Mansard, sheathed with clapboard: make out the room with its functionality (75 photos)


Lining - universal material for designing the entire country house: from the first floor to the attic. About the last and talk today. How to finish an attic space using a rail?

Mansard, sheathed with clapboard: make out the room with its functionality (75 photos) 2865_1

Mansard, sheathed with clapboard: make out the room with its functionality (75 photos)

Use lining on the attic - not new. Thus, there are often daches and private houses outside the city, this is a convenient facing option when insulation is carried out. Only not always the trim in the end looks stylish and modern. Causes: Incorrect combination of materials and stylistic errors. We tell how to make an attic beautifully and functionally.

Once reading? Watch the video!

How to use lining in the making of the attic

Features of the material

Choosing style

Registration of rooms

- Living room

- Bedroom

- Children's

- Sanusel

Features of the material

Mansard trimmed with clapboard, classic in a private house. It is appropriate in the living room and in the bedroom, and even in the bathroom. But we are talking about wooden models. Reiki are narrow and wide, natural and painted.

When choosing it is important to pay to the class of material - it should be not lower than A, and humidity - from 10% to 16%. Such indicators will avoid swelling and drying of the rivers, which can lead to the occurrence of cracks and filling the boards.

Mansard, sheathed with clapboard: make out the room with its functionality (75 photos) 2865_3
Mansard, sheathed with clapboard: make out the room with its functionality (75 photos) 2865_4
Mansard, sheathed with clapboard: make out the room with its functionality (75 photos) 2865_5
Mansard, sheathed with clapboard: make out the room with its functionality (75 photos) 2865_6
Mansard, sheathed with clapboard: make out the room with its functionality (75 photos) 2865_7
Mansard, sheathed with clapboard: make out the room with its functionality (75 photos) 2865_8
Mansard, sheathed with clapboard: make out the room with its functionality (75 photos) 2865_9
Mansard, sheathed with clapboard: make out the room with its functionality (75 photos) 2865_10
Mansard, sheathed with clapboard: make out the room with its functionality (75 photos) 2865_11
Mansard, sheathed with clapboard: make out the room with its functionality (75 photos) 2865_12
Mansard, sheathed with clapboard: make out the room with its functionality (75 photos) 2865_13
Mansard, sheathed with clapboard: make out the room with its functionality (75 photos) 2865_14

Mansard, sheathed with clapboard: make out the room with its functionality (75 photos) 2865_15

Mansard, sheathed with clapboard: make out the room with its functionality (75 photos) 2865_16

Mansard, sheathed with clapboard: make out the room with its functionality (75 photos) 2865_17

Mansard, sheathed with clapboard: make out the room with its functionality (75 photos) 2865_18

Mansard, sheathed with clapboard: make out the room with its functionality (75 photos) 2865_19

Mansard, sheathed with clapboard: make out the room with its functionality (75 photos) 2865_20

Mansard, sheathed with clapboard: make out the room with its functionality (75 photos) 2865_21

Mansard, sheathed with clapboard: make out the room with its functionality (75 photos) 2865_22

Mansard, sheathed with clapboard: make out the room with its functionality (75 photos) 2865_23

Mansard, sheathed with clapboard: make out the room with its functionality (75 photos) 2865_24

Mansard, sheathed with clapboard: make out the room with its functionality (75 photos) 2865_25

Mansard, sheathed with clapboard: make out the room with its functionality (75 photos) 2865_26

If the design does not assume the color of the boards, you can consider products from MDF. They are cheaper than natural wooden, but they are not inferior in their properties. The artificial origin of the materials will not get into the eyes, if we decide the rail only the ceiling and the skate.

Plastic, the third type of color, for interior decorations will not fit. Cheap and durable, they are designed to perform external work.

The advantage of the board is the simplicity of working with it, because it is possible to shelter the attic clapboard with their own hands, it does not require complex tools for installation. Some and doom under it are mounted independently.

Mansard, sheathed with clapboard: make out the room with its functionality (75 photos) 2865_27
Mansard, sheathed with clapboard: make out the room with its functionality (75 photos) 2865_28
Mansard, sheathed with clapboard: make out the room with its functionality (75 photos) 2865_29
Mansard, sheathed with clapboard: make out the room with its functionality (75 photos) 2865_30
Mansard, sheathed with clapboard: make out the room with its functionality (75 photos) 2865_31
Mansard, sheathed with clapboard: make out the room with its functionality (75 photos) 2865_32
Mansard, sheathed with clapboard: make out the room with its functionality (75 photos) 2865_33
Mansard, sheathed with clapboard: make out the room with its functionality (75 photos) 2865_34
Mansard, sheathed with clapboard: make out the room with its functionality (75 photos) 2865_35
Mansard, sheathed with clapboard: make out the room with its functionality (75 photos) 2865_36
Mansard, sheathed with clapboard: make out the room with its functionality (75 photos) 2865_37
Mansard, sheathed with clapboard: make out the room with its functionality (75 photos) 2865_38
Mansard, sheathed with clapboard: make out the room with its functionality (75 photos) 2865_39
Mansard, sheathed with clapboard: make out the room with its functionality (75 photos) 2865_40

