Buying an apartment in a mortgage: all stages - from the choice of housing before the conclusion of the contract


Primary and secondary market, realtors and brokers, certificates of personal income tax, refinancing - how to deal with endless documents and competently carry out a deal? We give step-by-step instructions.

Buying an apartment in a mortgage: all stages - from the choice of housing before the conclusion of the contract 31667_1

Buying an apartment in a mortgage: all stages - from the choice of housing before the conclusion of the contract

How to buy an apartment in a mortgage:

How to find a room

How to choose a bank

How to get preliminary approval

How to choose broker

How to conclude an act of receiving

To whom they give a mortgage

Terms of granting credit

If you are tired of living with your parents, you plan a child's birth or moving to another city - new property is a need. Find the right capital "here and now" will help long-term loan for the purchase of housing. How to buy an apartment in a mortgage and not go crazy? We understand.

Buying an apartment in a mortgage: all stages - from the choice of housing before the conclusion of the contract 31667_3

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Step 1: Find an apartment

If you need real estate - you choose the appropriate option, elementary. In the case of a loan, you need to start with the choice of the housing market, which is closer to you - primary or secondary.

Primary housing market

The most profitable purchase price here is a real estate in a building under construction, the so-called share participation. These facilities have the lowest cost per meter, even with the condition that the lender will increase the rate for a couple of percent. The most important minus, because of which most of the buyers is sifted - the unknown. It is clear that there are real terms of delivery prescribed in the plan and in the contract. But the developer can go bankrupt, and the project will freeze for several years until a new company will be bought.

You can protect yourself from such incidents if you buy housing in a freshly built building. The law on equity construction works properly and the risks have not been purchased by someone's housing today. A minus such a deal is that the options in the finished house remains a bit - most redeem at the construction stage. As a rule, by the time of delivery of the house, the first and last floors and several odnunches remain. Another nuance - as soon as the house is delivered, the cost of the meter increases by 20-30%.

The object on the primary market first book and only after that apply. And this is possible only in those organizations that collaborate with the developer company and supervise the house you have chosen.

Buying an apartment in a mortgage: all stages - from the choice of housing before the conclusion of the contract 31667_5

Secondary housing market

How to take a mortgage on an apartment in the secondary market? Here is their laws. First you need to get money, after which it is already starting to choose. As soon as it is made, you need to contact the bank again to approve the object. The undoubted plus and the main advantage - you can enter and live immediately after purchase. The bonus you will receive the ready-made infrastructure of the area with shops, schools, children's gardens and clinics.

But in the secondary market there are more chances to face scammers. The property has already had the owner and may well be some burdens, about which the happy owner will only find out by parting with money. Despite the test of experts, it is necessary to ask the seller about the legal well-being of the object, whether there is a communal debt, whether housing is not arrested, and the uncle's uncle is disciplied, serving a conclusion. At the conscientious seller, every answer will definitely have a certificate, reinforcing words.

Buying an apartment in a mortgage: all stages - from the choice of housing before the conclusion of the contract 31667_6

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Step 2: Choose a bank

It is hardly the most difficult stage. It is important to thoroughly examine at least a few sentences, compare the parameters, then make a choice.

Interest rate

One of the first indicators to pay attention to. Obviously, the lower interest rate, the more profitable conditions and less monthly payment. Today, almost all organizations issuing long-term loans, the rate is approximately the same. More advantageous cooperation can provide on special preferential tariffs for salary cardholders or depositors.

Special offers

It is decent to save and profitably conclude a contract by using special programs that are in every bank - for young families, military, teachers, and so on. Before drawing up the paper and contact the specialists, learn this list and find out whether you can take an apartment in the mortgage on a preferential program.

Buying an apartment in a mortgage: all stages - from the choice of housing before the conclusion of the contract 31667_8

Additional expenses

In the load to the requested loan, as a rule, several additional expenses are coming at once: insurance, commission for paperwork, account payment, as well as evaluation. If you want to save, you can refuse insurance and appraiser services.

Deferre and refinancing

Circumstances can work out in such a way that the debt fee will become inbox. It is necessary to ask the Bank's employees about a possible delay or transfer of funds to the organization where they provide a lower interest rate.

Buying an apartment in a mortgage: all stages - from the choice of housing before the conclusion of the contract 31667_9

Use maternal capital

The attachment of maternal capital is often a good help when buying. If you want to use this option, it is worthwhile that some lenders go to such a deal willingly, others increase the rates, and the third and at all prohibit the use of preferential funds until the child is 3 years old.

Cookers and pledge

Somewhere allowed to indicate not only the spouse in the coaches, but also other closest relatives, for example, parents. In addition, it is necessary to clarify at the stage of the transaction, which will be considered as a collateral if you cannot repay the debt.

Buying an apartment in a mortgage: all stages - from the choice of housing before the conclusion of the contract 31667_10

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Step 3: Get preliminary approval

Experienced borrowers recommend submitting a statement at once into several banks in order not to waste time while waiting for an answer, and also be able to compare the conditions on which the lender is ready to provide the amount.

Basic list of documents

So, what is needed for mortgage to an apartment in most Russian banks? The main list of originals, complemented by photocopy, is quite extensive, but usually all of them are at hand.

  • Passports of all participants in the transaction.
  • Pension certificate.
  • Inn.
  • Men are a military ticket.
  • Family couples - certificate of marriage.
  • The child's birth document.

Buying an apartment in a mortgage: all stages - from the choice of housing before the conclusion of the contract 31667_12

Help from work

  • A copy of the employment record, with a print certified by the employer. It should indicate that the applicant is still working in the organization. Labor is valid for 30 days, so take it as soon as you submit a statement;
  • Help 2DFL or in the form of a bank, also sometimes a certificate of income of an individual in free form is allowed. Also relevant only month.

