Is it worth using carpet in the interior: pros and cons


Practical flooring or dust collector? Actual design solution or outdated move? We understand the main pluses and minuses of the carpet.

Is it worth using carpet in the interior: pros and cons 27301_1

Is it worth using carpet in the interior: pros and cons

Advantages of carpet

1. Additional sound insulation

The material softens the steps, muffles the sounds - and serves as additional sound insulation. With him the neighbors will be less disturbing the game activity of your children, and you will be less audible their music. Bonus: If the room has a TV or a music player, carpet on the floor will improve the quality of the sound indoors.

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2. Warm floor

Fans walking barefoot material will have to do: with him the floor will become much warmer. And the thermal insulation characteristics of the room will improve significantly.

3. Soft coating

Another bonus for lovers of tactful pleasant interiors is the softness of the coating.

Is it worth using carpet in the interior: pros and cons 27301_4

4. Reducing attendance

The advantage that follows from the previous point. Carpet is a soft material that can soften the blow if necessary, which means it is great for children's rooms, reducing the trauma of the room.

5. Easy mounting

Even newcomers in repair business will be able to put the carpet, and make the necessary cutouts will not be difficult at home. It will save your time, strength and money.

Is it worth using carpet in the interior: pros and cons 27301_5

6. Integrity of the coating

The material is suitable for those who want to get a whole, a single coating within the room, apartments, at home.

7. Cozy atmosphere

This floor cover has a pronounced cozy invoice, which makes the interior warmer and hidden.

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Is it worth using carpet in the interior: pros and cons 27301_7
Is it worth using carpet in the interior: pros and cons 27301_8

Is it worth using carpet in the interior: pros and cons 27301_9

Is it worth using carpet in the interior: pros and cons 27301_10

Is it worth using carpet in the interior: pros and cons 27301_11

8. Ability to delay small trash

Non-obvious bonus - the ability of the coating to keep the small garbage, not letting it spread across the apartment. Therefore, the carpet is often used in the corridor and hallway: sand, dust, the garbage is delayed between the Villages and is not transferred to the rooms.

9. Cost

If you are ready to be content with the most durable carpet and do not chase in the natural content of the coating, there will be very budget options in the assortment of construction hypermarkets.

Is it worth using carpet in the interior: pros and cons 27301_12

10. Diversity

The design of such a floor may be the most different, manufacturers offer a lot of different options.

11. Relevance out of time

One-photon, textured flooring - design, which will always be relevant, without binding to fashion trends. And if you have conceived the interior, not camp with the framework of trends, such a carpet will suit you. Equally, how to go to the court he is in an ultra-modern atmosphere.

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Is it worth using carpet in the interior: pros and cons 27301_14

Is it worth using carpet in the interior: pros and cons 27301_15

Is it worth using carpet in the interior: pros and cons 27301_16

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Disadvantages of carpet

1. Difficulty of care

Such a floor requires regular careful care. Often, for cleaning carpet, hostesses have to buy a more powerful vacuum cleaner, spend time and strength on manual cleaning with detergents, periodically contact cleaning companies for general cleaning. Otherwise, the coating (especially bright shades) loses its kind, it looks untidy. Not to mention the accumulating dust and dirt, to fully wash which is very difficult.

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Is it worth using carpet in the interior: pros and cons 27301_19
Is it worth using carpet in the interior: pros and cons 27301_20

Is it worth using carpet in the interior: pros and cons 27301_21

Is it worth using carpet in the interior: pros and cons 27301_22

Is it worth using carpet in the interior: pros and cons 27301_23

2. The impossibility of replacing the damaged area

If you partially spoiled (damaged, stained) carpeted coating, it is almost impossible to correct the situation: in most cases, the entire carpet can be changed.

3. Dust collector

Allergies and asthmatics are recommended to reduce the amount of textiles in the interior and abandon the carpet. The loud word "dust collector" is really appropriate in this case.

Is it worth using carpet in the interior: pros and cons 27301_24

4. Short service life of budget coatings

Of course, there is a durable, wear-resistant carpet. However, it is either not intended for residential premises or worth a decent means. The budget coatings are low: after 3-5 years on the floor, the trotted "tracks" of your travel movements will be noticeable.

5. Unless budget coatings

The choice of such coatings is wide: you will easily find high-quality, natural, eco-friendly options, but they will be decently worth it, it is no longer budget. But if you chose the carpet precisely for a low price, in most cases there will be no time for natural origin of the material of speech.

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Is it worth using carpet in the interior: pros and cons 27301_26

Is it worth using carpet in the interior: pros and cons 27301_27

Is it worth using carpet in the interior: pros and cons 27301_28


Carpet - the choice of those who are looking for a soft, warm, budget flooring and is ready to replace it after several years of operation. But if you are looking for something more durable, perhaps it makes sense to consider alternative options (for example, a tree or tile in combination with carpets and tracks).

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