Mansard, sheathed with clapboard: make out the room with its functionality (75 photos) 2865_41

Mansard, sheathed with clapboard: make out the room with its functionality (75 photos) 2865_42

Mansard, sheathed with clapboard: make out the room with its functionality (75 photos) 2865_43

Mansard, sheathed with clapboard: make out the room with its functionality (75 photos) 2865_44

Mansard, sheathed with clapboard: make out the room with its functionality (75 photos) 2865_45

Mansard, sheathed with clapboard: make out the room with its functionality (75 photos) 2865_46

Mansard, sheathed with clapboard: make out the room with its functionality (75 photos) 2865_47

Mansard, sheathed with clapboard: make out the room with its functionality (75 photos) 2865_48

Mansard, sheathed with clapboard: make out the room with its functionality (75 photos) 2865_49

Mansard, sheathed with clapboard: make out the room with its functionality (75 photos) 2865_50

Mansard, sheathed with clapboard: make out the room with its functionality (75 photos) 2865_51

Mansard, sheathed with clapboard: make out the room with its functionality (75 photos) 2865_52

Mansard, sheathed with clapboard: make out the room with its functionality (75 photos) 2865_53

Mansard, sheathed with clapboard: make out the room with its functionality (75 photos) 2865_54

  • Installation of cladding on the ceiling: tips on the choice of material and trim

Choosing style

An interior of the attic with the clap is actually universal, the material is easily styled and is used in decoration of rooms of different character.

Modern style

There are no restrictions and special conditions for the use of rails. They are found in the decoration of the walls and the ceiling. And the option in the tree looks more interesting than tension.

Western designers easily combine both thin and wide boards with a bar and paint. They can be left in natural color or paint into light tones.

Mansard, sheathed with clapboard: make out the room with its functionality (75 photos) 2865_56
Mansard, sheathed with clapboard: make out the room with its functionality (75 photos) 2865_57
Mansard, sheathed with clapboard: make out the room with its functionality (75 photos) 2865_58
Mansard, sheathed with clapboard: make out the room with its functionality (75 photos) 2865_59
Mansard, sheathed with clapboard: make out the room with its functionality (75 photos) 2865_60
Mansard, sheathed with clapboard: make out the room with its functionality (75 photos) 2865_61
Mansard, sheathed with clapboard: make out the room with its functionality (75 photos) 2865_62
Mansard, sheathed with clapboard: make out the room with its functionality (75 photos) 2865_63
Mansard, sheathed with clapboard: make out the room with its functionality (75 photos) 2865_64
Mansard, sheathed with clapboard: make out the room with its functionality (75 photos) 2865_65

Mansard, sheathed with clapboard: make out the room with its functionality (75 photos) 2865_66

Mansard, sheathed with clapboard: make out the room with its functionality (75 photos) 2865_67

Mansard, sheathed with clapboard: make out the room with its functionality (75 photos) 2865_68

Mansard, sheathed with clapboard: make out the room with its functionality (75 photos) 2865_69

Mansard, sheathed with clapboard: make out the room with its functionality (75 photos) 2865_70

Mansard, sheathed with clapboard: make out the room with its functionality (75 photos) 2865_71

Mansard, sheathed with clapboard: make out the room with its functionality (75 photos) 2865_72

Mansard, sheathed with clapboard: make out the room with its functionality (75 photos) 2865_73

Mansard, sheathed with clapboard: make out the room with its functionality (75 photos) 2865_74

Mansard, sheathed with clapboard: make out the room with its functionality (75 photos) 2865_75


This is a neat rustic style that Americans are often called Farmhouse, that is, the Farm House. It is characterized by simplicity and conciseness: decoration in bright colors, vintage furniture and aged decor. For the walls and the ceiling, a bleached rail is used. And thus make out all the floors, including the attic.

Mansard, sheathed with clapboard: make out the room with its functionality (75 photos) 2865_76
Mansard, sheathed with clapboard: make out the room with its functionality (75 photos) 2865_77
Mansard, sheathed with clapboard: make out the room with its functionality (75 photos) 2865_78
Mansard, sheathed with clapboard: make out the room with its functionality (75 photos) 2865_79
Mansard, sheathed with clapboard: make out the room with its functionality (75 photos) 2865_80
Mansard, sheathed with clapboard: make out the room with its functionality (75 photos) 2865_81

Mansard, sheathed with clapboard: make out the room with its functionality (75 photos) 2865_82

Mansard, sheathed with clapboard: make out the room with its functionality (75 photos) 2865_83

Mansard, sheathed with clapboard: make out the room with its functionality (75 photos) 2865_84

Mansard, sheathed with clapboard: make out the room with its functionality (75 photos) 2865_85

Mansard, sheathed with clapboard: make out the room with its functionality (75 photos) 2865_86

Mansard, sheathed with clapboard: make out the room with its functionality (75 photos) 2865_87


Minimalism in the apartment and in the country house will be different. The second way to this Scandinavian style, which is often found in the houses of European designers.

