Began to preserve? 6 truly fatal errors that best do not perform


Freezing cans, non-compliance with temperature regime and other errors that are often performed.

Began to preserve? 6 truly fatal errors that best do not perform 2739_1

Began to preserve? 6 truly fatal errors that best do not perform

1 Incorrect storage temperature

All home billets can be divided into several types depending on which processing you are subjected to them. Each one needs its storage mode: temperature, humidity, illumination. Here are some basic conditions for home canned food.

  • All thermally processed vegetables and fruits are stored at room temperature (about 20 ° C). Humidity in the room should not exceed 75%. The list includes leaks, tomatoes in their own juice, caviar caviar, stewed vegetables. An important exception to this rule: here do not include meat and mushroom blanks.
  • Everything that was quasheva or was soles: cabbage, cucumbers, tomatoes, apples, watermelons, - need a low temperature from 0 ° C to 4 ° C. It is also desirable to protect them from direct sunlight, so the optimal storage place is a refrigerator or cellar.
  • Mushroom and meat blanks, even if they passed the heat treatment, are stored at a temperature of from 3 ° C to 8 ° C.

Began to preserve? 6 truly fatal errors that best do not perform 2739_3

These rules are important to observe, even if the canned shop you store otherwise. For example, a stew in a glass jar from the supermarket can be left in the closet at room temperature, and the home stew is needed low temperature. This is due to the fact that the factory in the production of products is established a clear and strict protection system from bacteria, which is impossible to repeat at home.

  • 9 Rules for storing products that no one will tell you

2 Bugs in the storage of jam

Began to preserve? 6 truly fatal errors that best do not perform 2739_5

Jam is the most common type of billets with which their problems arise. If it often suaches or the kitchen, it means that you store it either in too warm or in too cold place. Try to adjust the temperature more precisely: from 10 ° C to 12 ° C.

By the way, the sugar jam is not spoiled. Place it from a glass jar into a bowl and warm up in a water bath to crack the sucropallic. If your jam is covered with mold - it is a sign of what sealing was disturbed, and it was too raw around.

3 Frost cans

Began to preserve? 6 truly fatal errors that best do not perform 2739_6

Despite the fact that many canned food is stored at low temperatures, it should never be lower than zero. First, the fluid during freezing is expanding and the glass is easily bursting. Even if the jar went to the jar, there is no longer it is possible not to swallow a randomly imperceptible fragment.

Secondly, freezing can lead to depressurization of banks. Because of this, the risk of food poisoning appears.

4 Violation of storage time

Homemade billets are stored less shop. Therefore, it is very important when preserving to sign a date, after which the shelf life expires.

  • For canned meat, the maximum shelf life is 12 months, if the meat was preparing at least two hours. In other cases, the term is reduced to 6 months.
  • All saline and uroin products that are stored at a temperature of from 0 ° C to 4 ° C can be used for 10 months.
  • Any canned food that stood at 10 ° C and higher should be eaten for 3 months.
  • Marinated products, with the exception of mushrooms, are stored until 18 months. This is possible due to the use of vinegar and citric acid when prepared.
  • Mushrooms can be kept in banks up to 10 months, even if they are pickled.

Began to preserve? 6 truly fatal errors that best do not perform 2739_7

  • Lifehak: How to properly store products in the home refrigerator?

5 Too long storage of canned bone

Began to preserve? 6 truly fatal errors that best do not perform 2739_9

An important point that many people do not know is canned food and compotes with bone fruit and without stored in different ways. No seeds - up to 18 months, and with them - up to 12 months. This is important because the bone contains amygdalin, which over time can begin to produce a sinyl acid, harmful to humans.

6 Ignoring signs that the product is spoiled

Began to preserve? 6 truly fatal errors that best do not perform 2739_10

There are several signs when canned food, even beloved, you need to send without regret to the trash.

  • Swim cover. Just like with the shopping packages, it means that the bacteria and the product is spoiled.
  • Change color, turbidity. If you are at least a little embarrassing the appearance of the product, it is impossible to eat it.
  • Appearance of plaque, mold. Do not try to remove the spoiled layer. If the mold appeared, her disputes hit the entire volume of banks at once.

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