We fight pests in the garden: the most effective means from


We tell how to get rid of Tsley with the help of chemical, biological and folk agents.

We fight pests in the garden: the most effective means from 2685_1

We fight pests in the garden: the most effective means from

In the summer in the garden on plants you can see small pale green insects. Despite their indifferent look, they are quite dangerous and harm plants. Because of them there may be a crop of cereal and other crops. Therefore, if you notice insects on our garden, you need to urgently take action. This will help you to avoid fighting tool, about which we will tell in this article.

All about combating tool


Causes of appearance



Biological means

Folk ways



Why pests are dangerous

The wave causes harm most often with young shoots, as it is not capable of piercing hard leaves. It feeds them with juice, and also distinguishes the poison after which the leaflets die away, and the growth of shoots slows down or completely stops. When a colony becomes too big, it is capable of destroying a huge number of plants. Especially suffering the seedlings of fruit trees, such as apple trees, plums, cherries, pears, as well as shrubs - different species of currant and raspberries.

Also pests allocate a sweet liquid that easily sticks to the leaves, violates their metabolic processes. Insects are a carrier of various viruses and are able to infect plants in the garden, which will also not benefit them. Therefore, many gardeners are worried about how to get rid of Tsley on trees and other plants.

We fight pests in the garden: the most effective means from 2685_3

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Where insects appear in the garden

Pests lay eggs in secluded places: in the crust of trees, roots or on branches. They easily carry the cold, so they can be turned in masonry, and in the spring begin to spread. First, with the onset of heat, there are nozzleless females, they are able to multiply without fertilization, so thanks to them there are huge colonies. In the late spring or early summer among insects appear flying female. They are the reason for the further spread of the Tly, since the female flies to another territory and postpones new eggs. Pests are very quickly distributed: over the summer they are able to produce about 50 colonies.

Syrup, which is distinguished by insects, taking plants, love ants. Therefore, they protect the TRU, and also protect against enemies and carry eggs from place to place. Thus, pests can get to your site. This tandem is especially dangerous, so to save plants from parasites, you will have to fight with ants.

We fight pests in the garden: the most effective means from 2685_5

It's not so difficult to get rid of aphids, since the body of individuals is soft, it may even make a solution of water and soap. But the process complicates the fact that pests are easily hiding in the leaves and even the kidneys. Therefore, it is better to produce an early spring processing until the colonies have time to break.

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Signs of appearance

  • Pay attention to the young shoots and the opposite side of the leaves: they are easy to notice black, green and brown tales.
  • If the leaves and shoots look wet, covered with a sticky substance - this is syrup (Pad), which is distinguished by pests.
  • A large number of leaf twisted down, which do not fully develop, dry and fall out. The same can occur with shoots, buds and fruits. If you noticed it, you should be alarming.
  • Another sign is white little "Loskutka" among insects. This is a dropped skin of individuals.

We fight pests in the garden: the most effective means from 2685_7

Chemicals to fight tool

Chemicals are poisons designed to combat certain insects. To destroy the Tly, carbofos and more modern insecticides can be found in stores, - their choice is very diverse. The positive parties of chemicals include their rapid effects, as well as what they are able to help in the fight against ants.

However, there are also negative qualities: this remedy for Tly cannot be used during the fruiting and flowering of trees. Since you poison bees that pollinate flowers, and do not get a crop. Fruits and neighboring cultures should not spray either, as you have to wait about 20-40 days, after which they can be eating. Otherwise, you can poison badly. Pay attention to the poison in the composition and on the manufacturer's warnings: some funds are very poisonous, therefore, we can process plants in just a few years.

Biological remedies

Biological preparations are fungi, which are a little resemble mold. They are aimed at getting rid of parasitic insects, do not harm useful types, as well as safe for humans and animals. Popular drugs in stores can be found under the names "Phytoverm", "Testa", "Lepidoocid" and "Entobakterin".

In efficiency, they are inferior to poisons, as they act for about 10 days, plus they start their work not immediately, you need to wait a few days. To completely get rid of pests, you will need to process every week.

How to deal with aphid folk remedies

Options, how to get rid of Tsi, quite a lot. But not each of them can be considered safe. Therefore, before buying chemicals, try first what is at hand. Most of these funds can be used during flowering and fruiting plants, in this advantage of chemical. As mentioned above, the pest is most often destroying young shoots, and they are inappropriate to grow by chemistry - you can hurt much.

However, there are still disadvantages. A part of the people's ways works quite short time: while the smell or composition is saved on the leaves. Then we need to repeat the processing. It should also be noted that not all methods can work equally effectively on your site. If one did not work, it is worth trying another or combine several different. We list than you can spray plants from Tly, using folk remedies.

1. Soap mortar

Pav is the surfactants that are contained in soap - capable of covering the surface of the film. For example, the bark of the tree or the insect taurus. It is easy to rinse with her hands, but a person enclosed in a soap trap will die, since the tli does not have lungs, it gets oxygen with the full body.

To ensure it is better to get a liquid soap, choose the most budgetary. You can also use what is already in the country: a dishwashing liquid or any other containing surfactants. Many are preparing a remedy with a crushed tar or economic soap, but even the grated agent will dissolve in water much longer than liquid.

Prepare the solution: several tablespoons on a water cup. We take about 25 grams per liter of fluid. Attit to spraying assistant, as the container with the solution is better to keep weight. It will have to coat the branches affected by pests. Special attention is paid to the top branches.

