How to get rid of worms in flower pots: an overview of effective techniques


We tell what kinds are most often affected by indoor flowers and what chemical drugs and folk remedies can be applied to fight.

How to get rid of worms in flower pots: an overview of effective techniques 2856_1

How to get rid of worms in flower pots: an overview of effective techniques

Indoor plants, like garden or garden, are subjected to pest attacks. It is very dangerous for them. Parasites suck vegetable juices, damage the root system, which leads to the death of the flower. The problem is not always noticeable immediately. Therefore, it is worth conducting regular examinations of their greenery so that at the first signs of infection to begin fighting the worms. We'll figure it out how to do it right.

How to get rid of small worms in colors

Parasite varieties

Methods of struggle

Prevention measures

Who can stay in a flower pot

Pests in room colors are a lot. Some of them settle in the land coma. When the hostess notices small whitewash worms in the pallet or near the stem, it is necessary to immediately save the plant. But first we need to determine, with which parasite will have to fight. These may be larvae of any insects or adults. We list the possible options.


Primary round worms. In total, there are almost a million of their species, but only plant nematodes will be seized in flower pots. These are very small whitewash worms. Feed on plant residues or live greens.

Varieties of plant nematodes

  • Free. Can live at different parts of the plant organism, moving from one place to another. Amazed the whole bush.
  • With the free formation of cysts. Make the root, while destroying their shell. Form root cysts or tanks with fertilized eggs.
  • Galovy. Live on root process. Decoration on them, which provoke the formation of gallins or thickens. Indoor sends inside them. Ripe eggs tear the shell of thickening, it bursts, the larvae is sprawling in the soil.

One of the signs of infection with nematodes is the emergence of rounded fuses on root process. In addition, small sections of yellow appear on the leaves. Subsequently, they are darker, become brown or black. The leaves are deformed and decrease in size, the stalks are curved.

How to get rid of worms in flower pots: an overview of effective techniques 2856_3
How to get rid of worms in flower pots: an overview of effective techniques 2856_4

How to get rid of worms in flower pots: an overview of effective techniques 2856_5

How to get rid of worms in flower pots: an overview of effective techniques 2856_6


Small, up to 10 mm long, translucent worms. Set on the roots, they do not rise to the surface. Therefore, it is difficult to notice the presence of enichtrey, if only accidentally in the transplant process. In nature, they feed on a declaving organic. But in a limited space, which is a flower pot, root processes eat. If the number of colonies is large, the infected bush dies quickly.

To suspect the presence of enichtrey in indirect features. Leafs begin to yellow, fade and fall. The flower slows down growth, lags behind in the development of healthy neighbors.

Noticing this, you must carefully remove it from the ground, as in transplantation. In contaminated copies of the roots ripened by enichtrey. Mechanical removal is useless, it is necessary to look for an effective tool, how to get rid of white worms in the ground.


They are also called pins or chops. Very small arthropods. The largest copies reach 5 mm. Their feature is a jumper veil located at the bottom of the Taurus. With it, they are capable of moving quickly. Feel the decomplicating organic pens if it is not, go to young shoots and roots.

The degree of harm caused depends on the number of colony. If it is small, nothing threatens with room colors. But as soon as the number of pests increases, the greens die.

It is difficult to notice the church. Most often, tiny white worms are found in the flower pallet after irrigation, where they wash them out.

In the rest of the specific signs of the defeat. Kostik turns yellow, his growth slows down.

How to get rid of worms in flower pots: an overview of effective techniques 2856_7


They are mushroom mosquitoes or floral midges. Adult specimens do not represent any danger for greens. But the larvae living in the soil destroys the root system. The plant slows down in growth, yellowing and dies.

To suspect infection by the appearance of adult sciarid. These are small winged insects, which are circling near the flower pots.

Their larvae are miniature white worms with black head. The length of individuals from 3 to 5 mm. Adult Sciarids, getting into favorable conditions, and this is warm and overwhelmed soil, quickly multiply. Therefore, when the first midge appears, it is necessary to immediately begin the fight against them. At best, they have not had time to postpone the eggs, then it will not be difficult to cope with them.

