Is it possible to use overdue seeds in gardening and how to revive them: 7 ways


In order not to spend the family budget, try to refresh the old planting material - prepare boiling water, honey, aloe leaf - all at once or something one thing that you are more convenient to get, and prohibit reanimation.

Is it possible to use overdue seeds in gardening and how to revive them: 7 ways 3191_1

Is it possible to use overdue seeds in gardening and how to revive them: 7 ways

In general, the seed storage period is very important, but it does not always correspond to what is specified on the bag, and often they can be successfully planted. To do this, open a package with seeds, take 5-10 pieces from there and try to reanimate them. If it works, it is possible to revive the entire seating material in the same way. We tell how to do it.

1 aloe juice

Expired seeds can be soaked in juice or immerse in a puree from the pulp, and for the most lazy - shove it right inside the cut sheet. True, in the last case it will get much more problematic. It is more convenient to lay out gauze, put on it seeds and close the second layer, after which it is immersed in aloe juice. Pushed the planting material is needed at least three days, and better - all five. Do not allow driving. After five days, the seeds should swell, may even give sprouts.

Is it possible to use overdue seeds in gardening and how to revive them: 7 ways 3191_3

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2 Honey solution

By 50 grams of water, one spoon of honey is needed. After the honey is dissolved, you can start recovery. Overdue seeds need to be thrown into a glass, and to cover the film from above so that the fluid does not evaporate. Keep 5 days, then see, Nobuchley or not yet. If not, then continue soaking.

Is it possible to use overdue seeds in gardening and how to revive them: 7 ways 3191_5

3 Grove stimulants

You can buy a reanimating solution for seeds in the store, usually this is something from growth stimulants or root formation. On the packaging of such a fund already there is an instruction, following it, you need to prepare the mixture.

Seeds, from two sides, covered with gauze are placed in the container and poured this solution. The effect will be noticeable after a couple of days - those that have not changed, can be discarded, the rest are left in the solution for a couple of days.

Is it possible to use overdue seeds in gardening and how to revive them: 7 ways 3191_6

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4 Hot and Cold Water

Perhaps the most budget way: you will need two containers: one with cold water, the second - with boiling water. The essence of the process in alternate dive gauze with seeds in one container, then to another. Seeds should be raised and submit signs of life. After 5-7 such dives, the seeds need to be dried and pour the room temperature for several days.

Is it possible to use overdue seeds in gardening and how to revive them: 7 ways 3191_8

5 tincture

You can use any alcohol-containing liquids: calendula tincture, hawthorn. This method will help to reveal the frying shell and release the sprout, and will also provide literally sterile purity of seeds. In the container with tincture, the seeds are lowered, after which is washed and dried.

Please note not to kill the planting material, but only reanimate, do not immerse it more than 30 minutes.

Is it possible to use overdue seeds in gardening and how to revive them: 7 ways 3191_9

6 Hydrogen peroxide

Another variant of shock therapy for future plants. Seeds are lowered into a glass with peroxide for five to ten minutes, after which was washed and dried. During soaking, the reaction should begin - go minor bubbles, like those that appear when contacting the peroxide with the wound.

Is it possible to use overdue seeds in gardening and how to revive them: 7 ways 3191_10

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7 Infusion of Luka.

Another budget home way to awaken the old seeds to life is to brew onion husks. The liter of boiling water will need about two handsties. It is also added here with 1 gram of manganese, 0.3 grams of boric acid, 5 grams of soda and mixed with a solution of ash prepared in the proportion of one to one. This composition is placed gauze with seeds and withstand half an hour. After that, the seeds are treated with water and dried.

Is it possible to use overdue seeds in gardening and how to revive them: 7 ways 3191_12

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