How to get rid of whiteflies on domestic flowers and seedlings


We are talking about the peculiarities of a dangerous pest of plants and ways to combat it: mechanical methods, folk recipes and the use of insecticides.

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How to get rid of whiteflies on domestic flowers and seedlings

Small white fly, which is very difficult to notice in the greenery of foliage, one of the most dangerous pests of flower and vegetable crops. It makes them significant damage, quickly destroying indoor flowers or seedlings. Especially good, the moth feels in a greenhouse, where almost ideal conditions have been created for it. We will deal with how to get rid of the whiteflink times and forever.

All about combating blonde

Features of the pest

Signs of defeat

Effective methods of struggle

- Mechanical method

- Folk recipes

- Insecticides

Biological features of the harmful butterfly

Initially, the whitebird dwell only in countries with a soft and warm climate. But gradually adapted to life in cold regions. Nevertheless, heat and high humidity are the best conditions for it. Biologists counted about two hundred varieties of malicious flies. They are omnivores, affect any culture. Especially "love" to set in greenhouses and apartments, but if it is impossible, they feel great even on weeds in the garden.

The dimensions of the butterfly with a white taper and transparent wings are small. The males reach the length of 2.5 mm, females - 1.3 mm. The body of the moth is covered with wax pollen of whitish color, for which, in fact, he got its name. The pest relates to sucking parasites, taking juices from plants. In addition, the butterfly will distribute many phytopathogenic viruses. She lives on the inside of the leaves, so it is difficult to notice it.

For the month, each female postpones about 300 eggs. Of these, gray larvae are very quickly hatched. They are independent, can move and look for a place where they can eat. Having found such a plot, the larva is attached to the plant and creates a wax cocoon around itself. In such a state, it is invulnerable to chemicals. Two weeks later, the larva turns into an adult individual and continues the development of new territories.

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How to get rid of whiteflies on domestic flowers and seedlings 3156_4

How to get rid of whiteflies on domestic flowers and seedlings 3156_5

How to get rid of whiteflies on domestic flowers and seedlings 3156_6

  • Pest of indoor plants: titles, photos and how to deal with them

Signs of infection

The pest appears in the greenhouse or the house is imperceptible. There are many paths that it can use for this.

Where do blocker flies come from

  • Buying infected plants in a greenhouse or in the store. Butterflies and larvae, especially if there are few them, it is difficult to notice on the leaves.
  • In the warm season, moth can fly to the window or window. Mosquito net is not a hindrance, since it is very small.
  • Transfer with infected soil. Eggs are well tolerated wintering in the soil. In the spring, falling into heat, they are transformed into larvae. After that, looking for a power source, and continue development.

The first time to notice the settlement of blond flies is difficult. The problem becomes apparent at the stage of significant pest proliferation. What they are more, the more difficult to deal with them. There are a number of signs indicating that it's time to think about how to get rid of whiteflinks on household colors and seedlings.

Signs of plant infection

  • The bush slows down the development, foliage turns yellow and begins to be down. Noticeably explicit lag in growth.
  • If you flip the leaf plate, a sticky shiny flare is visible. This is a breast pad, insect vital product.
  • On the reverse side of the sheet, you can consider the accumulations of larvae and eggs in the form of translucent small scheels.
  • If you take small flies over the busta over him.
  • The appearance of blessed spots on a sheet plate. Later they become black. It develops a sage fungus, which is most often accompanied by a breast pad.

These signs indicate that a dangerous pest appeared in the house. He is omnivorous, therefore settling on any indoor plants. However, there are flowers that he especially loves. This is Begonia, Fuchsia, violets, hydrangea. Like him and young seedlings, especially tomato, cabbage, cucumber. They must be carefully examined regularly.

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How to get rid of whiteflies on domestic flowers and seedlings 3156_9

How to get rid of whiteflies on domestic flowers and seedlings 3156_10

How to get rid of whiteflies on domestic flowers and seedlings 3156_11

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How to deal with a blonde: the most effective methods

The colony of blond flies grow very quickly. What it is numerous, the harder it is to get rid of it. At different stages of development, different techniques are used. We list the most effective.

