For inexperienced gardeners: 5 tips on how to create your first garden


Create a step-by-step approach to breeding your first garden on the country site.

For inexperienced gardeners: 5 tips on how to create your first garden 3147_1

For inexperienced gardeners: 5 tips on how to create your first garden

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1 Find out the type of soil on the site

Before choosing a place under the garden and pick up plants, you need to know what the soil is on your site. Get away a small area and get the earth.

  • If it is a reddish shade and plastic - you have a clay soil on the site.
  • If comes well, it is like plasticine, but crumbs in bending - a sublinous.
  • If you are trying to squeeze someone and it scatters - sandy.

Acidness can be determined by purchasing in a flower shop a set with lactium paper or by analyzing the plants that already exist on your site. For example, moss and sorrel grow only on sour soil, and clover and nettle - on neutral.

Based on type and acidity, you will choose plants. If you do not want to limit yourself and plan to get a big crop with minimal cost, think about buying fertile soil. It provides plants with all the necessary substances, gives roots enough air and keeps the moisture well, not allowing it to be stamped. Having bought such a soil for the beds, you will relieve yourself from the need to fertilize them for several years.

For inexperienced gardeners: 5 tips on how to create your first garden 3147_3

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2 Select a place on the plot

The optimal place to dilute the garden corresponds to several requirements.

  • It is located in a sunny place.
  • Protected from strong winds.
  • The plot is open and smooth, without elevation and holes.
  • Soil does not dry up and does not fear.

The last requirement can be performed, having worked a little over the water balance. If the soil is poorly removing excess water, point the network of the canvas that will output it. If the plot is dry and poorly holds water - the automatic irrigation system will help.

If your country house is located in a strip with unsuitable climatic conditions, it makes sense to think over the construction of the greenhouse. It is easier to maintain the desired temperature and humidity, protect plants from rain and hail.

For inexperienced gardeners: 5 tips on how to create your first garden 3147_5
For inexperienced gardeners: 5 tips on how to create your first garden 3147_6

For inexperienced gardeners: 5 tips on how to create your first garden 3147_7

For inexperienced gardeners: 5 tips on how to create your first garden 3147_8

  • We are planning the location of the beds on the country area: rules, sizes and other important points

3 Select the area and the shape of the garden

If you do not plan to use a garden as a full-fledged food source for the whole year and only try your hand in gardening, it makes sense to start with a small garden, an area with an average room in the apartment. If desired, next year you can expand its borders slightly.

The form does not necessarily have a classic rectangular or square. You can make a garden with an interesting design element on a plot, creating a bed of curved or round shape. But in any case, think about how you will move between the beds, leave a place for the tracks.

For inexperienced gardeners: 5 tips on how to create your first garden 3147_10
For inexperienced gardeners: 5 tips on how to create your first garden 3147_11

For inexperienced gardeners: 5 tips on how to create your first garden 3147_12

For inexperienced gardeners: 5 tips on how to create your first garden 3147_13

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4 Pick unpretentious plants

Create your first garden is better with unpretentious and hardy crops, gradually stuffing your hand and without losing motivation. Try to start growing simple grass, vegetables and fruits.

List of unpretentious plants

  • Dill and parsley - these herbs grow almost on any soil.
  • Sorrel and salad. They are just enough to grown, but do not forget to clean around the weed on time.
  • Radish. This vegetable can be started to sow from late April and continue all summer to replenish stocks.
  • Carrot. The main conditions are good illumination and diverse fertilizer.
  • Beet. It can be planted at the beginning of summer and assemble at the end, the first sprouts that will be proven that everything goes well, will appear after a couple of weeks after sowing.
  • Onions and garlic. You can sow their seeds or breed from adult bulbs.
  • Zucchini and pumpkin. Growing them, make sure you can protect the fruits from birds.
  • Peas. It can be sowed near the fence or wall of the house, receiving not only the harvest, but also a beautiful vertical gardening.

For inexperienced gardeners: 5 tips on how to create your first garden 3147_15
For inexperienced gardeners: 5 tips on how to create your first garden 3147_16
For inexperienced gardeners: 5 tips on how to create your first garden 3147_17
For inexperienced gardeners: 5 tips on how to create your first garden 3147_18

For inexperienced gardeners: 5 tips on how to create your first garden 3147_19

For inexperienced gardeners: 5 tips on how to create your first garden 3147_20

For inexperienced gardeners: 5 tips on how to create your first garden 3147_21

For inexperienced gardeners: 5 tips on how to create your first garden 3147_22

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5 Make a job in a comfortable garden

The latter, but very important advice - make your work on the garden as comfortable as possible so that there is no desire to quit the target halfway. Choose a quality equipment: a hose with different irrigation modes, a sharp secateur, a shovel and scoop with a rubberized handle, garden gloves.

And near the garden, be sure to arrange a small area of ​​recreation, so that you can sit down and translate your breath without returning to the house. It is advisable to equip a canopy to protect against the sun, because novice lovers of gardens are often too fond of work and get a sunshine or overheating.

For inexperienced gardeners: 5 tips on how to create your first garden 3147_24

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