7 home affairs with which you need to have time before the autumn


Paint the balcony, knock out carpets and wipe the blankets - tell what kind of households it is better not to postpone to raw and cool autumn weather.

7 home affairs with which you need to have time before the autumn 2784_1

7 home affairs with which you need to have time before the autumn

1 wash the windows

Much more pleasant to admire the bright autumn foliage through clean glasses. In addition, during the cold rains, which will begin after the end of the summer, the glass washed not only unpleasantly, but also meaningless. Therefore, it is better to do windows now. How to do it easily and quickly, our instruction will tell.

7 home affairs with which you need to have time before the autumn 2784_3

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2 make cosmetic repairs

Paint the walls, shove the wallpaper and dressing the ceiling trim better in the warm season, without waiting for the onset of cool wet weather. Since dampness does not give materials as you can dry, and through some kind of you will have to do repairs again. The finish is better to start either in warm weather, or after inclusion in the heating apartment.

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3 Paint the balcony, windows and batteries

The same applies to painting batteries, windows and balconies. Dampness will not give paint drying, and painting external elements during cold rainy weather makes no sense. Therefore, think about painting stands until the end of the summer. The coating on the batteries should also be updated before the onset of the heating season. Since on hot radiators, paint can flow or lie down with stains. And turn off it for painting when the closer window is not the best solution.

From the old coating you can get rid of the iron brush. Such are sold in construction stores. To finish the balcony and windows, you can use enamel or paint suitable for the material from which they are made. Batteries after cleaning the brush must be washed, dry well and only then paint with special paint.

7 home affairs with which you need to have time before the autumn 2784_7

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4 Take textiles for sleep

Warm season - a period when pillows and blankets should be used. And not only those you used in summer, but also not purified warm models remaining from the end of winter. You can also wash them with hands or even in a washing machine, if the composition allows. In the summer, the pillows and blankets dried better and do not ruin.

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5 Wash the curtains

In autumn, many usually change light curtains to more dense. This is better to do in the second half of August: hang new curtains, and the old to wash. They will enjoy much better in dry warm weather. If the curtains are hanging in your apartment on multiple windows, then start the wash is better in advance, since the drying place is usually limited.

7 home affairs with which you need to have time before the autumn 2784_11

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6 Clean carpets

Most often, carpets are cleaned in winter or in summer if they do not resort to the help of dry cleaning. In the warm season, you can knock them out on the street, if you have such an opportunity, use it. Old grandmother's method eliminates hiding inside dust is much better than cleaning with a vacuum cleaner.

7 home affairs with which you need to have time before the autumn 2784_13

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7 Thinking up storage

At the end of the summer, you can begin to think about changing the light wardrobe to the warmer, as it is usually cool. Therefore, it's time to disassemble summer things, get the autumn and check that you are suitable, and what you should throw out or give. So you will have a vacant storage place where you can remove summer things that you will not be worn in this season. It will also allow to assess the number of clothes available and understand what needs to be purchased for autumn.

7 home affairs with which you need to have time before the autumn 2784_15

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