16 plants that can still be put in August in the country


We tell what vegetables, flowers, greens, bushes and trees are planting in the last month of summer.

16 plants that can still be put in August in the country 2488_1

16 plants that can still be put in August in the country

On the last summer month gradually cold. Nights are lengthened and become cooler. Such conditions are good for growing a number of cultures. Moreover, the beds from under the early grades have already been released. You can sow new ones. We'll figure it out that you can put in August in the garden and how to do it right.

All about the August landings

Greens and vegetables


Fruit and berry

Green and vegetable crops

For the August landing, all varieties with a short vegetation period are good. They are not so little, so there is from what to choose. We offer a list of suitable crops.

1. Salad.

For disembarking, choosing early varieties. They are ready to collect already 30-40 days after Sev. So that the greens is always on the table, you can search it with an interval of one and a half or two weeks. It is best to grow a lettuce salad in this time. There are coat, half-blooded and leafy varieties. Recommended varieties: "Firebird", "Grand", "Lollo Biona", "Robin", "Tale".

16 plants that can still be put in August in the country 2488_3

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2. Arugula

Spicy grass of cabbage family. Well tolerate coolness, withstands freezing to -7 ° C. Just in case, in the threat of cooling, the grass is covered with cropped plastic bottles. Arugula does not tolerate shading and prefers abundant watering. Experienced gardeners advise to sow it after legumes, pumpkins or potatoes. It is suitable for sowing varieties of Rococo, "Corsica", "Euphoria" and "Poker".

16 plants that can still be put in August in the country 2488_5

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3. Spinach

Herbal plant of the amaranth family. It does not like bright sunlight, so it is diagnosed during the summer. With a late crop do this is not necessary. Prefers cool weather, short luminous day and good watering. The average time from sowing to cleaning is 30 days. The best predecessors: potatoes, radishes, cucumbers, beets. Recommended varieties - "Virofle", "Stoik", "Blumesdelsky", "Mounting".

16 plants that can still be put in August in the country 2488_7

4. Cabbage

For sowing, the early ultra-splady varieties of white or Chinese cabbage are selected. The latter, it is also called Pak-Choi, do not confuse with Peking. These are different types. Belococcal is sown with a reckless way, better after Luke. The garden is abundantly moistened and covered with Loutrasil, spunbond and those with observed materials. In such conditions, shoots will quickly appear. The first crop is removed in a month. Suitable varieties: "Hermes", "June", "Bingo" and "Rinda" hybrids, "Cossack".

Chinese cabbage is best grows in the coolness and relative shadow. Unlike white or Beijing, the plant forms a socket from powerful leaves on a short leg. But its education is possible only in the conditions of a short light day, otherwise the cabbage is short. The age of aging 45-60 days. For the August Seva choose "Accessories", "Pagoda", "Vessenka", "Chayney Kranch".

16 plants that can still be put in August in the country 2488_8

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5. Radish

You can sow not only at the beginning, but in the middle of the month. The harvest is removed in two or three weeks, the fruits have a sweet, less sharp than grown in the spring, taste. Requires a shallow seed seal and moderate watering. It is desirable to climb the bed with a humor or peat. Radish prefers neutral loose soils. Optimally, if there were peas or garlic precursors were peas. An elongated variety of "White Nights", "French breakfast", "Soselka" recommended to Late Sowing.

16 plants that can still be put in August in the country 2488_10

6. Redon

Another option that is planted in August. Possible landing of any variety: dike, black Russian, Chinese green, Japanese. Close seeds follows sufficient distance. Radish can grow large, 20-25 cm in diameter and up to 40 cm long. Culture prefers slightly fertile soil. Well, if the cucumbers grow in this place. Need sunlight and regular watering. At the end of the summer, Sudarushka sow, a long summer white, "Ladushka", "Delicates".

16 plants that can still be put in August in the country 2488_11

7. Table beet

It will not be possible to get large root roots in 30-40 days. But you can collect a crop of a young sweet beet. True, if the year is released cold, it will be just nothing to clean. Beet does not like cold. Desired predecessors - zucchini, onions, tomatoes. For sowing, such varieties are chosen: "Mulatto", "Cold-resistant-19", "Slavyanka", "Modana", "incomparable." Similarly grown turnips. It grows small but tasty.

16 plants that can still be put in August in the country 2488_12

For August, sometimes in early September, sow spicy herbs for greens: dill, basil, coriander or parsley. For growth, they are enough 20-25 days. To get a good harvest, the seeds in front of the sowing are sown. That is, with a strengthen the clutch in the palms, so that microcracks formed on their surface. Then they soak one day in the growth stimulator, milk or simply warm water. The seeds treated in this way actively ride and develop better.

Before sealing seeds of any cultures, the Earth must be prepared. Seeds often can not break through the dense earthy crust, so they do not attend. So that it does not happen, the soil is watered several times, after absorbing moisture loose. Seeds It is advisable to soak in any stimulator: "epin", "heteroaceksin", "zircon". Regular after-receiving watering is obligatory, especially when summer arid.

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What flowers can be planted in August

At the end of the summer season, a flower bed must be given. This annuals do not require attention, but perennial flowers and bulbous are ready for division and transplantation. We list which perennials to plant in August.

1. Astilba

Shadowy bush with abundant long blossoms. Can grow in conditions of high humidity of the soil. Multiplied with seeds and decene. You can divide it either before flowering or after. Optimum deadlines: the end of July-October. Focus on weather conditions, young bush should not fall under frost. Tall varieties are planted at a distance of 0.5 m one from the other, the lowered - 0.3 m. The landing pits are laid by reworked manure or compost.

