7 suitable plants for wetlands (grow where you did not hope!)


In a wetland, you can raise forget-me-not, geranium and even orchids.

7 suitable plants for wetlands (grow where you did not hope!) 2850_1

7 suitable plants for wetlands (grow where you did not hope!)

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Desperate to grow something on your wetland? Prepared a selection of plants with whom, a garden in such a terrain can be issued.

1 Ariance

Aryems are incredibly beautiful dark-red fullness of inflorescence-fruit, remotely resembling Calla. For a specific appearance, it received the alternative name "Lilia Cobra". Ariaria feels great in places with high humidity, it is planted at the beginning of summer and regularly water. However, if you live in a rainy climate or you have a plot of water, frequent watering Ariseland will not need.

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7 suitable plants for wetlands (grow where you did not hope!) 2850_4

7 suitable plants for wetlands (grow where you did not hope!) 2850_5

7 suitable plants for wetlands (grow where you did not hope!) 2850_6

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2 Calla Bolotnaya

This is a relative of the room Anthurium and Arisems. It is clear from the name that the plant loves the place well moisturized, swampy. The whitefall (this is an alternative name of the Calla of Bolotnaya) - a perennial plant that achieves small size: up to 25 centimeters in height and up to 60 cm in width. It is possible to reproduce by shifting or seeds. The first flowers appear on the whiteflink in June.

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7 suitable plants for wetlands (grow where you did not hope!) 2850_9

7 suitable plants for wetlands (grow where you did not hope!) 2850_10

7 suitable plants for wetlands (grow where you did not hope!) 2850_11

3 Nozzles Bolotnaya

Forget-me-not grow specifically, but often they will settle in wet shorts on their own. The plant feels great in wetlands and blooms in May (and in the southern regions - in April). The forgetcoming Bolotnaya is a homing, but it blooms two summer seasons in a row. A low-size plant: up to 30 centimeters in height and as much - in width. Poor tolerate soaring heat: Gentle petals lose a bright color and begin to fade in right rays.

7 suitable plants for wetlands (grow where you did not hope!) 2850_12

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4 Orchids

Perhaps this is the most unusual inhabitant of the "marsh" garden. All gardeners know how naughty is this plant. It loves high humidity. The main complexity in planting orchids is to find the planting material.

Take a look at the Calipso Lukovic Variety: This is a perennial that achieves 20 centimeters into the height. Flowers with large pink flowers-shoes, settles mainly on wetlands and near the reservoir. It is best to plant in peat-eyed soil with the addition of limestone and needles.

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7 suitable plants for wetlands (grow where you did not hope!) 2850_15

7 suitable plants for wetlands (grow where you did not hope!) 2850_16

7 suitable plants for wetlands (grow where you did not hope!) 2850_17

5 Echinacea

These pink daisies are often found in the gardens. They are grown as perennials or annuals. Seeds and seedlings can be planted directly into the open ground. Echinacea is unpretentious, it is good at a new place and quickly breed. It is better to choose a sunny one for her, but a well-moist place - there the plant feels best.

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6 Swamp hibiscus

Hibiscus, like Echinacea, loves the sun and moisture, so it is best to plant it on a solar well-moisturized swampy terrain. Ideal if the soil is sour, but this is not a critical indicator. Hibiscus does not tolerate a strong wind, so the areas with drafts should be avoided. Before boarding, add lime into the ground, the plant will be better developed.

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7 Swamp geranium

Swamp geranium is very often found in the middle lane: it grows in the fields, in water bodies. This is a perennial plant that can be quite grown in the garden if you have a swampy soil. Bolden geranium bushes with small purple flowers look very aesthetically and may well act as masking for ugly garden sections.

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