5 best materials for outdoor balcony


Vinyl and metal siding, professionalist and other finishes in our selection.

5 best materials for outdoor balcony 2826_1

5 best materials for outdoor balcony

It is necessary to know that the apartment owner can not always make a balcony as he wants. Facades of buildings representing architectural value cannot be changed without permission. It is also worth considering that the facades of new buildings are also often forbidden to modify at their discretion. Coordination will be required to the panoramic glazing of the structure, which is considered redevelopment, or a change in its shape. Otherwise you have to pay a fine. If this is not your case, in this article we will analyze the options for the outer decoration of the balcony.

Best Balcony Materials

Features of outdoor decoration

Review of finishing materials for cladding

Ideas for decor

Features of the appearance of the balcony

The outer balcony decoration is set not only to decorate the design. Its main task is to protect against adverse effects. The "life" of the concrete slab can be significantly extended if there will be no sharp drops of temperatures, precipitation and direct solar rays will fall. Therefore, the cover must comply with strict requirements.

Criteria for selecting material

  • Resistance to adverse atmospheric influences.
  • Strength and durability.
  • An attractive view that is preserved for a long time and will not spoil the facade of the building.
  • Fire resistance, prolonged fire resistance.
  • Easy to care.

When choosing a coating, it is important to take into account each of these criteria. Otherwise, the new design will quickly come into disrepair and it will have to be changed.

5 best materials for outdoor balcony 2826_3

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What to see a balcony outside

The assortment of finishing materials in the stores is very wide. It is difficult for the user to choose the necessary among such a variety. We picked up five best finish options.

1. Lining from plastic

The lamellas are made of polyvinyl chloride in the same way as wooden panels. Each is equipped with a zip-groove type lock. May be with seams or without them.


  • Large selection of colors and textures, attractive appearance.
  • Low price and availability. PVC lining is in any construction store.
  • High speed and simplicity of laying, it is easy to spend it with your own hands.
  • Good noise and thermal insulation characteristics.
  • During operation, it is not deformed and does not fade.
  • Maintainability. When sprinkling, the planks can only be replaced with it.


  • Sensitivity to mechanical influences. When the plate is inactive, the plate is easy to damage. True, it is also easy to replace.
  • Service life on average 15 years.
  • A small weight that not only makes it easier to transport and laying, but makes lamellas unstable with strong wind gusts. PVC lining is not recommended for use above the third-fourth floor.

Outside, the lining is placed on a crate of a wooden bar or metal profile. It is mounted on the outer part of the balcony system. The starting profile is fixed below, which establishes the guide band. Next, the remaining lamellas, which are fixed between themselves with built-in locks.

5 best materials for outdoor balcony 2826_5
5 best materials for outdoor balcony 2826_6

5 best materials for outdoor balcony 2826_7

5 best materials for outdoor balcony 2826_8

  • Touching the balcony with lining with their own hands: the choice of materials and installation instructions

2. Metal siding

The basis of the plate is a steel sheet with a thickness of 0.35 to 0.65 mm. On both sides he is galvanized. Decorative coating multilayer: conversion layer, primer and polymer. Therefore, it is durable, resistant to different impacts. Facing can be decorated with perforation or embossed embossed, can mimic various surfaces: stone, timber, etc.


  • High strength and durability.
  • Resistance to mechanical and atmospheric influences, ultraviolet, corrosion, temperature drops.
  • Full fire safety.
  • An attractive view that is saved until the end of operation.
  • The presence of locks on each slave facilitates installation.
  • Mold does not develop on a metal surface.


  • Metal siding has a significant weight. Old and damaged balcony plates may not withstand increased load.
  • Poor keeps warm. If an insulated design is mounted, additional insulation is required.

High price is considered another disadvantage of the material. However, paying money, the user gets a beautiful, durable and durable coating. It is mounted on the crate. The plates are stacked across a balcony facility.

