6 items in each house that you can and need to be cleaned in the summer


Air conditioning, winter blankets and mattresses, carpets - in our selection of things that is the time to clean in the warm season.

6 items in each house that you can and need to be cleaned in the summer 2981_1

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1 air conditioning

After several months, during which the air conditioner was not used, it is necessary to carry out a large-scale cleaning before it is turned on, otherwise, along with cold air, a huge amount of dust will penetrate into the apartment. In addition, it is important for the safety of climate techniques. The cleaning of the filters of the indoor unit is easy to spend and do it yourself.

To do this, carefully remove the front panel from it. Fastening this panel is usually located on the sides and are quite stripped. Then pull the air filters. In most models, they look like curved rectangular plates with a grid, and pull out with a slight effort. These filters can be rinsed under warm water with soap, dried and insert back.

To complete full cleaning, use this instruction.

6 items in each house that you can and need to be cleaned in the summer 2981_2

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2 Refrigerator

Before the season of collecting and frosting fruits, berries and vegetables, disassemble and clean the refrigerator. You can defrost the freezer, throw away the seeded products that you will not eat. The refrigeration department is also worth freeing, wipe with a solution of water and vinegar (it will help remove odors) and fill out again, getting rid of unnecessary and gently spreading everything else. Think perhaps you need new containers or boxes for storing summer products. Place the location of the products in the refrigerator to maintain order it was easier.

6 items in each house that you can and need to be cleaned in the summer 2981_4

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3 curtains

With the onset of summer, many change textiles in the apartment, and, first of all, curtains. Winter set you need to wash. If you do not change the curtains, it is still worth cleaning them, get rid of the dust accumulated over the winter and spring. You will feel that the air will become more fresh when carrying out the room.

6 items in each house that you can and need to be cleaned in the summer 2981_6

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4 Mosquito nets

If you have mosquito nets on your windows, the beginning of the summer is a good moment to remove them and rinse thoroughly in warm water with a detergent. It is even suitable for the tool you wash dishes. In urban conditions, a large amount of dust is settled on the grid, from which it is better to get rid of it so that it does not get into the apartment through an open window.

Lifehak: If you cannot pull out the mosquito net, do minimal cleaning using a sticky roller. It is sticking to the dust and garbage particles that are taped on the grid.

6 items in each house that you can and need to be cleaned in the summer 2981_8

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5 carv

Another thing that actively collects dust, and by which you will walk barefoot - carpet. If you have an expensive carpet from natural handmade materials, you will have to carry it into a dry cleaning, which specializes in such products. If this is an ordinary flooring from a mass market that does not require delicate care, try to clean it yourself.

Let the carpet, roll into a roll and take into the bathroom. Apply a gentle cleaning agent and distribute it with a soft sponge, wash. To save the softness of the pile, you can at the end of the air conditioner for linen. Do not squeeze and do not twist the carpet, just hang it on the side of the bath and allow water to drain.

6 items in each house that you can and need to be cleaned in the summer 2981_10

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6 mattress and winter blanket

At least once every six months, manufacturers recommend to erase the blanket and clean the mattress. Be careful with a blanket, it is possible that it is too large for the drum of your washing machine or is not intended for such a cleaning. Then it will have to carry in a dry cleaning.

The mattress can be tricking yourself. If you have a vacuum cleaner with a function of a wet cleaning or saparizer - use them. In another case, use a soft cleaning agent, sponge and warm water.

6 items in each house that you can and need to be cleaned in the summer 2981_12

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