4 errors combinations of different interior styles in the same room, which make everything


To work out only the details or make the design is uncomfortable - we understand what kind of misses are easy to do, trying to combine different interior styles, and how to avoid them.

4 errors combinations of different interior styles in the same room, which make everything 2595_1

4 errors combinations of different interior styles in the same room, which make everything

Once reading an article? Listed errors in combination of different styles in the video!

1 mixing three or more styles

Very often, people like bright accents and details from different interior styles. For example, an abundance of live plants may be closed in an ecosyl, in Bocho - unusual, made by hand textile decorations, and in Scandinavian - candles and plaid. In the interior add all the items you like, getting a mixture from different styles, in which it is very difficult to allocate the basis.

As a result, the interior looks slim and overloaded, the abundance of accents creates visual noise and cause fatigue.

What to do

Try to stay at two styles. One of them will become the basis of your interior, take up for it at least 70% of the entire space. After you have worked it, carefully and styardly enter the second style. Make breaks to give yourself to get used to and in time to catch the moment when "Meszanina" begins.

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4 errors combinations of different interior styles in the same room, which make everything 2595_4

4 errors combinations of different interior styles in the same room, which make everything 2595_5

4 errors combinations of different interior styles in the same room, which make everything 2595_6

  • How to combine different styles in the interior: 7 very useful tips and examples

2 work only with accents and decor

In any style, in the first place, accents and decor are thrown into the eyes. But they are cherry on the cake, you can not build the style of the house only on these details.

It often turns out that the foundation of the interior is not thought out, different rooms are not combined with each other. The space comes out with template and boring, and even bright interesting accents will not be saved. In addition, if a suitable base is not created, accents will look nigantly and artificially.

What to do

Examine how the foundation under the interior styles that you decide to combine are being created. The base includes finishing materials, colors, a choice of large furniture, storage systems and textiles. Select common features for the basics of the styles you like and create a well-thought-out picture, in which you will already enter the decor: paintings, vases, blankets, candles, posters.

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4 errors combinations of different interior styles in the same room, which make everything 2595_9
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4 errors combinations of different interior styles in the same room, which make everything 2595_11

4 errors combinations of different interior styles in the same room, which make everything 2595_12

4 errors combinations of different interior styles in the same room, which make everything 2595_13

  • 6 failed combinations of finishing materials in the interior (and how to fix it)

3 mutually exclusive directions

There are completely opposite styles, such as minimalism and boho. It usually does not occur, because it is obvious that they are almost impossible to enter into one space.

The catch lies in the moment when two styles are theoretically can be combined, but not entirely. For example, minimalism is interesting combined with a note of classical style. You take as a basis the basic principles of minimalism: hidden storage, flat lines, no extra details, minimum decor. It perfectly imposes a muffled and elegant classic color palette, finishing materials like wood and natural stone. You can even risk and, if you can allow space, add, for example, in the living room with high ceilings with elegant stucco under the ceiling, which is not characteristic of minimalism.

But such steps are risky precisely because they are easy to make a mistake. For example, create an apartment in the style of minimalism, but to buy a classic headset with curls to the kitchen. In the case of a typical small kitchen, these curls will muffle all the desire for minimalism.

What to do

Learn the styles in detail that you want to combine and eliminate the elements opposing each other. Also consider the room with which you work. The larger area and above the ceilings, the more space for experiments. In small rooms you need to be careful.

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4 errors combinations of different interior styles in the same room, which make everything 2595_16

4 errors combinations of different interior styles in the same room, which make everything 2595_17

4 errors combinations of different interior styles in the same room, which make everything 2595_18

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4 loss of comfort for the sake of style

Famous world designers create incredibly complex and catchy interiors for celebrities, mixing various styles, show new trends at exhibitions, and it is very inspiring. Therefore, many, thinking on their own interior of a small apartment, too focus on fashion and brands and forget about their own comfort.

As a result, the interior can really get successful in terms of the visual component, but uncomfortable for everyday life.

What to do

Always keep in mind the features of your life. Do not buy a dear snow-white leather sofa, if there are many young children in the apartment. Or to sharpen in a small bedroom a luxurious carpet with a long pile, which will significantly complicate cleaning.

This is especially important if you mix the styles. The visual component should not force you to sacrifice comfort. Sometimes it is better to give up a bright idea, so as not to redo the repair in a few months.

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4 errors combinations of different interior styles in the same room, which make everything 2595_21

4 errors combinations of different interior styles in the same room, which make everything 2595_22

4 errors combinations of different interior styles in the same room, which make everything 2595_23

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