5 best materials for outdoor balcony 2826_10

  • Siding for outdoor finish at home: species, features, selection tips

3. Vinyl siding

Like plastic lining, made of polyvinyl chloride. However, according to the production technology, plastic is enriched with special additives. They significantly improve the performance characteristics of ready-made slats. Therefore, the balcony finishes from the outside vinyl siding is considered one of the best options in terms of price and quality ratio.


  • Resistance to the effects of high and low temperatures, humidity, ultraviolet.
  • The average life of about 25 years, while the appearance and properties of siding do not change.
  • Castles on the panels facilitate installation.
  • Simple care. Dirt and dust are easily flushed with soapy water.
  • Low flammable, long resists fire.
  • A wide selection of a variety of colors and textures.


  • Resistance to mechanical damage is higher than that of the lining, but still insufficient. With inaccurate circulation, it may be deformed.
  • There is a risk of buying products of the unfair manufacturer, not carried out according to standards.

For the installation of vinyl siding, a doomer is mounted, directed perpendicular to the lamella mounting. Installation is underway, starts with the starting strip. It is attached to the crate of self-drawing. All subsequent are attached with the help of lock connections.

5 best materials for outdoor balcony 2826_12

4. Professor

Galvanized steel sheets are additionally covered with a decorative polymer layer. In the production process, the coating passes through the press, acquires a corrugated form. "Waves" are of different sizes. Unlike siding slats, the professionalist has a greater length and width, not equipped with mounting of lock type.


  • High strength and rigidity. Withstands significant mechanical impacts.
  • Resistant to corrosion, temperature drops, ultraviolet.
  • Non-flamm, therefore fireproof.
  • The average life of 50 years, and does not change its characteristics.
  • Released in various colors, the size of the wave is different.
  • Does not require complex care.
  • The price is lower than that of metallic siding. At the same time, the performance characteristics are very similar.


  • Metal sheets are relatively lungs, but still give extra load on the balcony construction. It is necessary to take into account when designing the sheaving of old or damaged plates.
  • Low ability to hold heat. Additional thermal insulation is required.

Some do not like the appearance of the professional leaf. But it is not worth considering this disadvantage, all different tastes. To finish the balcony outside the profiled sheet is installed on a metal or wood frame. In the latter case, it must be previously treated with an antiseptic. Plates of Vansel are put, they are mounted with self-drawing with special rubberized lining.

5 best materials for outdoor balcony 2826_13

5. Wooden lining

Planks made of natural wood with a lock-groove type "Schip-groove". Sewing balcony systems have become much less likely, since a cheaper plastic analogue appeared. For outdoor sheat, it is better to choose lamellas from coniferous rocks, with a high resin content. They are more resistant to humidity, will serve longer.


  • Environmentally friendly material.
  • Attractive view, the sheath will decorate the house.
  • Good noise and thermal insulation properties.


  • Sensitivity to humidity. When the moisture accumulation in the wood is developing mold. Therefore, careful processing of the antiseptic panels is necessary. It must be repeated at certain intervals.
  • Insects can settle in wooden elements. Requires regular processing with a special preparation.
  • Labor-intensive care. To maintain an attractive look, you must regularly remove the old paint and varnish and apply new.

Wooden lining for his balcony more often choose owners of private houses. Features of the material make it possible to turn the design to decorate the structure.

5 best materials for outdoor balcony 2826_14

  • Wooden lining: view overview and size table, which will help in choosing

Non-standard decorative solutions

Choosing materials for the outer decoration of the balcony, you can not forget about the appearance of the structure. Owners want it to be beautiful and original. We list the simplest decorative solutions that the facade will decorate.

Options for registration

  • Vinyl or metal siding is combined by color. For example, bottom collected from dark lamellae, top of light. Or "finish" glass bright color insert.
  • Panoramic glazing in combination with metal facing. Such a design looks strictly and respectable.
  • Record design with panels imitating stone or brickwork. It looks good at similarly decorated facades.

5 best materials for outdoor balcony 2826_16

Options than to close the outside the balcony without glazing or with it, a lot. Each chooses its material. When choosing, it is important to take into account not only your desires, but also the facade features of the construction, climatic conditions and the floor on which the construction is located.

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