5 daily actions that destroy repair in your apartment, and you do not notice


Keep the curtains open, do not squeeze the mop while washing the floor, constantly keep the moisturizer is turned on - check whether these actions are relevant for you.

5 daily actions that destroy repair in your apartment, and you do not notice 2628_1

5 daily actions that destroy repair in your apartment, and you do not notice

1 constantly open curtains

Open curtains are imparted into the room natural light. It's good. The room becomes brighter, the mood of people living in the apartment rises. More natural light for small rooms means even a visual increase in space. But there is a minus. If your windows come out on the sunny side, and besides you live in the region, where the sun has a lot, it can negatively affect the decoration. Wood floor and wallpapers can burn, and unevenly. If it is important for you, try to close the curtains at that time when the sun becomes scorching. In the summer it is especially important.

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2 Keep the humidifier constantly included

Maintain good humidity in the house is necessary. This creates a high-quality microclimate. Excessive dryness is harmful and for finishing too.

But it is important to know if you really have dry air. In addition to subjective signs, for example, dry mucous mehers in those who live in the apartment have ways to measure the humidity indicator.

The first method is using a special hygrometer device. They are sold mechanical or electronic. Normal humidity indicators - within 40-60%.

The second method is less accurate. For him, a glass of cold water takes and put in a refrigerator for 2-3 hours. And when it gets - observed how fast dried condensate on the walls. If it is very fast - the humidifier is really worth using. And if the condensate remained for a while - the humidity is normal.

5 daily actions that destroy repair in your apartment, and you do not notice 2628_4

What is dangerous increased humidity?

First of all, the appearance of mold. This is especially true in wet premises (bathroom). But mold can start both under the wallpaper, and on plastic windows, slopes. Control the humidity to keep repairs in the house for a long time and your health, including.

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3 Wash floors with plenty of water

Wooden floor, as well as laminate, is better not to wash with plenty of water. There are moisture-proof types of laminate, they differ in the speed of absorbing moisture and the presence of special impregnations, but they should not leave the puddle. On a wooden floor, which was saturated with butter or covered with varnish, too. Of course, from one to two times there is nothing terrible, most likely will not happen, but regular washing is not squeezed with a floor cloth can damage the coating.

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4 Use hard chemicals for cleaning

Too tough household chemicals can literally interconnect the finish. Of course, not all and not immediately, but it happens. For example, colored walls can not be washed with hard chemistry, the paint you risks simply erase. Just, as you should not use inappropriate chemistry when washing the mixers, otherwise you can damage the coating. Choose gentle agents. And it does not always mean that homemade recipes for cleaning will be less caustic. The same vinegar, for example, cannot be applied in some cases.

5 daily actions that destroy repair in your apartment, and you do not notice 2628_7

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5 ignore any breakdowns

Dripping crane, flickering light, socket, which suddenly stopped working - this is not a reason to dismiss, thinking "I will do tomorrow." Anyone, even the smallest breakdowns, if they do not work, sooner or later develop into large, and they are already fraught with global repair. For example, the flickering light may mean such that the light bulb and more serious damage in the wiring or electrical panel. Remove everything immediately and figure out the reasons to not subjected to an apartment and the danger in it.

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