The process of getting rid of the soap is slow and boring, but quite effective. It is possible for any plants, even capricious roses. The disadvantage of the method is that the soap substance can harm the leaves and buds if you forget to wash it off. When a colony perits, that is, 2-3 days after treatment, the plants need to be able to pour a strong pressure of water (it's not worth counting on the rain, it will not be completely filled with a film).

We fight pests in the garden: the most effective means from 2685_8

2. Soap and soda

An improved version of the soap solution is a mixture of soap and soda. On the liter of water you will need 1/4 slicing of soap and 1 tbsp. l calcined soda. It makes no sense to use only soda solution, as it will quickly wash off the leaves. Thanks to the soap film, the soda will stay on them longer and will have time to destroy insects.

We fight pests in the garden: the most effective means from 2685_9

3. ZOLA.

The ash is considered a fairly effective means of saving pests. For infusion, take 5 liters of water, add a glass of wood ash, leave for 12 hours. Sperely spray plants.

We fight pests in the garden: the most effective means from 2685_10

4. Tobacco

Another embodiment is tobacco. For him, take tobacco leaves or cigarette cigarettes. Then pour them 5 liters of boiling water, let it brew 24 hours after strain. The resulting solution should not handle the beds if you plan to collect a harvest. After the procedure, it is necessary to wait a week before tearing the fruits, since the solution is quite concentrated.

We fight pests in the garden: the most effective means from 2685_11

5. Infusion of tomato tops

From the top of tomatoes, you can make an infusion that will help in the struggle. To do this, place the branches in the container, fill with warm water (do not bring it to boiling water), leave overnight. The next day, thoroughly spray infectious trees, while definitely check if the solution hit the inner side of the leaves, where the colony is most often hidden.

We fight pests in the garden: the most effective means from 2685_12

6. Walinkle

Insects do not like the smell and bitter taste of wormwood. Therefore, they haven for it, fill in the container for 24 hours. After spraying the trees and branches with the resulting inside.

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7. LUK.

Collect onion husks. The approximate number you need: a glass of tightly rammed husk. Fill it with hot, just boiled water, leave for 24 hours and use for processing.

Another option is to use onions. Take about 35 grams of the heads, grind them, pour the water liter and leave for 5 hours. Next, add about 5 grams of soap. Then, strain through the siete and add more water so that the volume of fluid reaches 1 liter. Solution Use for processing.

We fight pests in the garden: the most effective means from 2685_15

8. Cedra

The next way to combat - infusion from the zest. It is necessary to use the peel in the dried form. For the solution you will need approximately the volume of the half-liter bank. The peel should be finely cut, pour 1 l of water and leave it for a day. After throwing the infusion for 10 minutes, strain and add another 10 liters of water (this is approximately the volume of one bucket). To enhance the effect in the resulting solution, you can add a little liquid soap: about 1 tbsp. l.

We fight pests in the garden: the most effective means from 2685_16

9. Different plants

Insects do not tolerate smells of some plants. Among these, it is possible to name herbs: velvets and coriander, they also do not like mint, fennel, mustard, basil and lavender. As prevention, you can land them on your site to scare the pests at an early stage.

We fight pests in the garden: the most effective means from 2685_17

10. Essential oils

Use the aromas that insects do not tolerate: lavender, tea tree, cedar and chamber. For the preparation of the solution, take 100 ml of cream, add about 15 drops of essential oil to them. Different in them 2 glasses of water. Conduct processing 2 times a day. About 3 days in the insects should be significantly less.

We fight pests in the garden: the most effective means from 2685_18

10. Birds

The trouble is a meal for various birds. They feed them themselves, and also feed their chicks insects. Therefore, you can contribute to attracting local feathered to your site. It can be sparrows, foams, tits, kols, condis and other individuals. You can hang in your garden feeders, pour tasty food in them, also place the hocks with water - that is, to do everything from you, so that the birds like your plot.

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Mechanical ways of struggle

If it seems that the tri on the plants is too much, you can try to remove it with mechanical hands or a jet of water with a very strong pressure. Insects will not be able to finally climb on the leaves back, only ants can help them in this. However, such processing should be done very carefully, otherwise you can damage branches, leaves and buds. And it is also impossible to assume that the wane moves to neighboring cultures. Also damaged branches and plant leaves can be trimmed. It does not harm them, since such a procedure can be done at normal time.

However, the mechanical method cannot be used alone. It must be reinforced by any of the above methods to get rid of pests.

We fight pests in the garden: the most effective means from 2685_21

Reliable tips

  • It is better to start the struggle in the days when the sun shines brightly and the thermometer column indicates a warm temperature. In the cold and wet weather, insects can hide inside the leaves, so poison or other means can not get on them. In this case, most of the colony survive, you will have to repeat the procedure again.
  • For prevention it is worth spraying the leaves and shoots regularly to make rid of pests.
  • Remember that you need to handle and the top shoots at the top of the trees. To make it easier to do, use a ladder or high staircase.
  • Insects are very loved by the leaves of some plants: Begonias, Malva, Nasturtiums, Linden and Viburnum. These views are located near places where you decide to transplant the seedlings of cultures that can be destroyed to be destroyed.

We fight pests in the garden: the most effective means from 2685_22

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