What a pillow to sleep is better to choose: we understand the types of fillers and parameters


The correct pillow helps to sleep well, prevent pain in my head and neck. Collected a lot of interesting information that is useful when choosing a product.

What a pillow to sleep is better to choose: we understand the types of fillers and parameters 3066_1

What a pillow to sleep is better to choose: we understand the types of fillers and parameters

In order not to experience problems and high-quality holidays at night without harm to health, it is worth taking care of good sleep accessories. In the store, as a rule, there is a lot of questions: how to choose the height of the pillow and its width, which "stuffing" to give preference and how to choose a good option for a sleep adult and a child. We answer them in our article.

What you need to know by going to the store

Tips for choosing

Types of fillers

- Natural

- artificial

Parameters and form

Tips, how to choose a pillow, and general product requirements

The ideal does not exist if only because the parameters of the body of each person are individual and the fact that it is convenient to one, it may not be at all to taste. However, there is a general instruction, how to choose to choose which you need to navigate.

  • You should be comfortable on it. Put on the fitted goods - the head and body should be in a comfortable position.
  • A pack must "breathe". Choose compounds that do not interfere with free air circulation, otherwise fungus or dust pliers can be formed inside the product.
  • Parameters must remain unchanged. Domant goods several times and see how quickly it returns to its usual form.
  • Covers and "filling" should not cause allergies. This rule concerns not only allergies - the hypoallergenicity of the composition will provide you with a safe and healthy vacation.
  • Care should be simple. If there is a regular complex care behind the altitude or pack, it is better to abandon this option in favor of which it is easy to store and clean.
  • You need to choose an item individually. You should not buy identical products to all family members - all their physiological features and personal feeling of comfort. What to choose a model for sleeping each family member? Let the choice be individual. Perhaps the products will differ in size and look less aesthetically on the bed, which is the same, but everyone will be good.

What a pillow to sleep is better to choose: we understand the types of fillers and parameters 3066_3

What kind of pillow to choose for sleep on the filler

There is one big division by the types of fillers - on artificial and natural. The simplicity of care, convenience and air exchange in the product depends on the quality of packing. So, tell me how to choose a pillow for sleep on the filler.


It is not necessary to speak about the benefits of natural fillers - they are environmentally friendly, "breathe", adjust to the comfortable body temperature and absorb excess moisture, for example, if a person sweats. But some of them are categorically contraindicated to people with allergies. We give advice how to choose a natural filler for the pillow.

Feathers or Pooh

Immediately it is worth a reservation that this option is not for allergies. In general, such a packing is quite elastic, adjusts to the physiology of each person and perfectly regulates heat exchange. In addition, the fluff and feathers allow the product to "breathe". The shelf life of this filler is small - it needs to be frequensed and removed from the particle damaged particles, otherwise the fungus may form. Usually, the filler update is engaged in atelier or dry cleaning.


This is usually camel or sheep. Woolen packing does not accumulate dust, it moisture-resistant in summer and in winter adjusts to a comfortable temperature of the human body. If the material is high quality, it will last long and will not be lifted. And again an inappropriate option for allergic and asthmatics.


The peculiarity of this filler is that it takes the shape of the body and has a healing massage effect, well supports his head. Showing people with circulatory impairment. Despite the unusual texture, it is easy to get used to it.

Pillow with buckwheat filler

Pillow with buckwheat filler




This material is expensive and difficult to care. Silk padding does not smell, it is weightless and soft, safe for allergies. To make a package of more dense and rigid, silicone fibers are usually added.

What a pillow to sleep is better to choose: we understand the types of fillers and parameters 3066_5


Bamboo "filling" has antibacterial properties and is well suited for those who suffer from allergies. This option perfectly absorbs moisture, maintains a comfortable temperature and perfectly repeats the contours of the body. It is easy to care for the material - you can simply wash the machine.


It is a light, but very durable material that will serve up to 7 years. Provides good air and heat exchange, he is hypoallergen and absorbs excess moisture.

What a pillow to sleep is better to choose: we understand the types of fillers and parameters 3066_6


The market of synthetics is rapidly developing, and modern materials appear, which are not inferior in their characteristics natural, but they are easy to care for them, and they are larger.

Polyester fiber

Cheap and durable material that is made from polyester. Flexible. Easily restored after compression. Depending on the type of polyester fiber, the price varies.

Here, for example, the most budget version of the pillows with a microfiber case. Perfect for temporary use, for example, in the country.

Pillow with polyester fiber filler

Pillow with polyester fiber filler



There are more dense options with a filler from an ultrafine high-circuit polyester microfiber, which mimics natural down. The product is light, but at the same time elastic.



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Inexpensive and durable material that is made from polyester fibers bonded with each other with high temperatures. The resulting matter is treated with antibacterial composition and silicone.


Safe synthetic material that consists of polyester impregnated with silicone. He is hypoallergenic, but does not absorb moisture. It is well cleaned in a typewriter at low temperatures.

What a pillow to sleep is better to choose: we understand the types of fillers and parameters 3066_9

Siliconized fiber

Very elastic and tight material that keeps the form well. As a rule, such products require an additional cover, as sold without it.


Microfibe keeps the form well, it is safe, it does not cause allergies, suitable for rooms with high humidity, for example, for giving. Products with such a pack must be kept away from fire and wash at low temperatures.


If you once met a pillow with small balls inside - it was a polystyrene. The convenience of this packing is that it gently fixes the convenient position of the body, comfortably distributes the load and just care for it, just wash the machine.

What a pillow to sleep is better to choose: we understand the types of fillers and parameters 3066_10
What a pillow to sleep is better to choose: we understand the types of fillers and parameters 3066_11

What a pillow to sleep is better to choose: we understand the types of fillers and parameters 3066_12

What a pillow to sleep is better to choose: we understand the types of fillers and parameters 3066_13

Artificial Pooh

Despite the fact that this material was created as an alternative to a natural poach and Peru, he is greatly inferior to him in the indicators. The artificial pen does not absorb moisture, is electrified, besides, he does not have very good orthopedic characteristics.

What is the result?

So how to choose a good pillow, focusing on the filler? If you have allergies, it makes sense to pay attention to synthetic packages. Many of them are perfectly erased and hold the form well. For example, a pillow under the brand "ideas of your home" is suitable for fans of the vehicle, it has a hypoallergenic filler with a bamboo fiber content, so that it absorbs well and evaporates moisture.

Bamboo Pillow and Polyester Fiber

Bamboo Pillow and Polyester Fiber



Natural materials are good with their hygroscopic and thermoregulation indicators, but more complex in care.

Product Parameters: Height, Shape, Density

There are certain standards, but ultimately it is better to make a choice based on personal comfort.

The dimensions in which the pillows sew are different: for children it is more compact and flat models of 40 centimeters wide and about the same length. An adult pillow can be chosen further and more, the largest size is a square with a side of 70 centimeters.

There are still rollers - for those who prefer to sleep without a pillow. They are equal to the size of the children's model, but have a rounded form.

Roller with buckwheat filler

Roller with buckwheat filler



More products differ in height: the highest - up to 13 centimeters are ideal for rest on the back. The minimum height is 8 centimeters - to sleep on the stomach. The remaining parameters are selected individually. It is logical that the most convenient will be an anatomical product with an optimal degree of hardness for you.

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