How to make a flowerbed that does not require complex care: 5 delometrics


Pick up unpretentious plants or flowers that will replace each other and bloom the whole season - we consider these and other options for arranging the lazy flower beds.

How to make a flowerbed that does not require complex care: 5 delometrics 3194_1

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1 pick up plants that do not need complex care

The first thing that is worth thinking, picking up plants for flower beds - the number and degree of complexity of the departure that they will need are. Try to consider the options for the most unpretentious colors, herbs and shrubs.

  • From herbs and spices: 7 ways to grow lush and simple flower leaf on your cottage

The minimum of your attention will require such plants:

  • Perennial herbs.
  • Cereal.
  • Wild colors and herbs.
  • Shrubs, such as juniper or barberry.

The charm of these plants is that they do not particularly suffer from the neighborhood with other plants, even weeds, do not require daily irrigation and take root in almost any soil.

How to make a flowerbed that does not require complex care: 5 delometrics 3194_3
How to make a flowerbed that does not require complex care: 5 delometrics 3194_4
How to make a flowerbed that does not require complex care: 5 delometrics 3194_5

How to make a flowerbed that does not require complex care: 5 delometrics 3194_6

How to make a flowerbed that does not require complex care: 5 delometrics 3194_7

How to make a flowerbed that does not require complex care: 5 delometrics 3194_8

  • For inexperienced gardeners: 5 tips on how to create your first garden

2 Pick up the plants that will replace each other

Plant your flower in such a way that the plants bloom as long as possible, the whole season, or replaced each other. As a rule, such varieties include easily breeding plants that will gradually grow, which is convenient if you need a big magnificent flower bed or a blooming lawn in front of the house.

To blooming all summer long-term colors include:

  • Petunia.
  • Calendula.
  • Armeria Primorskaya.
  • Marigold.
  • Astilba.
  • Astrantia.
  • Helopsis.
  • Blue Dolphinium.

If you choose perennials, you get rid of the need to remove the stunned grades in the fall and plant something in the spring to replace them.

How to make a flowerbed that does not require complex care: 5 delometrics 3194_10
How to make a flowerbed that does not require complex care: 5 delometrics 3194_11
How to make a flowerbed that does not require complex care: 5 delometrics 3194_12

How to make a flowerbed that does not require complex care: 5 delometrics 3194_13

How to make a flowerbed that does not require complex care: 5 delometrics 3194_14

How to make a flowerbed that does not require complex care: 5 delometrics 3194_15

  • 5 successful combinations of plants for spectacular flowerbeds

3 Hurry up the land with garde geotextiles from weeds

If you do not suit the idea of ​​creating a very natural flower beds and you want something more minimalist, use geotextiles. This is the material with which you are covering the flower bed, and then cut through the right places for plants that plan to plant. It is very convenient to plant shrubs in this way, as you need only a few holes.

After the end of the plant disembarking, geotextiles are fixed along the edges of the flower beds with pegs or stones and sprinkle with rubble, earth or sawdust to hide.

How to make a flowerbed that does not require complex care: 5 delometrics 3194_17
How to make a flowerbed that does not require complex care: 5 delometrics 3194_18

How to make a flowerbed that does not require complex care: 5 delometrics 3194_19

How to make a flowerbed that does not require complex care: 5 delometrics 3194_20

4 Fall asleep earth between plants

Another way to create flowerbeds without weeds is to sprinkle the earth as something that will not give the extent of weeds. This process is called mulching.

Sprinkle options:

  • Bark of coniferous plants.
  • Small gravel.
  • Sand.
  • Chips.
  • Bevelish grass.
  • Bumps.

Each material has its own characteristics. For example, the bark of coniferous plants is well suited, shrubs. Also, there are no mice under it, which is important to take into account if before that you come across such a problem.

How to make a flowerbed that does not require complex care: 5 delometrics 3194_21
How to make a flowerbed that does not require complex care: 5 delometrics 3194_22
How to make a flowerbed that does not require complex care: 5 delometrics 3194_23
How to make a flowerbed that does not require complex care: 5 delometrics 3194_24

How to make a flowerbed that does not require complex care: 5 delometrics 3194_25

How to make a flowerbed that does not require complex care: 5 delometrics 3194_26

How to make a flowerbed that does not require complex care: 5 delometrics 3194_27

How to make a flowerbed that does not require complex care: 5 delometrics 3194_28

5 Use plants in containers

An easy way to arrange a flowerbed without complex transfers and care is to place containers with already adult plants in the garden. This can be done openly, picking up beautiful caspo and arranging flowers everywhere, including solid surfaces.

Also, the containers can be buried to the ground. It is simpler than a transplant, and the roots of colors will be protected from diseases and parasites. If necessary, the containers are easy to dig and move to another part of the garden - with conventional plants in the ground you will not succeed.

If you are used to cooking at home floral seedlings and then replant it into open ground, you still should be thought about the containers. There are options made of compressed cardboard, which, when lowering to the ground, will gradually soften and decompose. It ecoly and simplifies the transplanting process.

How to make a flowerbed that does not require complex care: 5 delometrics 3194_29

Photo on the cover: pexels

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