1. Mechanical method

This technique helps to reduce the number of adult individuals. It is most effective with small quantities. Sticky traps are used. The easiest way to buy in the store ordinary ribbons from flies and periodically change them. There are special traps for white flies.

You can make this alone like it. Make it very simple. Take a bright yellow or blue cardboard, the fleet prefer these colors. Cut the basis for small rectangles, the size is approximately as half a notebook. To the top of the workpiece attach a loop for hanging. The entire surface is covered with a thin layer of entomological glue, honey, vaseline or rosin. These substances do not dry out for a long time, so the trap will effectively work. They are sipped near the seedlings or infected greenery. In the evenings, bright lamps can be included near them. Motillas fly to light, burn and dying.

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2. Folk methods

We offer a selection of people's ways, how to deal with a blonde on indoor colors or seedlings. Most of them are suitable for greenhouses. An infected copy must be isolated from the rest. After that, remove all adult butterflies from it. Experienced flowers collect them with a vacuum cleaner. After that, the device is desirable to put out on the street and clean there. Or at least immediately shake the container or dust bag. The safest way is to use a water filter apparatus.

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How to get rid of whiteflies on domestic flowers and seedlings 3156_15

How to get rid of whiteflies on domestic flowers and seedlings 3156_16

How to get rid of whiteflies on domestic flowers and seedlings 3156_17

The most affected by the pest part of the bush is cut off. If possible, change the soil under the plant. Indoor flowers are rinsed well. They are placed under the cold shower. Send a shower watering can on the affected fragments, leaning a patio fear, larvae and eggs. After that, the degraded plant is cleaned into a cool place. The life cycle of adult flies is stopped at temperatures below 10 ° C. Similarly, come with a seedler, bring it into a cool room for several days.

Well helps processing by households. They are always mentioned in recommendations, how to get rid of whiteflinkle in the greenhouse and in the house.


On a liter of water take 200 g of finely chopped garlic. Everyone is stirred, poured into a tightly closing jar and removed for a week. Then fillating the resulting infusion. The volume is adjusted to 10 liters, fill clean water. Spray patients with instances.


The best helps the economic soap made on Soviet Ghosts. The bar is rubbed on the grater. The tablespoon of chips is divorced with 6 liters of water. The resulting solution is treated landings. It is undesirable that he gets to the ground.

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3. Insecticides

The most effective solution to how to deal with a blonde in a greenhouse or on the room greenery, chemicals are considered.

Their main drawback is toxicity, which may adversely affect the health of people. Therefore, it is necessary to accurately comply with the recommendations of the manufacturer of insecticides and not neglect the precautionary measures.

To combat pests at home, preparations of different groups are used.

Insecticidal preparations

  • Phosporganic. These include Kemifos, "Carbofos", Bi58 and others. Cause paralysis and insect death. Refer to potent toxins. Cannot be used on green, berry and vegetable crops.
  • Pyreteroids. This is a "spark", "intavir", "cypermithrin". Less toxic, but less efficient. Can be used on berries, for example, on strawberries, on vegetables and seedlings.
  • Avermitine. "Akarin", "Phytoverm", "Agramentin" and others. A paralyzing effect on insects. Not toxic for rainwoods and plants. Can be used everywhere. Bright light and precipitation reduce their effectiveness.
  • Neonicotinoids. "Commander", "Aktara", "Prestige", "Configient". Combine low toxicity and good efficiency.

Some flower products are used in the fight against the moth fumigators. They insert plates or liquid from flies. This gives a good result for indoor flowers and seedlings. Preferably, at the time of operation of the Fumigator, out of the premises of pets and people.

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How to get rid of whiteflies on domestic flowers and seedlings 3156_20

How to get rid of whiteflies on domestic flowers and seedlings 3156_21

How to get rid of whiteflies on domestic flowers and seedlings 3156_22

To never meet with the pest, it is necessary not only to know how to get rid of whiteflies on household colors and seedlings, but also to apply prophylactic measures. Purchased seedlings or flowers are necessarily maintained in isolation. Before boarding, the soil disinfect: withstand in the cold or calcinate. It is impossible to force thickens and rejuvenation of landings. This contributes to the appearance of a blonde butterfly. Home grain should be regularly visiting. When the first signs of infection appear immediately begin fighting insect.

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