5 successful combinations of plants for spectacular flowerbeds


Selected several ready-made scenarios of a beautiful garden landscaping. You have left only to embody them in your garden.

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5 successful combinations of plants for spectacular flowerbeds

So that the garden flower garden does not look like a random lot of beautiful plants that interrupt each other, to the choice of neighbors in the club, you need to be very carefully. Combining plants, pay attention to flowering time: they must match or follow each other (depending on what effect you go to achieve). In addition, the plants are made to combine height and forms. We tell what flowers look in pairs the most advantageous.

1 chamomile + cornflowers

A classic case when a tandem of plants, conceived by nature, looks spectacular and in the garden. In recent seasons, the sections have become particularly popular to plant wildflowers to create a picture of a natural landscape. Chamomiles and cornflowers for this is the perfect option. Both plants bloom delicately, flowering periods coincide, and in the garden such a tandem looks very aesthetic and fresh.

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2 irises + peonies

The bushes of peonies are bigger than it is possible to plant separately, but more shorter grades are successfully combined with other garden representatives. A combination with irises looks particularly beautiful. Such a flower bed looks more like a lush cloud than on a flower garden. Peony, despite its luxurious bloom, unpretentious and refers to perennials, just like Iris. So that both plants bloom is more abundant, do not forget to remove unnecessary blooms - they steal the strength from the bush to bookmark new colors.

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3 host + hydrangea

Unpretentious host is an excellent companion for many plant plants. It creates a lush green cap and closes the land - a good solution for those colors that are deprived of thick foliage. Due to the fact that the host does not attach attention to the flowerbed, it can be combined with the most bright colors. For example, with hydrangea. Both plants are similar to their rounded form, so there is a harmonious together on the flower bed. In addition, both plants love shady sections and preserve flowering for a long time.

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4 Cacti + Sansevieria

If you do not like and do not know how to care for plants, but nevertheless you want to start a beautiful flowerub on the site, you are to help the record holders for unpretentiousness - cacti and sansevier. Both plants are well transferred to heat, do not require frequent irrigation and in combination look wonderful. Supplement such a flower can be succulent - they will make a variety due to their colorful leaves and interesting form. Since the succulents also refer to the family of cacti, the care of them will be about the same as behind the rest of the inhabitants of the flower beds. The only wishes: do not organize such a flower leaf in shady swampy places. We are talking about the plants of the desert, which means it is best to choose solar clearing for them.

Please note that not all varieties of cacti are allowed to grown on the site. Examine this question before choosing a variety.

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5 Tui + Hosts

The host is a unique plant that looks well with deciduous, and with coniferous plants. Tandem "Thuja + host" is usually used to decorate space near the hedge, because things are quite high plants, and they are accepted from the fence, framing the garden.

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