What can be fined at the cottage: 5 reasons and reasons to be careful


Weeds, trees near neighboring fences and even a toilet - we tell that the owners of summer houses can expect a fine.

What can be fined at the cottage: 5 reasons and reasons to be careful 3140_1

What can you finish? Listed in video

1 Borshevik and other weeds

Owners in the Moscow region need to be on guard: if the Borschevik will be found on their site, they may be fined. This measure was introduced in November 2018 in the Moscow region. Legal entities for divorced at the site plant faces a fine of 150 thousand to 1 million rubles. For individuals, the penalty is much less - 2-5 thousand rubles.

Borshevik - the plant is dangerous, touching it under the sunny rays can cause very strong burns. However, the owners are not fined not for this reason: getting to the plot, Borschevik is able to completely disrupt the existing ecosystem and fully displace useful cultures from it. In addition, the plant allows a deep network of roots, destroy it is quite difficult.

Also owners who have launched their sites will expect a fine if the neighbors compare to the spread of weeds: not only Borshevik, but also, for example, horse sorrel, big burdock and bitter wormwood. The owner's responsibility is charged with the care of the territory: it is impossible to prevent the agricultural sect in trees, shrubs and weed plants. In case of failure to fulfill the duties of citizens, a fine of 20-50 thousand rubles, legal entities - up to 400-700 thousand rubles are waiting.

What can be fined at the cottage: 5 reasons and reasons to be careful 3140_2

2 Large plants and sheds

In addition to weeds, the neighbors can interfere with the neighbors, which cost close to the fence, and located close to high trees. In this case, the violation is the shadow, which is discarded by sheds and trees to a neighbor garden. They must be removed, otherwise it may threaten a fine of up to 5 thousand rubles.

It is better to immediately build household buildings on the standards: the distance from the house to another site should be at least 3 meters, and from the barn and other buildings - at least 4 meters. The same gap should be between the high trees and the fence of the neighbors.

What can be fined at the cottage: 5 reasons and reasons to be careful 3140_3

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3 Fire safety failure

Failure to comply with fire requirements is especially dangerous in the summer. There are prohibitions for breeding fires, especially left unattended. Also can not burn garbage, producing dry herbs at the hot season. Be fined can be overwhelmed with an outstanding cigarette butt on your site, but also for its borders. For such violations, individuals will pay a penalty of 4 thousand rubles. For legal entities, the amount is more - it reaches 400 thousand rubles.

It is also important to know that if someone's property or health suffers as a result of a fire, then the guilty threatens to be responsible and fine: up to 5 thousand rubles for an individual and up to 400 thousand rubles - for legal.

What can be fined at the cottage: 5 reasons and reasons to be careful 3140_5

4 kebabs

To fry kebabs from 2020, it is possible only in a specially equipped place or mangal. At the same time, there are norms of their placement: with the size of a plot of 6-8 acres, the brazier should be less than 5 meters from the residential building. It is forbidden to put a brazier where there is a dry grass, firewood, a fence of wood and wooden buildings. From such places you need to retreat 2 meters. Also can not be frying kebab under trees with hanging branches and use fluid for ignition.

Be sure to have to have a means of extinguishing a fire. During cooking, it is necessary to follow the smoke and ashes: they should not be blown up on neighboring houses. Such measures are needed to warn the fire. The penalty for their violation for fiz.litz is up to 3 thousand rubles.

What can be fined at the cottage: 5 reasons and reasons to be careful 3140_6

5 toilet

Another reason why dacnis can be fined is the wrong location of the toilets. It is important that such buildings are located at least a meter from the neighboring site, and also were at a distance of at least 8 meters from any wells and wells. The depth of the cesspool at the same time may be no more than 3 meters. The violation of any of these items is punishable by a fine of 3-5 thousand rubles.

What can be fined at the cottage: 5 reasons and reasons to be careful 3140_7

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Photo on the cover: Pixabay

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