How to equip an apartment or a cottage for the convenience of older relatives: 11 important advice


Remove the wires, attach the floor mats and equip the bathroom - tell how to simplify and secure the life of your parents, grandparents.

How to equip an apartment or a cottage for the convenience of older relatives: 11 important advice 2978_1

How to equip an apartment or a cottage for the convenience of older relatives: 11 important advice

1 Remove the wires from the floor

For the wires scattered by the floor, any person can hoock. But for the elderly it is most dangerous. Therefore, remove all the wires from under the feet: you need to safely secure on the walls, the rest are in place for storage.

How to equip an apartment or a cottage for the convenience of older relatives: 11 important advice 2978_3

2 Get rid of high thresholds

Employment of high thresholds in old age is quite difficult, especially if the grandmother or grandfather use walkers or rest on a stick. Therefore, if possible, it is better to remove them. This is especially true of country and country houses of the old building.

If you remove them difficult, then you should make them more noticeable. Mark them with contrasting colors. To do this, you can buy a special tape.

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3 Take care of the stairs

It is not only about stairs in the house, but also all the steps, protrusions, staircase stairs, who put the leg elderly. In stores sell anti-slip strips on a sticky basis. They glue on the edge of the steps and do not give the leg to slip.

How to equip an apartment or a cottage for the convenience of older relatives: 11 important advice 2978_5

4 Light complex areas

In order to reduce the risk of falling in the dark, highlight dangerous places. To do this, it is necessary to build lamps and invent a new lighting system. Buy lanterns that are attached to the wall on the velcro and react to movement. As soon as someone is suitable for them, they will automatically turn on. It is worth highlighting all the ways for which an elderly person can walk at night: for example, the road from the bedroom to the bathroom and to the kitchen.

5 Secure mats

Older people can easily stumble about the reversed corner of the rug and fall. Therefore, it is better to eliminate such a problem. There are several options: old mats can either throw out, bothering new, or try to straigh them and attach them to the floor. The first option is not suitable for everyone: the elderly people are very tied to their things. Therefore, try to clean the old mats, disappear tightening the corners and attach them to the floor with the help of bilateral tape or velcro.

If a relative still agrees to replace the old carpets on new, it is better to put carpet on the entire floor or a wide carpet, the ends of which will end right by the walls. Wrinkle talking about the replacement of textiles, you should not frighten a person and insist on its inferiority. Come up with a tactful reason why you want to change the interior.

How to equip an apartment or a cottage for the convenience of older relatives: 11 important advice 2978_6

6 Organize storage at the right level.

Bending in old age is quite difficult, so the storage of things that the person uses regularly must be organized at the level of the elongated hand. To do this, you can use additional shelves, hinged organizers that are hung on the hook, and other systems.

7 Choose high furniture

The older the person becomes, the more difficult it is to get up from low models of beds, sofas and chairs. Therefore, the choice is better to stop on high furniture. If you buy new models will not be able to solve the problem with an additional high mattress.

How to equip an apartment or a cottage for the convenience of older relatives: 11 important advice 2978_7

8 Equip the bathroom

Get out of the bath, the elderly person can also be difficult. Therefore, at least, it is worth attaching a handle in the bathroom to the wall so that it can be convenient to grasp. Also, if possible, equip high seats in the bath. So it is much easier to wash. For the elderly there are special swivel chairs. However, such a purchase also needs to competently justify, be tacty.

In the country, most often equip showers or corners. Their arrangement is worth thinking. First, it is better to make them without a threshold, it's easier to get out of slippery cabin. Secondly, pride the place where a person could sit down. When the temperature drop in the shower can be spinning the head, so it is very important to consider the seat.

Do not change the bath on the shower, if the grandmother or grandpa is accustomed to washing in the first. A new device may not be in use, as well as become an additional test.

9 Check out the plumbing

Check the condition of the cranes in the kitchen and in the bathroom: if they leak or spray water in different directions, it is worth repairing them or replace them. The fact is that the splashes will fall on the floor and will make the floor slightening. The risk of falling in this case increases much.

How to equip an apartment or a cottage for the convenience of older relatives: 11 important advice 2978_8

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10 Put in the hallway bench

For a comfortable handling in the hallway, it is necessary to place a weekdays, as well as purchase a spoon for shoes with a long handle. Remove unnecessary things from this zone, which can be stumbled. Do not forget to attach the welcome rug on Velcro to not moving from the spot.

11 Think about the trifles

Having provided for the important point of the design of space, think about things that older people enjoy constantly.

  • Highlight with different colors keys from home and other places so that the relative is not confused. This can be done using painting with nail polish or buy colored office labels.
  • Stick to the remote from the TV velcro, the other part it is attached to the armrest or sofa. Thus, the remote can be fixed while watching the TV, it will not fall by chance on the floor.

How to equip an apartment or a cottage for the convenience of older relatives: 11 important advice 2978_10

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