6 parts that kill classic interior style


Inappropriate gilding, furniture in the palace style, excess in the decor - list errors that will make your desire for the classics and give visual examples in the photo.

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6 parts that kill classic interior style

1 Inappropriate gilding

Historically, the classic style of the interior developed from houses and the palaces of aristocracy, gradually becoming more accessible and minimalistic. But the golden elements still add to him atmosphericness and elegance if they correctly pick up. It may be a stylish decor, small elements of furniture, splashes in decoration or textile. If you choose the correct shade and the amount, the gold is well complemented by the classic.

But with gilding it is easy to make a mistake and overload the interior, to make it inappropriate and screaming. For example, the gilding is accurately inappropriate on the kitchen headset or fittings, in particular, furniture handles. It is also worth avoided by clichés, such as heavy golden brushes on curtains for curtains, gold-plated massive chandeliers.

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2 Palace carved furniture

Carved wooden furniture is inherent in a more complex and heavy traditional classic style. It implies spacious rooms, high ceilings and strict adherence to parts.

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In a regular apartment, it is better to stick to the modern, lightweight version of the classics. Furniture can be wooden, elegant, but a complex and noticeable thread is better to avoid. Try instead of choosing an unusual upholstery for chairs, chairs and sofas, hang a picture in the room or put a noticeable vase. Such a decor is easier to change, if he is tired, and his presence does not overload the interior as it will do inappropriate large furniture.

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3 poorly selected materials

Each style of the interior is inherent materials that should be used when creating it. For the classical direction, naturalness is characterized, for example, a tree or stone. If there is no opportunity to buy for repair only expensive natural materials, select analogues, but neatly. For example, laminate with a neat pattern under a tree and a rough surface is quite suitable for flooring. But the linoleum will not look.

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Also be careful with plastic, mirror and glossy surfaces. They should not overload the space and drag all the attention to themselves.

4 Elements from other styles

Styles can be mixed. For example, the classic is well intertwined with minimalism or ecostel. Designers are able to beautifully twist in the classic interior of pop art paintings or ethnic elements.

But if you strive to make the style of the interior recognizable and do not want to shift accent from it, be careful with such experiments. Especially wear up budget and recognizable elements, for example, Scandinavian: knitted textiles with northern patterns, white fluffy carpets and candles in candlesticks in the form of a house.

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5 missed details

The overall impression of the apartment is set by small details, for example, plinth. Narrow template plinth, white plastic switch on a colored wall, protruding wires interfere with creating a harmonious and elegant classic interior.

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By creating a classic, pay attention to such little things and try to execute them elegant.

6 Too big decor concentration

An annoying slip, which will make life in the apartment is impossible - too large number of classic details. Stucco, patterns on wallpaper, gilding, carving, candelabra, crystal - and all this in one small room.

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Try to create a neutral base for modern classics and dilute it with a pair of bright accents.

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