8 best ways to decorate a small kitchen, according to designers


Designer Galina Berezkin and Architect Anna Novopoltseva shared by the receptions of the decoration of small cuisine, which are used in their projects. Try and you!

8 best ways to decorate a small kitchen, according to designers 2925_1

8 best ways to decorate a small kitchen, according to designers

1 Select one material for table top and windowsill

Such a move will allow not only visually combining two modules, but also to use the surface of the window sill as an additional working area. Even if you do not cut products on it, you can put small household appliances or part of the dishes onto the windowsill. At the same time raise the level of the windowsill so that it coincides with the height of the countertops, not necessarily.

Designer Galina Berezkin:

In our projects, we used artificial and natural stone and natural wood for table top and windows. In each embodiment, a one-piece and harmonious composition was obtained, comfortable in everyday use.

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2 play on contrast

"The combination of bright kitchen furniture and a contrast countertop creates a feeling of multi-faceted space and visually increases it. Light surfaces will be perceived as more distant, which will add a small room of air and ease. For furniture, you can choose white, cream, light blue shades, and work the table top in coffee, agate-gray or dark blue tones, "recommends Galina Berezkin.

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3 Build a wall with decorative material

Designer photographic or frescoes can be made as such material, and you can also attract the artist for painting the wall or try your hand and paint the wall. It is important to choose an image or material that will be combined with furniture styles and a kitchen atmosphere.

Designer Galina Berezkin:

Our interior perception is largely built on the emotional component. In order to make an atmospheric and interesting artistic image in the kitchen interior, much space is not required, there will be a small segment of the wall. You can use a beautiful ornament, natural motifs, picturesque or graphic cloths. Choose exactly the image that will delight you every day!

8 best ways to decorate a small kitchen, according to designers 2925_6

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4 choose functional decor

Perhaps it is worth reconsidering your attitude to the decor and choose instead of the item that will not bear any functional load, something more useful.

Here, for example, that the architect Anna Novopoltseva recommends: "If you love fresh greens, salads, you can grow it directly without leaving the kitchen in the wall mounted mini kashpo, which will be at the same time with an unusual decor."

8 best ways to decorate a small kitchen, according to designers 2925_8

By the way, the dishes and furniture can also be considered a functional decor.

Architect Anna Novopoltseva:

Architect Anna Novopoltseva:

Additional ease of interior will bring the use of glass transparent dishes. Transparent, by the way, there may be chairs that are relevant today, they are modern concise and easy-to-use.

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5 Make focus on home appliances

Little cuisine is customized in the neutral palette, and there is a reasonable - visually it will seem more. But the accents are also needed, and they can become household appliances.

"When designing a kitchen space, made in the neutral palette of shades, bright and bold colors for household appliances can be used. Red, orange or yellow kettle or toaster will be a pleasant accent detail on a white or light gray kitchen background. You can choose more overall techniques. In one of the projects on the White Scandinavian cuisine, we placed a bright yellow refrigerator, which became the center of attraction of all the views and a source of positive and solar mood, not dependent on the weather outside the window, "says designer Galina Berezkin.

8 best ways to decorate a small kitchen, according to designers 2925_11

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6 or on apron

A variety of materials for kitchen apron - tiles, panels, photo printing under glass panels - allows to make an emphasis on this zone.

"The decor can become an unusual kitchen apron, made, for example, from bright mosaic tiles, but not too small, while the kitchen itself should be neutral, better in bright shades or just white. The use of bright accents in small kitchens should be very dosed, as well as the total number of decor, "says Anna Novopoltseva architect.

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7 choose large decor items

If the kitchen is very small, it is not worth littered with her small decor, there is a risk of rearrange.

Architect Anna Novopoltseva:

Do not use small decor, it is better to bring accent in the form of single large items, but functional (baskets for storage, jugs, vases). Highlight the dining table, having hung a picture next to him, again not small, so as not to break the space.

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8 Place the window slopes ... mirrors

The mirrors are known for their ability to visually expand the space, and the proximity of the mirror surface to the window will also help increase the amount of natural light.

"Even a small space of space with good lighting is perceived as more spacious and comfortable. If we separate window slopes in a small kitchen, the effect of optical expansion of space and additional lighting will not slow themselves, "the designer Galina Berezkin clarifies.

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