Additional documents

  • Reference on registration at the specified address (valid 30 days).
  • Certificates confirming the availability of values ​​or real estate.
  • Extracts confirming the availability of money for the initial fee.
  • Related contracts or certificate of absence of debts.
  • Receipts confirming the absence of debt for utilities services.
  • Certificates from drug and psychoneurological dispensers.

Buying an apartment in a mortgage: all stages - from the choice of housing before the conclusion of the contract 31667_13

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Step 4: Select broker

You can start paperwork in different ways. Someone prefers to pay the realists and get ready-made step-by-step instructions for the conclusion of the transaction, someone turns to the appropriate branch in the bank, while others prefer to assemble the necessary references independently and apply.

If you want to get help in making a deal, find out how much the assessment of the apartment for the mortgage, enlist the support in the design of the contract - to you to the broker. However, before signing the contract with him, carefully examine the list of services that the organization provides. It should include:

  • Search for a suitable option;
  • Lot assessment;
  • Registration of insurance;
  • Maintenance of the transaction.

As a rule, broker services are paid either in a fixed amount, or as a percentage of the loan issued (about 1-5% and only in the case of approval of the application).

Buying an apartment in a mortgage: all stages - from the choice of housing before the conclusion of the contract 31667_15

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Is it possible to make documents without a realtor?

Usually managers carefully check the option to be issued. In addition to the purity of the property itself, data on the identity of the seller are collected, burdensions are determined. Therefore, the assistance of agents here in general is not necessary. If you have time and the ability to independently assemble the necessary package of documents - you can save a decent amount of money.

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Step 5: Sign the act of reception and transfer

As soon as the object is ready and appropriate paper is obtained, the so-called defective statements are issued to all owners. This form in which you must make all the detectors that should be eliminated by the Contractor. The developer must voicate the final terms that are also entered into the act.

What you need to check before signing the papers

It is better if, when checking the real estate and signing an act of acceptance and transmission, a builder will be present or some other expert, facing such a procedure. It will help carefully check all the nuances.

The most frequent claims call windows. Rarely when the developer puts high-quality models. Ideally, they should not be through, the condensate should not be formed, and the frames should be opened and closed correctly and without creak.

Buying an apartment in a mortgage: all stages - from the choice of housing before the conclusion of the contract 31667_18

In addition to windows, the pros is advised to check:

  • the presence of waterproofing in the bathroom;
  • the height on which pipes and its coincidence with generally accepted standards are located;
  • joint processing and seams with a special solution;
  • Feed switches and sockets;
  • tightness of pipes;
  • The presence of a seal on the meters.

Be sure to measure the area of ​​your future at home - in the event that it does not match the specified, the developer will have to pay a penalty. All defects are fixed in the statement, and then it is either signed by the acceptor - and in this case the elimination of deficiencies will be at the conscience of the contractor, or remains without a signature - as a rule, it adds enthusiasm to the developer.

Buying an apartment in a mortgage: all stages - from the choice of housing before the conclusion of the contract 31667_19

Refusal to receive an object

In general, all defects can be divided into two parts: serious or minor. To determine easily - serious defects make a house unsuitable for existence, with the second one else can be completed - these are small scratches, cracks that can be easily eliminated by their own.

In the first case, sign the act and the property is not worth it. It is necessary to wait until the builders are reproduced and finished. In the act of receiving and transmission, all reasons are indicated, after which it is transmitted to the contractor. If you have found some small defects, you can put a signature in the statement, be sure to indicate the timing of the execution of work.

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To whom they give a mortgage to the apartment

So, who is he - the perfect candidate for creditors?


Perfect if you are from 21 to 45 years old. That is, by the time of repayment of the debt, a person should be no older than 65 years. This is what is guided by calculating the amount issued and duration - a loan for 10 years will be approved by a citizen not over 50 years old, and for 20 years - only the 45-year-old applicant and younger.

The salary

Get a loan at a reduced bet and on more favorable conditions will help high white salary. However, it is necessary to specify real figures, because the bank checks the statistics of income in the country in the sphere where the applicant is busy. Too overestimated digit can be the basis for failure.

An initial fee

The minimum amount of the initial contribution is about 10% of the total amount. Unfortunately, this payment is obligatory today, the apartment in the mortgage without the initial contribution is not issued. If you are ready to pay 30% and more, you can provide a more favorable bet.

Buying an apartment in a mortgage: all stages - from the choice of housing before the conclusion of the contract 31667_21

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Terms of granting credit

Percentage at the rate

Now banks provide loans from a bid from 9 to 17% per annum. The amount of interest depends on the level of wages, and from credit history, and on the amount of the initial contribution and total time to which the loan is provided.

Duration of payment

Range of time frame - from 5 to 30 years. As a rule, approving the application, lenders make it possible to repay it early. Then, the choice of the borrower can shorten the monthly payment or the total number of years to which the amount is issued.

Buying an apartment in a mortgage: all stages - from the choice of housing before the conclusion of the contract 31667_23


The most favorite client of credit institutions is married couples. One of the spouses acts as the main borrower, the second - as a coincide or guarantor. If the second spouse does not want to participate in the transaction, then the staff in the right to demand the registration of a marriage contract with the forms of payment for ownership in the event of a divorce. The second spouse in this case has no right to real estate, even if plans to allocate funds for repayment of debt or make repairs in the acquired real estate.


Without insurance, you also risk getting a refusal. As a rule, creditors are necessarily asked to arrange insurance for life or real estate, in addition, the lender is entitled to recommend a company where it is necessary to insure.

Buying an apartment in a mortgage: all stages - from the choice of housing before the conclusion of the contract 31667_24

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