It is interesting to see: how to make house sections in different countries


We study the basic principles by which the gardens make up the recreation areas in Spain, France, the United Kingdom, Germany and the United States.

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It is interesting to see: how to make house sections in different countries

1 United Kingdom: Neat tracks and well-groomed plants

Two main English garden decorations are neat tracks and beautiful well-groomed plants. On the first photo in the gallery shows a piece of garden in Norfolk. Please note how tightly and thick flowers and grass grow. They are collected in the corner of the plot and at first glance seem a little chaotic. But if you look closely, it is clear that they tried very hard to make a smooth gear transition from plants on earth to shrubs, and then to flowers in pots.

Another beautiful nuance: the pots are not just standing on the hedge, but inserted into special recesses. And the candlestick on the front background is really rusty - it gives the feeling that the garden has its own long history. Large number of furniture and purchase decor here is not a place.

Next, the gallery comes the photo of a huge garden in three acres in Wales, which confirms it. They look like four different plots, but in this charm of the English garden - it is very interesting to walk very interestingly.

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It is interesting to see: how to make house sections in different countries 2805_12

In its garden you can dwell on something one: fruit trees with lawn from irises, incredible toopiari or flower maze.

2 Spain: White Stone and Fruit Trees

In Spain, the rigid sun and dry summer, so to keep a neat lawn, you have to spend a lot of money on watering. Because of this, not to leave in the midst of the summer scorched ground, the garden is covered with a white stone. It does not heat up in the sun and does not require care.

On the remaining open areas of the Earth, fruit trees are typical for this region, grapes and some herbs that are well-fitted to the heat and drought. Be sure to place a place for the siesta. Usually, garden furniture put under a canopy from home, in a gazebo or under a thick crown of trees to hide from the sun's rays.

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It is interesting to see: how to make house sections in different countries 2805_14
It is interesting to see: how to make house sections in different countries 2805_15
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It is interesting to see: how to make house sections in different countries 2805_18

It is interesting to see: how to make house sections in different countries 2805_19

It is interesting to see: how to make house sections in different countries 2805_20

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3 France: Arbor and Beautiful Decor

French gardens are quite thick filled with plants, but they are always a place to relax. As a rule, a gazebo or a terrace attached to the house.

You can also note a high alive hedge, which adds shadows and covers from others, and well-groomed lawn. There is not very much purchased decor, but the one that is, is selected in a single style and is not knocked out of the overall picture. For example, next to blooming plants, you will most likely find a garden inventory and a kashpo with a floral pattern.

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4 USA: Perfect Lawn and Live Head

The classic American area can be seen in any film: the perfect thick lawn, a high livestock, not to interfere with neighbors, clearly defined areas with flowers or shrubs.

Such a garden requires certain efforts: the lawn must regularly cut and water, shrubs and a living elevation to lifted, and flower beds are riveted. Therefore, it is obvious that this is not so much to make life easier. Just such a plot pleases the eye with your straight elegant lines and well-kept. It is nice to look at it, sitting in the evening on the terrace on the garden furniture in the style of country or spending time with the family in the barbecue area.

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It is interesting to see: how to make house sections in different countries 2805_43

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5 Germany: small garden and recreation area

German gardens combine practicality and aesthetics well. You will always find a comfortable and cozy area for recreation, with good and high-quality garden furniture, an umbrella from the sun and pillows. Also, most likely, you will find a small garden. This is not only a source of environmentally friendly products, but also the ability to distract from the fuss, to retire with nature - a favorite hobby.

Decorating the garden will be a variety of flowers and flowering herbs. They take care of them carefully and pick up so that one thoughtful one-piece picture is.

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It is interesting to see: how to make house sections in different countries 2805_52

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