The lining is used in such living rooms on the attic floor. A wooden rail is suitable for design, natural or painted. It is more often painted in bright colors, but sophisticated shades: dusty mint, dirty blue, ash-pink, light mustard and so on.

Mansard, sheathed with clapboard: make out the room with its functionality (75 photos) 2865_88
Mansard, sheathed with clapboard: make out the room with its functionality (75 photos) 2865_89
Mansard, sheathed with clapboard: make out the room with its functionality (75 photos) 2865_90
Mansard, sheathed with clapboard: make out the room with its functionality (75 photos) 2865_91
Mansard, sheathed with clapboard: make out the room with its functionality (75 photos) 2865_92

Mansard, sheathed with clapboard: make out the room with its functionality (75 photos) 2865_93

Mansard, sheathed with clapboard: make out the room with its functionality (75 photos) 2865_94

Mansard, sheathed with clapboard: make out the room with its functionality (75 photos) 2865_95

Mansard, sheathed with clapboard: make out the room with its functionality (75 photos) 2865_96

Mansard, sheathed with clapboard: make out the room with its functionality (75 photos) 2865_97

  • What and how best to paint the lining inside the house: overview of materials and training video

Mansard finishing with lining taking into account the functional of the room

Much in the design of the attic floor depends on what it will be here. After all, the decoration of the living room and the bathroom is significantly different. Consider each room each room.

Living room

Often it is the living room becomes the center of the house, here are going to the family and spend time with guests. There is thus the attic floor - the solution is non-standard, but very spectacular. True, it is possible to realize the conceived only in rooms with high ceilings and large windows. The more natural light, the more cozy there will be a room. If the attic is small and there is not enough light in it, it is better to use this zone as a bedroom.

  • Rake is relevant both in the roof decoration and walls. Depending on the form of the room, you can consider different options for its laying.
  • Horizontal display - classic. Suitable for rooms of the right form.
  • Vertical direction visually pulls out the wall, give air. If you want to increase the height of the ceiling, take a look at this solution.

The appearance of the skate depends on the walls. If they are decorated with a board, then in the design of the roof it is also used. If the walls are painted, the rail direction is chosen to their taste. You can consider both horizontal laying and vertical. Pay attention to the combination of beams and boards in the decoration of the bone roof - the photo looks stylish and natural textures, and painting.

Mansard, sheathed with clapboard: make out the room with its functionality (75 photos) 2865_99
Mansard, sheathed with clapboard: make out the room with its functionality (75 photos) 2865_100
Mansard, sheathed with clapboard: make out the room with its functionality (75 photos) 2865_101
Mansard, sheathed with clapboard: make out the room with its functionality (75 photos) 2865_102
Mansard, sheathed with clapboard: make out the room with its functionality (75 photos) 2865_103
Mansard, sheathed with clapboard: make out the room with its functionality (75 photos) 2865_104
Mansard, sheathed with clapboard: make out the room with its functionality (75 photos) 2865_105

Mansard, sheathed with clapboard: make out the room with its functionality (75 photos) 2865_106

Mansard, sheathed with clapboard: make out the room with its functionality (75 photos) 2865_107

Mansard, sheathed with clapboard: make out the room with its functionality (75 photos) 2865_108

Mansard, sheathed with clapboard: make out the room with its functionality (75 photos) 2865_109

Mansard, sheathed with clapboard: make out the room with its functionality (75 photos) 2865_110

Mansard, sheathed with clapboard: make out the room with its functionality (75 photos) 2865_111

Mansard, sheathed with clapboard: make out the room with its functionality (75 photos) 2865_112

  • Beams on the ceiling in the interior: 46 photos of use options


Good idea for small houses, where every meter is on the account. The bedroom rendered to the attic floor will allow you to use more space under the dining room and living room.

Requirements for such a layout a bit.

  • Little windows will not be a problem, there is no need for a good level of lighting.
  • The area also does not matter: only a bed is needed, with a rare exception, a wardrobe or chest is placed here. Especially if we are talking about the design of the cottage.

In the design of such an attic, the lining can also be used without a doubt. Nuances a little. Lack of natural light compensate the color of the walls. It is advisable to paint in the palette of light shades: white, beige, light gray.