16 plants that can still be put in August in the country 2488_14

2. Hyacinth

Beautiful blooming bulby perennial. Sit into the ground closer to the beginning of autumn. If you do it too early, the flower goes into the growth and will die from the winter cold. Planting work can be carried out until the end of October. It all depends on climate. The bulbs are fertile to the fertile loose land. The perfect option for them is a deciduous humor or nervous soil. Hyacinth needs sunlight, he does not tolerate the overjoyment. Bulbs are plugged by 12-15 cm, leave a distance between them 12-14 cm.

16 plants that can still be put in August in the country 2488_15

3. Iris.

Blooming perennial family of columns. Determined by the division of rhizomes or seeds. Dellets take after flowering, that is, from the end of July to early September. It is planted in the holes in a depth of 15-18 cm. The distance between them is 20-25 cm. Iris needs a weakly alkaline or neutral loose fertile soil. Bright lighting is preferably in the first half of the day. Then he will be abundantly blossoming since May and until the end of the summer. When landing, it is necessary to consider that the perennial is actively spreads, per season can be moved to several centimeters. Therefore, in a row, they are planted with a fan, and not by rows. So rows visually look even.

16 plants that can still be put in August in the country 2488_16

4. Peonies

From mid-August, peonies share and transplant. Start from cutting stems, leave no more than a third of their length. Then carefully dig the root part, separated it into two or three decene. They are planted into the prepared in advance of the wells, each depth of 60 cm. On the bottom you need to make a layer of drainage 20-25 cm layer. The bush does not tolerate the convergence, the roots are lowered deeply, so the drainage layer is necessary for normal growth. The place for peony is chosen solar, without drafts. Earth should be fertile, loose with a neutral reaction.

16 plants that can still be put in August in the country 2488_17

5. Lilies

Lilyiks are planted for a month and a half to the first frosts. During this time, the transplanted bulb has time to prepare for wintering. Therefore, the exact timing of the disembarkation is determined by the weather taking into account the local climate. Most lilies grow well on a light black soil of neutral acidity. There are varietal varieties that require other soils, this is clarified when buying. The flower site should be sunny, closed from drafts. A good drainage is obligatory, stagnation of water will lead to the death of bulk.

16 plants that can still be put in August in the country 2488_18

These are not all decorative cultures that can be planted in August. Gardeners sow twilights, such as garden bell, Turkish carnation, viola or daisy. In the spring, they flourish flourish. At the end of the summer season, the majority of perennials are planted and transplant. They have time to prepare for winter, it is well tolerated and for the next year they are happy with abundant blossoms.

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Fruit and berry

The August landing is suitable for most fruit crops, provided that seedlings with a closed root system are selected. Experienced gardeners advise to prepare landing pits in three or four weeks before disembarking. Then the fertilizers laid in them will have time to move into an easily digestible form, it is better attached. We list which cultures will be well transferred to the landing at the end of summer.

1. Grapes

The vine is transplanted at different times, but most of the vineyards prefer to land it on the last summer month. It is important to choose a varietal variety. It must be zoned, otherwise it will not be fruit and will die quickly. For grapes choose a sunny platform, better on a small hill. In the northern regions it is advisable to plant trees along the edges of the grape plot to protect the vine from strong winds. It is unacceptable to overvoltage, be sure to drain the soil. It is important sufficient soil fertility and a neutral reaction to acidity.

16 plants that can still be put in August in the country 2488_20

2. Strawberry

Garden strawberries are perfectly leaving in areas with good illumination, where there are no drafts and convergence. It requires a rich organic soil, well, if the beans, parsley, beet or onions grow in this place in this place. Schemes, how to plant strawberries in August, several. But more often choose one- or two-fold. In the first between the rows, 0.6-0.7 m is left between plants 0.3-0.4 m. In the second aisle, 0.5 m is left, the distance between the strings-ribbons is made of 0.6-0.7 m, from The bush to the bush is left 0.3 m. The seedlings with seedlings are mulched by straw, compost or overwhelmed sawdust.

16 plants that can still be put in August in the country 2488_21

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3. pluma

Choose only seedlings with closed roots. It is necessary to plant a plum with the climatic features to have time to prepare for wintering in a new place. For disembarkation, not a shaded plot with a fertile loose soil is chosen. Heavy loams, sandstones and saline soils will not fit. Groundwater should be closed below 1.5 m, otherwise the tree will move. Regular irrigation is required, it is desirable to proper crown formation by trimming.

16 plants that can still be put in August in the country 2488_23

4. Smorodin

By the end of the summer season, many green shoots appear near Kustiks. From them cut the cuttings, which are seated on the site. Before planted, cuttings are soaked 12-40 hours in the solution of "epin" or "heteroacexin". Currant prefers open areas with loose fertile land. The cuttings are plugged at a 200-250 mm at an angle of 45 °. The distance between them should be at least 2 m. It depends on the varietal features. Two active kidneys are left above the surface. In the period of suggestion of the plant, it needs to be enough enough, but the overvailing is not desirable.

16 plants that can still be put in August in the country 2488_24

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Some gardeners are in no hurry to get a second harvest from the liberated beds. They prefer to take care of the restoration of the fertility of the Earth. Siderates sowed for this. It can be any cereal, rape, mustard or legumes. After the shoots appear and will give a piglet with a height of 15-20 cm, they are cut. Roots are left in the soil. Decomposing, they give a large amount of nutrients. Most benefits are brought legumes.

The stalks close up in the ground at Popile. They are evenly decomposed on the surface and bargaining the beds together with greens. Source gets a large stock of micro and macroelements in easily digestible plants form, which favorably affects the growth and fruiting of vegetables and berries planted in the spring at this place.

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