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How to get rid of worms

Regardless of the one of the pests settled in the household colors, they all live in the soil. Just remove them from the ground is hardly possible. The transplant to a new soil will help, only if the infection has happened recently and the colony did not have time to argue. This is done so. The roots extracted from the soil are carefully examined. All infected or damaged areas are removed, sections are disinfect.

All adult parasite copies are removed from the root processes. The larvae and eggs will not be able to remove. Therefore, immediately after transplantation, the soil is processed by a solution of insecticide. It should be understood that this technique will be effective only if the number of insects is small. In other cases, chemicals or folk remedies will help. Start better with non-toxic techniques. If they do not help, go to stronger means. We offer effective ways to get rid of worms in flower pots.


For the struggle, various types of insecticidal drugs are used. We offer a list of the most efficient.

Insecticidal agents

  • "Inta-Vir". Poison of nervous paralytic action. Causes the death of parasites within 24 hours. Eggs remain not damaged.
  • "CARBATION". Sterilizes the soil, protects flowers during the bootonization and flowering. Used once. Fuligator type preparation.
  • "Confan". Penetrates vegetable tissues, it is last saved for a long time. The worms are insensitive to him, destroys only insects.
  • "Phytoverm". Paralyzes the nervous system of worms and insects. Recommended twofold application.
  • "Agrantin". Effective against all types of parasites, non-toxic for humans. In hot weather, its action is enhanced.

Before you get rid of worms with insecticides, you must carefully read the manufacturer's instruction. Drugs are toxic, so it is necessary to accurately comply with the dosage and safety rules. Otherwise you can get poisoning.

How to get rid of worms in flower pots: an overview of effective techniques 2856_9

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Folk remedies

These drugs are not toxic and not dangerous for people and pets. But the effectiveness of them is lower than in the insecticides. Perhaps, in the fight against the numerous colony, they will not help, but at the initial stage or in the role of preventive agents are quite effective. We offer a list of techniques, how to get rid of white worms in colors.

Non-toxic techniques

  • Prepare an aqueous soap solution. It is best to take the economic, made according to GOST, with a great content of fat. The soap chips is bred by water, the resulting solution spray an infected bush. Processing is repeated several times.
  • In a liter of clean water to dissolve 5 g of grinding into the dust of tobacco leaves. Give the drug broken within 24 hours. Abundantly spray an infected bush and the ground in a pot. Thus, to process bustards every 6-7 days over one and a half months.
  • Dissolve potassium permanganate crystalline in water so that the pale pink liquid turned out. Halong her flower bush. Repeat processing several times.
  • On the ground inside the pot put garlic slices or citrum peel. It is possible to process the soil with strong smelling oil, for example, anise or rosemary.

Some flower products are confident that the sulfur will help to get rid of parasites. It is scraped and sprinkled with powder soil or simply stick the matches near the stem head down.

How to get rid of worms in flower pots: an overview of effective techniques 2856_11

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Prevention measures

In all the recommendations, how to get rid of worms in a pot, emphasizes the need for prophylactic measures. It is much easier to prevent the problem than to withdraw parasites. We have collected a list of simple but effective events.

Preventive actions

  • It is impossible to moisten the soil, thereby creating favorable conditions for the development of worms. Watering should be regular, but not excessive.
  • It is impossible to use organic feeders like meat juice, milk or tea welding. It is better to use humus-based preparations or mineral fertilizers.
  • Bought or brought from somewhere flower bushes can be infected. For a half or two weeks, they must be placed in Quarantine. That is, to put at a distance from another greenery. Bouquets of cut colors, especially purchased, put an aliens from home plants.
  • The transplanting ground must be processed: leaning, shedding with boiling water or insecticide.
  • Regular inspection of all homemade greenery.

How to get rid of worms in flower pots: an overview of effective techniques 2856_13

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