Vertical laying is a suitable solution for small rooms. Thus, they are decorated with walls and roof to create a feeling of a single space.

Mansard, sheathed with clapboard: make out the room with its functionality (75 photos) 2865_114
Mansard, sheathed with clapboard: make out the room with its functionality (75 photos) 2865_115
Mansard, sheathed with clapboard: make out the room with its functionality (75 photos) 2865_116
Mansard, sheathed with clapboard: make out the room with its functionality (75 photos) 2865_117
Mansard, sheathed with clapboard: make out the room with its functionality (75 photos) 2865_118
Mansard, sheathed with clapboard: make out the room with its functionality (75 photos) 2865_119
Mansard, sheathed with clapboard: make out the room with its functionality (75 photos) 2865_120
Mansard, sheathed with clapboard: make out the room with its functionality (75 photos) 2865_121
Mansard, sheathed with clapboard: make out the room with its functionality (75 photos) 2865_122
Mansard, sheathed with clapboard: make out the room with its functionality (75 photos) 2865_123
Mansard, sheathed with clapboard: make out the room with its functionality (75 photos) 2865_124

Mansard, sheathed with clapboard: make out the room with its functionality (75 photos) 2865_125

Mansard, sheathed with clapboard: make out the room with its functionality (75 photos) 2865_126

Mansard, sheathed with clapboard: make out the room with its functionality (75 photos) 2865_127

Mansard, sheathed with clapboard: make out the room with its functionality (75 photos) 2865_128

Mansard, sheathed with clapboard: make out the room with its functionality (75 photos) 2865_129

Mansard, sheathed with clapboard: make out the room with its functionality (75 photos) 2865_130

Mansard, sheathed with clapboard: make out the room with its functionality (75 photos) 2865_131

Mansard, sheathed with clapboard: make out the room with its functionality (75 photos) 2865_132

Mansard, sheathed with clapboard: make out the room with its functionality (75 photos) 2865_133

Mansard, sheathed with clapboard: make out the room with its functionality (75 photos) 2865_134

Mansard, sheathed with clapboard: make out the room with its functionality (75 photos) 2865_135

  • How do it yourself shelter the door of the clapboard


This option is not for a preschooler. But the teenager will certainly appreciate the planning of dignity. The cozy room will be only in the presence of good natural lighting. Here at least you need one large end window and additional attic on the sides.

  • Such an attic can be seen with a tree with a tree. The material should be environmentally friendly, it is better to refuse the MDF.
  • Light tones is a good solution for any children's, including in the house in the city.
  • Materials are appropriate: plaster, wallpaper, timber and board.

Mansard, sheathed with clapboard: make out the room with its functionality (75 photos) 2865_137
Mansard, sheathed with clapboard: make out the room with its functionality (75 photos) 2865_138
Mansard, sheathed with clapboard: make out the room with its functionality (75 photos) 2865_139
Mansard, sheathed with clapboard: make out the room with its functionality (75 photos) 2865_140
Mansard, sheathed with clapboard: make out the room with its functionality (75 photos) 2865_141

Mansard, sheathed with clapboard: make out the room with its functionality (75 photos) 2865_142

Mansard, sheathed with clapboard: make out the room with its functionality (75 photos) 2865_143

Mansard, sheathed with clapboard: make out the room with its functionality (75 photos) 2865_144

Mansard, sheathed with clapboard: make out the room with its functionality (75 photos) 2865_145

Mansard, sheathed with clapboard: make out the room with its functionality (75 photos) 2865_146


The bathroom in the attic is infrequent, but then the rail can be relevant. The tree is used not only for the ceiling, but also for walls. Strong breeds are suitable: larch, aspen, linden, alder and others. Choose those that are designed to design a bath.

To extend the life of wooden boards, wipe them with a dry cloth after taking a bath or soul. And two or three times a year handle the surface with wax.

Mansard, sheathed with clapboard: make out the room with its functionality (75 photos) 2865_147
Mansard, sheathed with clapboard: make out the room with its functionality (75 photos) 2865_148
Mansard, sheathed with clapboard: make out the room with its functionality (75 photos) 2865_149
Mansard, sheathed with clapboard: make out the room with its functionality (75 photos) 2865_150
Mansard, sheathed with clapboard: make out the room with its functionality (75 photos) 2865_151

Mansard, sheathed with clapboard: make out the room with its functionality (75 photos) 2865_152

Mansard, sheathed with clapboard: make out the room with its functionality (75 photos) 2865_153

Mansard, sheathed with clapboard: make out the room with its functionality (75 photos) 2865_154

Mansard, sheathed with clapboard: make out the room with its functionality (75 photos) 2865_155

Mansard, sheathed with clapboard: make out the room with its functionality (75 photos) 2865_156

  • How designers make up attic: 8 examples from real projects

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