How to get rid of mukohedov in the kitchen: proven techniques and best means


We are talking about the species features of Mukohed and how to get rid of it quickly and forever people and with the help of insecticides.

How to get rid of mukohedov in the kitchen: proven techniques and best means 3117_1

How to get rid of mukohedov in the kitchen: proven techniques and best means

Product reserves, albeit small, is in every home. It is very unpleasant when it turns out that they are spoiled by beetles. The accuracy and chistrity of the hostess are not important here. Insects appear regardless of whether purely in the kitchen or not very. Many troubles deliver the beetle Mukoad. Tell me how to deal with him.

All about how to deal with the Mukob

Features of a harmful insect

How he gets into the house

Methods of struggle

Species features of the pest

Mukoad Red Surinames, this is its full name, common worldwide. In warm countries, it settles almost everywhere in cold - only in heated rooms. It can be a residential building or food production. The dimensions of the beetle are small. Taurus length is not more than 3.5 mm. It is covered with chitine shell, its color varies from light to dark brown. The matte hopper is honechained with small stripes, it is tightly adjacent to the chitina of the Vile. Long mustache on the head, it can be seen in the photo.

Wings bug well developed. It flies, can overcome quite long distances. His homeland is the tropics, so the bug loves warmth. The best temperature for its reproduction and subsequent development - in the range from 25 ° C to 27 ° C. In such conditions, the pest is quickly multiplied. The female is capable of postpone up to 600 eggs, of which there are voracious larvae. After 44 days, they turn into full-fledged adult individuals.

The reproduction stops under adverse conditions. This temperature is below 16 ° C. Insects Stubby. At zero temperature, they die only after three weeks, at -5 ° C - after two. Beetles eat grain, cereals, flour, dried fruits. Significant damage to the fact that in a short time are able to spoil a large number of products. They put eggs in them, drop chitine shells, contaminate with excrement. It is impossible to eat such a grocery. High risk of a dangerous allergic reaction.

How to get rid of mukohedov in the kitchen: proven techniques and best means 3117_3
How to get rid of mukohedov in the kitchen: proven techniques and best means 3117_4

How to get rid of mukohedov in the kitchen: proven techniques and best means 3117_5

How to get rid of mukohedov in the kitchen: proven techniques and best means 3117_6

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As an insect falls into the house

Fail to the apartment Mukoad is simple enough. There are several options for which most cases of infection have.

Ways of pests in the house

  • Cereal feed for animals and birds. Not at all industries are properly care about the safety of their products. Most often infected feed - low quality.
  • Factory packaging or rosy groceries. Pests may appear at the cereal factory or in the store warehouse. In the package, they feel good and actively multiply.
  • Active bugs. They fly quite well. In the warm season, they can fly to an open window or a window.

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Thus, most often Mukoeda to the kitchen bring with shopping. Extremely rarely are adult individuals. Typically, groceries are infected with eggs, less often larvae. It is almost impossible to notice them at this stage. The problem becomes clear when adult individuals appear. It is necessary to start to start with them without delay, because the number of colony steadily increases.

How to get rid of mukohedov in the kitchen: proven techniques and best means 3117_9

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How to get rid of mukoked at home

It is necessary to start active actions with the scope of "invasion" and removing all infected stocks. This is done so.

Inventive processing algorithm

  1. We take out all bulk products from lockers and bedside tables. The pest affects not only cereals and flour. He actively eats dried fruits, spices, dried herbs, even tea. We definitely clean all the waking grocery residues.
  2. Alternately open the containers in which the products were stored. Carefully inspect them. With the slightest suspicion of infection, throw away. Important moment. Grocery with beetles need to immediately take out of the house. At the time of cleaning, it can be placed in a plastic or metal bucket or a similar container. Pests should not get out of it. In any case, it is impossible to leave them there for a long time. We must endure infected products from the apartment as soon as possible.
  3. Thoroughly rinse all external and inner surfaces of furniture, shelves, other storage locations. First, my soapy water, then acetic solution. I wipe dry to remove the smell of vinegar.
  4. Capacities for storage fill with water. My economic soap, it is desirable to take what is done on old gtostas. Mixed banks fill with cool boiling water and let them cool. Then we rinse and dry. If the grocery is stored in the tissue bags, they must be pulled out and wrap. Dried bags are soaked in a strong solid solution. After some time, squeeze and dry, without prior rinsing. Salt remains in fabric and becomes protection against malicious beetles.

Further recommendations, how to get rid of Mukohed's beetle, depend on whether insecticides is planned or not. We will analyze both options.

How to get rid of mukohedov in the kitchen: proven techniques and best means 3117_11

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Folk remedies

Unfortunately, cleaning will not fully remove the whole colony of harmful insects. The larvae will remain, eggs and even a few adults. If you do not take any measures, over time they will reconcile again. Bugs are sensitive to sharp smells. Especially they do not like the aroma of garlic, laurel sheet, nutmeg and vinegar. Aromatic oils of lavender or chamomile work.

Solk garlic and leafs are laid in storage tanks. Lay them on the shelves and in the cabinets. Instead, you can put cotton swabs or wheels impregnated with oils. As they dry, they must be changed. These tools scare insects. You can add them to sticky traps from flies. They do not hang them, but cut into fragments and lay out in the lockers and on the shelves.

Use natural insecticide. In pharmacies, it is sold under the name "Pyrethrum", previously called "Dalmatian powder". This is a steady mixture of dried baskets of several varieties of chamomile. It is laid out in the cabinets of the scattering or pre-pour into linen bags. After two weeks, the tool is cleaned and folded fresh. Two treatments will be enough.

To get rid of beetles will help poison bait. They are prepared from an equal number of borants, finely ground cereals and sugar powder. Groats can be any, if it is not, take flour. The mixture is well stirred, small bunches or lumps are forming from it. Lay them on sheets of paper and placed in kitchen bedside tables and cabinets. Insects attracted by the smell eat poisoned bait and dying.

How to get rid of mukohedov in the kitchen: proven techniques and best means 3117_13

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Insecticides are the most effective solution how to get rid of Surinames Mukokeed. However, they are resorted to it only in extreme cases when there are very many insects or folk remedies do not help. Drugs are toxic and dangerous not only for bugs, but also for humans, and pets. For processing at home, you can take "Raptor", RAID, Dichlofos, Kombat or those similar insecticides.

Before starting processing, you need to explore the manufacturer's instructions. It is not recommended to ignore it. In general, the application scheme is similar to all drugs. All products are made from the kitchen. The dishes are hermetically closed or also delivered. From the room remove pets and people, closed the windows tightly. The can of 30-35 cm can be brought to the inner and outer surfaces of the furniture and abundantly spray insecticide.

At the end of the processing, closes the doors to the kitchen, it is best to leave the house. Hold the time specified in the instruction. After that, they enter the room, open windows or at least the window. Soapy water is washed with all processed surfaces. Be sure to rinse them several times so that there are no traces of the insecticide, then wipe dry. The windows are left open until the smell of the chemical will not dislike. When working with insecticide, individual protection is required, it refers to highly toxic drugs.

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Recommendations how to get rid of mukohedov in the kitchen will help bring unpleasant "apartments". But all efforts will be useless if you do not comply with simple rules. Store the flour and the croup is only in hermetically closing tanks. Grocery brought home is desirable to handle: rolling in the oven, put a few days in the freezer or simply endure in winter on the frost. The lockers are preferably regularly washed with a solution of vinegar, lay fragrant sachets with spices and oils that scare insects. It is good to take the rule to regularly inspect banks with croups and cabinets for pest detection.

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