3 Designer ideas for finishing at home and cottages outside


We tell about the facade panels, facing bricks with locks and modular quartzite - materials for finishing the facade of the house that you can put it yourself.

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3 Designer ideas for finishing at home and cottages outside

The choice of options for finishing the facade of a country house today came out far behind the usual framework of the lining or plaster dilemma. There are affordable and decent materials on the Russian market, which have already gained popularity around the world. Experts School of Repair "Lerua Merlen" tell than to see the country house - three options for finishing the facade, which can be performed with their own hands, having received an effect, rightfully claiming the title "Designer".

Beautiful materials for cottage cottage

1. Facade panels

2. Facing brick with locks

3. Modular quartzite

1 Facade panels

The finishing of the house with the front panels is considered the simplest and budget, but at the same time the beautiful matteries looks effectively in the photo, and in life.


The main plus material is a large selection of colors and textures. Easy to finish the house with facade panels under the brick, stone and the other. In addition, you can combine several types of panels, such as light and dark horizontal belts and vertical "columns".

The panels are made of polypropylene, which has high resistance to precipitation, temperature drops, solar light and other climatic phenomena. The production method is used in production. Thus, the panels make universal hidden fasteners. This makes it easy to install, even a beginner can cope with it.

Another advantage of the material is a small weight. This reduces the requirements for the strength of the walls and the foundation.


Mounted panels on a previously developed scheme. When mounting on the plastered wall, the mounting pair of the screw dowel is used. Galvanized self-tapping screws will be needed for the wooden wall.

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2 Color facing brick with locks

Modern facing brick with locks mount as simple as panels. It's all about characteristics.


Brick with Schip-Paz locks produce a modern method of hyperpress. This means that each element is cast in shape with the addition of lime, cement and other ingredients that improve the properties of the material. Due to special additives, the material acquires a high frost-resistant: manufacturers indicate at least 150-200 cycles of freezing and thawing.

Also in the conditions of production in the material add painting pigments. Therefore, the gamma colors is wide. Colors can be combined and experimenting with an ornament. Thanks to the production method All elements in the batch have almost the same dimensions - the maximum tolerance is a total plus minus 7 mm.

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Tips for mounting

The same proportions and locks make a hyper pressed brick with the most convenient material for self-facing. Thanks to the castles, the task of equalizing the ranks and constant control of the clearance thickness is not a problem. In fact, only the first two rows are needed to monitor the level. After laying out the base, the groove compound takes the task of itself.

Most often, the house is folded with facing bricks in one row. Elements are placed in the longitudinal direction, along the walls - this method is called "Customer". For masonry, special glue is used, not cement mortar. The masonry is located a short distance from the walls of the house to provide ventilation gap. For this, under the masonry arrange an additional belt foundation.

Even on a separate foundation, a narrow external wall would not be sufficiently sustainable without additional support. To eliminate this constructive feature, the masonry is associated with the walls of the house with a flexible fastener. One of the popular fasteners - masonry mesh.

The grid is placed every 5 rows of bricks so that the edges can be seen from the outside, and then coated with glue. This method allows you to solve two tasks at once. The grid binds the outer wall with the main wall and reinforces the masonry, reducing the pressure of the rows to each other.

  • All about brickwork: types, schemes and technique

3 Modular quartzite

To finish cottage, you can choose any decorative stone, in particular, and modular quartzite.


Quartzite is a dense and durable breed of natural stone. In nature, there is a stone of white, gray or reddish flowers. Quartzite is difficult to handle at home and has very large abrasion resistance, so its resource is practically unlimited as a facing.

Modular white quartzite - natural stone, processed for convenience of laying. The modules are typed from the thickness of the fragments of the rock, and then pour the edges to obtain the rectangles of the same size.

Due to the homogeneous structure, the 60x20 cm modules and a thickness of 20 mm are practically no different from each other. This allows you to cover large surfaces without fear that the plots will differ. But it is worth keeping track of the number of the party and choose a stone from one batch to finish the whole wall, as the color and texture in different supplies can still be different. The camera has a relief fine-grained surface sparkling under bright sunlight. Modules from quartzite can be issued the entire wall, but the natural stone looks particularly effectively, if you lay out a panel or belt from it against the background of decorative plaster or other finishes.

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When lining the cottage outside the modular quartzite, it is worth paying particular attention to the preparation of the base. It should have very good adhesion, as quartzite modules have a lot of weight. Quartzite is mounted on top of the homogeneous layer of cement plaster, thoroughly projected surface.

When creating a panel or belts, designers are not recommended to do between the slabs of the stone too large gaps: the surface can lose homogeneity. Particular attention should be paid to the alignment of the rows so that the masonry does not look unprofessional.

  • Features of choosing and installing decorative facing stone

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