8 accessories from IKEA in Eco-style


Foldable bag, water bottle and cocktail paper tubes - show what accessories for home and life will help make life eco-friendly and cause less harm to the environment.

8 accessories from IKEA in Eco-style 2796_1

8 accessories from IKEA in Eco-style

1 Foldable bag "Knell", 129 rubles

With the help of folding bags, you can not only help nature, but also save on the purchase of packages in the store. At the same time, it is practically weightless and compactly adds to the pouch, which is convenient: you can put in a backpack or the main bag and always carry. In addition, the thing from the fabric is easily erased in the typewriter: if something flowed on the way home, it's not difficult to get rid of dirt.

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8 accessories from IKEA in Eco-style 2796_4

8 accessories from IKEA in Eco-style 2796_5

8 accessories from IKEA in Eco-style 2796_6

  • 9 items from IKEA, which will make washing easier and more pleasant (you have not thought about them!)

2 Versor Tank "Sorteors", 799 rubles

Every year in the world of landfills are becoming more and more. Most of the waste is plastic, which is recycled if it is properly prepared. Also, besides him, you can sort the waste paper, glass, food waste and other things. In Russia, the garbage sorting system is still bad. However, if you are ready to start, you will help you various tanks that do not spoil the interior and easily put on each other.

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8 accessories from IKEA in Eco-style 2796_9
8 accessories from IKEA in Eco-style 2796_10

8 accessories from IKEA in Eco-style 2796_11

8 accessories from IKEA in Eco-style 2796_12

8 accessories from IKEA in Eco-style 2796_13

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3 Foldable Water Bottle "Fairma", 399 rubles

Convenient solution if you constantly wear water with you. Unlike plastic bottles, this option is reusable. And after you all add, it is easy to twist and remove into the bag, so it will not interfere and take an excess place.

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8 accessories from IKEA in Eco-style 2796_16
8 accessories from IKEA in Eco-style 2796_17

8 accessories from IKEA in Eco-style 2796_18

8 accessories from IKEA in Eco-style 2796_19

8 accessories from IKEA in Eco-style 2796_20

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4 Closed Packages "Basic", from 79 to 249 rubles

Packages on the clasp - an excellent alternative to ordinary disposable, they are much more dense and last longer. You can store small things, such as children's toys, puzzles and other parts, put food or freeze products. Such packets can even be washed and used again. The method works as follows: Mark the permanent marker on the packaging product type, such as vegetables. After defrosting, wash the package, dry it and use re-for the same products.

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8 accessories from IKEA in Eco-style 2796_23
8 accessories from IKEA in Eco-style 2796_24

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8 accessories from IKEA in Eco-style 2796_27

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5 bags for washing underwear "Press", 199 rubles

If the use of plastic packages is still not for you, but you don't want to spend money on expensive eco), there is a budget option. Buy bags for washing with lightning. They can store vegetables and greens or take with them to the store to weigh them. Throw them out after you do not need, as they are easily erased in the typewriter.

8 accessories from IKEA in Eco-style 2796_29

  • 7 available ECO products for storage products

6 Set of Prut Containers, 349 rubles

Many people think that the full refusal of plastic improves the ecology, so consciously do not buy things made from this material. But it is not. You can purchase reusable boxes that do not have to throw out each time after use. In addition, there are other advantages in the set of the same container in the design: they are easily put on each other and are compactly stored, so in the refrigerator will take less space, as well as decorated in a single style that does not spoil the interior.

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8 accessories from IKEA in Eco-style 2796_32

8 accessories from IKEA in Eco-style 2796_33

8 accessories from IKEA in Eco-style 2796_34

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7 Container for breakfast "Flottig", 349 rubles

Instead of a disposable mold for food or plastic package, you can take a large container with you. Multi-level lunchbox and its filling are capable of replacing several disposable things at once: cutlery and package for transportation, since such a model has a handle for which it is convenient to carry it.

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8 accessories from IKEA in Eco-style 2796_37

8 accessories from IKEA in Eco-style 2796_38

8 accessories from IKEA in Eco-style 2796_39

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8 cocktail tubes, 159 rubles

Cocktail tubes - a disposable thing, which after use you have to throw out. Eco-friendly alternative to plastic, from which they do most often, paper. They are processed much faster and can be passed into the waste paper.

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8 accessories from IKEA in Eco-style 2796_42

8 accessories from IKEA in Eco-style 2796_43

8 accessories from IKEA in Eco-style 2796_44

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