8 storage ideas for those who have a lot of clothes, but there is no place at all


Learning to fit the large amount of things in small boxes in different ways.

8 storage ideas for those who have a lot of clothes, but there is no place at all 3102_1

8 storage ideas for those who have a lot of clothes, but there is no place at all

1 Summer Shoes in Boxes

Summer shoes - sandals, slippers - can be stored compact. For example, as in the photo. In any box, fold them vertically and most tightly to each other.

The box can be stored in the closet and ...

The box can be stored in the closet or put under the bench in the hallway. Although the second option is less practical and aesthetic, but in a lack of place for aesthetics, you can close your eyes.

2 knitwear in rolls

If you have one chest of drawers in the room, and things are much more than it can accommodate in stacks, try folding knitwear to rolls. In this way, you can store folded things in two rows. And fit in one box much more than you think.

Possible lack of storage

Possible lack of storage in several rows - you have to raise rolls that lie on top to get to the lower. But adding them back will be easy. By the way, in this way, stored pants made of soft knitwear, and even jeans.

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3 or in vertical stacks

Another option to store knitted things in drawers - vertical stacks. To get such, you need to fold each thing in a compact square or rectangle, and then put them on the "edge".

Can be used separate

You can use dividers or organizers for a box or do without them, and simply lay things into smooth stacks. By the way, find the right thing in the vertical stack is easier than in the usual - you are all in sight.

The video showed a variety of options for storing sweaters and other autumn wardrobe items. Look, you will learn how to save space in the closet and place there anymore.

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4 hanger transformer

There are special hangers on which several "shoulders can be configured", and thus save space on the crossbar in the wardrobe.

Such hangers can be placed & ...

Such hangers can be placed in a vertical position or horizontal, that is, hang to the rear on both sides. Choose the one that will be more convenient. And calculate the height of the raised, as well as the weight that he can hold.

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5 Storage on the door

Lack of space in the closet? Enter the inside of the door.

This can be stored on ...

This can be stored, for example, hats. Attach the hooks on the velcro and place the hats. True, only hats this storage method is not limited.

You can take suspension organizers with pockets and fit shoes in them or other light shoes. Or underwear.

  • How to choose the right shoulders for clothes and what things to store them?

6 stacks laid horizontally

If storage in rolls or vertical stacks for some reason does not fit you, then try another option.

Look at the photo. Ordinary hundred ...

Look at the photo. Conventional stacks are stored in two rows and horizontally oriented. In the vertical position in the same box would fit less stacks.

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7 Vacuum packages

Vacuum bags are just a find for those who do not have enough space for things in the closet. Use them is very simple. You need to fold things into the package, close it, take a vacuum cleaner, remove the brush and attach the hose to the hole in the package. The included vacuum cleaner will take the entire air from the package by creating inside the vacuum. As a result, the package will decrease several times.

In packages most convenient stores & ...

In packages it is more convenient to store bulk winter things: down jackets, sweaters, and more bedding.

8 Storage under the bed

No place in the closet? Go to another. For example, use space under the bed. Or under the sofa, if you have odds and you sleep on it.

In the boxes can be stored seasonal & ...

In boxes can be stored seasonal or casual clothes. The main thing is that you can comfortably get the right thing.

In the photo - an example of storage boxes under the bed.

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