6 things that can not be removed from the apartment during repairs (in order to save time and money)


Household appliances, plumbing, storage systems - listed things that can be left in the apartment and told how to prefer to avoid damage.

6 things that can not be removed from the apartment during repairs (in order to save time and money) 2895_1

6 things that can not be removed from the apartment during repairs (in order to save time and money)

1 toilet

When repairing the bathroom, the new toilet places put in the latter order not to damage it with other works. Therefore, do not hurry to remove the old toilet, even when they have already taken out all the plumbing, especially if you live at home during repair or workers come to you for the whole day. Optimally - to remove the toilet only before installing the new and after the end of all finishing works. So you will save on the purchase of "temporary" replacement.

6 things that can not be removed from the apartment during repairs (in order to save time and money) 2895_3

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2 Built-in furniture and large cabinets

If the repair does not go to that room or even in that corner, where the furniture is located, you can not spend time on the export and rental of the temporary cell in the warehouse. In order for the furniture to not suffer, wrap it with dense polyethylene, then fasten the sheets of cardboard on all corners and climb on top of another pair of polyethylene layers. Thus, the dust will not fall inside, the edges will not be damaged, and the surface does not scratch.

6 things that can not be removed from the apartment during repairs (in order to save time and money) 2895_5

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3 washing machine

Large household appliances, in general, can also be left for repairs in the apartment. It is disconnected from electricity and water supply so as not to damage the device due to voltage jumps or possible accidents with pipes. Packaging rules are the same as for cabinets. You can also additionally create a "cloth" from polyethylene, gluing the material to the ceiling and floor, so that it is hermetically closed part of the bathroom or kitchen, where the car is worth it.

6 things that can not be removed from the apartment during repairs (in order to save time and money) 2895_7

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4 stove

If you stay home at the time of repair or you will live workers and use the stove, make sure that the fresh finish does not suffer during cooking. If you plan to use the same slab after the repair is completed, turn the entire bottom part, and make it yourself a lid of foam for a fragile cooking panel. At the moments when you do not prepare, fix the cover with a scotch, and nothing can split or scratch the panel.

6 things that can not be removed from the apartment during repairs (in order to save time and money) 2895_9

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5 Soft furniture

It happens that remove the sofa from the apartment is simply no possibility. Then you need to wind it in a few layers with a dense protective film, forming a cocoon. The legs are packaged separately, well, if there is an opportunity to cut out of the foam covers for them to not damage. Also standing on top of a protective cocoon to sketch another layer of polyethylene, as bedspread - so that he hung and lay on the floor. This hanging edge is fixed with scotch - so dust will not fall to the sofa, and the troubles like a spilled liquid will also be scary.

6 things that can not be removed from the apartment during repairs (in order to save time and money) 2895_11

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6 textiles

If in the apartment where the repair is being repaired, clothing, curtains, blankets, bed linen and bedspreads, they should also be protected, even if they lie in closed cabinets in distant rooms. Dust, which stands out in the process of draft work - small, and penetrate everywhere. Therefore, it is worth keeping textiles in a wrapped with a closet or use vacuum packages. They reliably protect against dust, and, in addition, in packages, things will take less space.

6 things that can not be removed from the apartment during repairs (in order to save time and money) 2895_13

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