How to live for 10 square meters. M: 4 cool apartments in which it is real


We consider tiny apartments from 9 to 14 square meters. m, in which they created a full-fledged space for life.

How to live for 10 square meters. M: 4 cool apartments in which it is real 3009_1

How to live for 10 square meters. M: 4 cool apartments in which it is real

1 Little two-level apartment

One of the scenarios, in which a truly tiny apartment can become comfortable housing for one or even for two, is high ceilings.

The gallery shows an example of 12 square studio. M. With the help of the add-in the mezzanine, it was possible to carry a sleeping place upstairs, leaving the lower miniature, but functional kitchen, a bathroom and a place to relax with a sofa.

In order for the space to look more spacious, all the walls and the mezzanine painted in a cold white color, and for comforts added to the interior of the tree: Paul, table, chairs, kitchen set, wardrobe and staircase to the second level. An interesting emphasis was the chandelier on a long cord and wall sconce - they decorate the interior and make the room with light.

How to live for 10 square meters. M: 4 cool apartments in which it is real 3009_3
How to live for 10 square meters. M: 4 cool apartments in which it is real 3009_4
How to live for 10 square meters. M: 4 cool apartments in which it is real 3009_5

How to live for 10 square meters. M: 4 cool apartments in which it is real 3009_6

How to live for 10 square meters. M: 4 cool apartments in which it is real 3009_7

How to live for 10 square meters. M: 4 cool apartments in which it is real 3009_8

Which height should be the ceilings to make the second level

If the height of the ceilings starts from 3.6 meters, it is possible to build a second level for a bed. The distance from the floor to the second level should be at least 220 cm so that you can easily move around, and the second level height is another 120 cm. This minimum is enough to sit on the bed and do not touch the ceiling head. If you want to stand at the second level in full growth, it is necessary that the distance from it to the ceiling is 200-220 cm, that is, the overall height of the ceiling in the room should be 440 cm.

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2 Tiny Green Studio in Los Angeles

In this American studio lives a young girl with his cat and a dog. The height of the ceilings here is already in the usual apartment, so it was necessary to place a working area, a bed and storage for ten meters. As a result, it turned out a very stylish and cozy space with Scandinavian notes. The only thing that seems unusual is the absence of a kitchen. In large American cities you can often find similar tiny studios close to the center or in historical areas: at the expense of the area and lack of a kitchen, the rental price is significantly lower, and therefore young people often live in them, who have not yet built a career and did not get a family.

The first thing that rushes into the eyes is all storage open. Place here, without sacrificing the size of the bed, it would be unrealistic. The owner of the apartment adopted open storage techniques, which enjoy clothing stores: on a small sector of the walls, the shelf was located, under it - a rod for clothes on the hangers, under this clothes - two more shelves and a basket for linen. Thus, if you have a few things, they will all be carefully decomposed and hang out in sight, and do not take a lot of space.

It is also worth noting that there are no empty walls in the studio. Everywhere there are shelves, mirrors, wall decor and all of them are very careful and combined with each other. Two long shelves under the most ceiling are very successfully placed, on which handbags and curly plants in pots are stored. On the one hand, this is a great way to solve the issue of storing bags, and on the other - a stylish decorator reception.

Another technique that makes this apartment special is a huge number of living plants. They are everywhere: above the bed, above the desktop, in the bathroom, in the dresser, on each shelf.

How to live for 10 square meters. M: 4 cool apartments in which it is real 3009_10
How to live for 10 square meters. M: 4 cool apartments in which it is real 3009_11
How to live for 10 square meters. M: 4 cool apartments in which it is real 3009_12
How to live for 10 square meters. M: 4 cool apartments in which it is real 3009_13
How to live for 10 square meters. M: 4 cool apartments in which it is real 3009_14
How to live for 10 square meters. M: 4 cool apartments in which it is real 3009_15
How to live for 10 square meters. M: 4 cool apartments in which it is real 3009_16
How to live for 10 square meters. M: 4 cool apartments in which it is real 3009_17

How to live for 10 square meters. M: 4 cool apartments in which it is real 3009_18

How to live for 10 square meters. M: 4 cool apartments in which it is real 3009_19

How to live for 10 square meters. M: 4 cool apartments in which it is real 3009_20

How to live for 10 square meters. M: 4 cool apartments in which it is real 3009_21

How to live for 10 square meters. M: 4 cool apartments in which it is real 3009_22

How to live for 10 square meters. M: 4 cool apartments in which it is real 3009_23

How to live for 10 square meters. M: 4 cool apartments in which it is real 3009_24

How to live for 10 square meters. M: 4 cool apartments in which it is real 3009_25

3 Studio in France on one

The gallery presents a studio project with an area of ​​only 9 squares. Customers implied that at first this apartment will take turns to use their children when they come to study at the university, and then they will be given to tourists.

The main complexity, in addition to the small area, was the unusual structure of the room: the wall with a window is narrow, and the opposite, where the bathroom is located wider. Because of this geometry, it was impossible to use ordinary furniture and was difficult to plan a storage system.

The output was the podium, which was posted by the window, to fit under the dimensions of the walls. Under it there are retractable storage boxes, and from above - a sleeping place. Another line with drawers is located right under the ceiling, it is convenient to get it up to it, standing on the podium.

Immediately behind the podium begins a miniature kitchen equipped with everything necessary. The table was screwed to the wall and can be lowered for lunch or classes. The bathroom spaced outdoor shower, miniature sink and toilet, maximally using an unusual geometry and creating comfortable niches.

How to live for 10 square meters. M: 4 cool apartments in which it is real 3009_26
How to live for 10 square meters. M: 4 cool apartments in which it is real 3009_27
How to live for 10 square meters. M: 4 cool apartments in which it is real 3009_28
How to live for 10 square meters. M: 4 cool apartments in which it is real 3009_29
How to live for 10 square meters. M: 4 cool apartments in which it is real 3009_30
How to live for 10 square meters. M: 4 cool apartments in which it is real 3009_31
How to live for 10 square meters. M: 4 cool apartments in which it is real 3009_32
How to live for 10 square meters. M: 4 cool apartments in which it is real 3009_33

How to live for 10 square meters. M: 4 cool apartments in which it is real 3009_34

How to live for 10 square meters. M: 4 cool apartments in which it is real 3009_35

How to live for 10 square meters. M: 4 cool apartments in which it is real 3009_36

How to live for 10 square meters. M: 4 cool apartments in which it is real 3009_37

How to live for 10 square meters. M: 4 cool apartments in which it is real 3009_38

How to live for 10 square meters. M: 4 cool apartments in which it is real 3009_39

How to live for 10 square meters. M: 4 cool apartments in which it is real 3009_40

How to live for 10 square meters. M: 4 cool apartments in which it is real 3009_41

  • 11 ways to organize space in small French apartments

4 Transformer Studio

In this studio, the problem with a small area (just 14 square meters. M) decided with the help of a bed, which in the afternoon is under the ceiling, and in the evening it sinks down. Also here rises and drops the dining table. So that the space does not look too complicated and overloaded, it is fully fulfilled in the shades of beige.

How to live for 10 square meters. M: 4 cool apartments in which it is real 3009_43
How to live for 10 square meters. M: 4 cool apartments in which it is real 3009_44

How to live for 10 square meters. M: 4 cool apartments in which it is real 3009_45

How to live for 10 square meters. M: 4 cool apartments in which it is real 3009_46

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