the weight not only the design itself, but also the soil, which will be piled for the beds. In addition, it is important to plan good waterproofing, because the cultivation of vegetables is associated with frequent irrigation. If all work is done correctly, your roof will look spectacular, and you will get an additional harvest without spending a square area square.

How to choose a place under the greenhouse: the rules that each dacket should know 2474_26
How to choose a place under the greenhouse: the rules that each dacket should know 2474_27

How to choose a place under the greenhouse: the rules that each dacket should know 2474_28

How to choose a place under the greenhouse: the rules that each dacket should know 2474_29

So, we disassemble the highlights how to prepare a place under the greenhouse. If you do everything right, you will be convenient to carry out garden events, a good harvest will grow on the beds, and the design will have a long time.

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