7 flammable plants in your garden (be extremely careful!)


Fires in vegetables for the middle band phenomenon are infrequent. Nevertheless, the scorching bad happens, so be extremely attentive if the plants from our list are growing near or on your homestead.

7 flammable plants in your garden (be extremely careful!) 2679_1

7 flammable plants in your garden (be extremely careful!)

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Acacia, juniper, thuja - these plants can be found almost every plot. Rosmary's bushes decorate the summer kitchen, and the idea of ​​natural gardening brought a pampas grass in the garden. All these plants, in addition to beauty and benefit, carry a potential danger - on the scorching the sun they can be self-splashing and arrange a real disaster in the garden. If you have already planted something from our list in your garden, just accept this information note, and if not yet, think about whether it is worth dealing with these plants. In the event that plants are pregnantly dwell somewhere nearby, it makes sense to think about their destruction.

1 acacia

Acacia blooms very beautifully and exudes an incredible aroma - nevertheless, it is not worth it to settle it in the garden. The fact is that this plant belongs to the category of fire hazardous, as it can quickly flamm down under the scorching sun. All wine leaves that contain resin and combustible substances.

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2 Juniper

Juniper in the garden does not deliver special hassle - it is easy to care for him, he perfectly tolerate drought and high temperatures. The conifer feels great in any type of soil, it is not necessary to cut it often. In general, some advantages, if it were not for a nuance in the form of flammable varieties. Some varieties of juniper contain resin, besides, the plant is inclined to accumulate dead leaves and with time becomes a lively ignition.

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3 Pampass grass

Very fashionable plant, which can often be seen in the interiors. However, in many regions, this grass is considered weed and grows in wild grounds. Easily spreading, the pampas grass can cause forest fires, as it is quickly flammable. Be careful, planting this plant at home. First, it can provoke a fire, and secondly, as already mentioned, quickly spreads over the site and can survive cultivated plants from their places. Therefore, it is necessary to carefully track the number of plants on the flowerbed and immediately remove those that have already been dried.

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4 pine

Pines infrequently decorate summer cottages and country houses, but if you are the owner of your own tree, be careful. Pine is considered one of the most fire-hazardous conifers, it quickly lights foliage, bark, and there are many dry old branches at the bottom, which contribute to the rapid spread of the flame. Again, the tree produces a lot of resin, which is very well lit.

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5 rosemary

The fragrant spice that began to appear on the plots more and more - rosemary - contains combustible oils, which can be self-splashing on a strong heat. By itself, Rosemary is remarkably tolerating drought. Moderate watering and periodic trimming of branches - everything you need so that the plant is healthy.

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6 thua

Beautiful geometric shape of a tree is an ideal find for the design of living hedges or decorating a fence. Due to the fact that the tree can easily give any shape, the thua is very popular among the gardeners, it can often be found in the plots. It is important to remember that the thua is a conifer, and the needles and resin are excellent fuel that can provoke a fire.

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7 oleander

Perhaps the root cause of fire He will not, but it is very dangerous to deal with this plant. Oleander is poisonous, and his union with fire can become deadly for you. In no case do not use the branches of this tree as firewood.

7 flammable plants in your garden (be extremely careful!) 2679_15

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