8 popular errors when working with garden fertilizers


Failure to follow storage conditions, inattention for shelf life and improper processing frequency - telling about popular errors that make fertilizers ineffective.

8 popular errors when working with garden fertilizers 2643_1

8 popular errors when working with garden fertilizers

Biological fertilizers are quite harmless, but even they can harm landings or, on the contrary, do not cope with their functions, if they are wrong to work with them. We have gathered the most popular mistakes that should be avoided if you decide to make feeding into the ground.

1 Incorrect storage

Mineral fertilizers are stored only in rooms with a small level of humidity and at a temperature not higher than 27 degrees. Otherwise, they can dance and become useless. In the case of biological products, storage conditions are particularly important, because microorganisms in the composition may also not transfer the temperature or too high humidity. To achieve maximum fertilizer efficiency, it is important to maintain a titer of microorganisms at a maximum high level.

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2 Use of overdue drugs

Any fertilizer has an expiration date, after which it is impossible to use it: it may be useless and even dangerous. As a rule, natural compositions have a little shelf life and skip the desired date is very easy. If the drug is overdue, in it, most likely, there will be no useful bacteria that the plant is needed. Mineral fertilizers are stored longer, but after the expiration date, it is also harmful.

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3 Incorrect combination with other fertilizers

A vivid example is the use of biological fertilizers together with antibiotics. These compositions neutralize each other, and the benefit from such a processing will be a bit. After applying antibiotics, you need to wait about a week and only then deposit biopreparations.

Another embodiment of the wrong combination is the use of ammonium sulfate and ash. These two fertilizers are very useful in one way, but if they are made simultaneously, they can lead to the death of plants.

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4 Processing in hot sunny weather

Useful bacteria, as a rule, do not tolerate direct sunlight and under the influence of the scorching sun are dying. Mineral fertilizers can simply not absorb themselves, because the activity of the root system in such weather decreases and the drug simply remains in the soil. If dry hot weather has been installed, choose an early morning or late evening for processing, when the sun is not so active.

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5 Lack of shaking

It would seem that such a little thing can lead to the fact that fertilizer will be incorrectly distributed in the soil and will not bring the expected benefit. Most often about the need to mix the drug manufacturer writes on the package, do not neglect this rule.

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6 too frequent or rare processing

Failure to comply with the norm leads to the ineffectiveness of fertilizer. Some formulations are needed only at a certain time when there was a problem or another. Other fertilizers, on the contrary, need to be made regularly. Before using the composition, learn the instructions and clearly follow the recommendations.

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7 Incorrect deadlines

In addition to storage time, there are also others - the deadlines for making drugs. Unfortunately, it is impossible to just add feeding at the beginning of the season and wait until the plant itself takes trace elements. For example, green fertilizer from legumes, urea or sodium salter introduce at the beginning of the season, in the spring, - at the end it will be inefficient, instead of a good crop you will grow in a magnificent tops, and the fruit will remain small. That is why it is important to accurately comply with the timing of processing by those or other compositions.

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8 too large fertilizer

It does not always mean better, this rule must be remembered when working with any kinds of fertilizers. A vivid example, as the simplest and harmless tool can become dangerous - bird litter. This is although natural, but very concentrated fertilizer, and too large quantity can simply burn the plants. It is usually bred by water and only after that is used as feeding. Similarly, the case is also with mineral fertilizers - almost all of them with excessive use are caused by burns in plants.

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