Beautiful garden do-it-yourself: 5 landscape design tools that will come in handy


We understand in the differences in the trimmer from the lawn mower, we tell what a robot lawn mower is and what the battery garden scissors can be useful.

Beautiful garden do-it-yourself: 5 landscape design tools that will come in handy 3254_1

Beautiful garden do-it-yourself: 5 landscape design tools that will come in handy

Neat and well-groomed green plantings are pride and joy for any owner. However, many do not believe in their own strength, preferring to entrust work on landscape design by specialists. In fact, having basic knowledge and the necessary tool, you can make in your garden exactly what you want. We talked to Marina Altukhova, head of the projects for the development of the competencies of the category "Garden" Leroy Merlin, and learned what tools for landscape design are most popular today and what of them should be acquired by the ordinary gathering.

1 lawn mower and trimmer

Perhaps the most popular equipment for gardening greenery. In essence, both devices are needed for mowing herbs, but there is a difference, and it lies in the details.

What is the difference between them?

The trimmer is a small portable tool for mowing grass where the lawn mower does not run according to its size, for example, behind the fence, at the entrance to the site. However, after working with him, you will have to manually remove the grass, spending time and strength for this time.

By type of engine, they are electric, rechargeable and gasoline. Each of the types has its advantages. So, rechargeable - the lightest and quiet. They do not differ in high power and are used to mowing herbs in sites in 1-2 weave. Please note: the most part of the battery itself can be used with another technique of the same brand, which allows you to achieve a tangible savings.

Electric trimmers are more powerful and used to mowing grass in areas up to 5 acres. A fishing line is used as a cutting element. But gasoline trimmers are devices equipped with not only fishing, but also additional cutting knives that can easily cope with both rude, thick weeds, and with a pig of shrubs and young trees.

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Beautiful garden do-it-yourself: 5 landscape design tools that will come in handy 3254_4

Beautiful garden do-it-yourself: 5 landscape design tools that will come in handy 3254_5

Beautiful garden do-it-yourself: 5 landscape design tools that will come in handy 3254_6

The lawn mower is a mechanized wheel device that is intended for mowing herbs on the lawn. The beveled herb is placed in a special grass collector, which reduces the time to care for the lawn. Yes, and the lawn itself is not clogged by the bevelled grass, which also has a positive effect on its appearance, and in a state.

Similar to trimmers, lawn mowers can have an electric, rechargeable and gasoline drive.

The engine type in the lawn mower directly affects its performance and widget width. The mower is more powerful, the more widely the knife can be installed on it, reducing time to work, although it is not rational in a small area.

Advanced models of lawn mowers have large rear wheels that make their movement on uneven areas of a large area (up to 12 acres) trouble-free, which is quite relevant, since the smooth surface is rare.

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  • How to choose a lawn mower: we understand the types and functions of the device

2 Robot Lawn Mower

Novelty in the world for making grass - Robots-lawn mowers. The principle of their work is similar to how the robot vacuum cleaner is arranged: it is enough to set the zone, and the lawn mower itself will be the map of the terrain, after which it will begin to work. Some models of robot-lawn mowers allow you to manage them and monitor efficiency through a mobile application.

The robot-lawn mower works not only on perfectly smooth surfaces, but also on small hills (an advanced model can minimize up to 35 degrees). On average, the battery device is enough for an hour of continuous operation. Some models even know how to install the schedule of the pouch and are not afraid of the change of weather, continuing to work in the rain. If the precipitate is enhanced, the robot can independently determine and return to the station.

Beautiful garden do-it-yourself: 5 landscape design tools that will come in handy 3254_9

3 Rechargeable Garden Scissors

Battery garden scissors can be quickly agreed by grass where it did not capture the lawn mower, such as along the tracks and fences.

In addition, all rechargeable scissors are equipped with an additional mushroom, which is designed to mount a small alive hedge and easily cope with trimming branches with a thickness of up to 8 mm. With them, you can exercise in the figured, topium haircut of plants (Tui, Kizilnik, Samsit).

If there is a high alive hedge on the site, try to master the battery with a blade from 40 to 60 cm. It is an ideal assistant if you need to level the plants or form large geometric shapes from them.

Beautiful garden do-it-yourself: 5 landscape design tools that will come in handy 3254_10

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4 secateurs

Trees and shrubs are also important. For trimming branches, a more compact and jewelry tool is needed.

Secateurs are two types: plane and contact. The first two blades have, one of which cuts, and the second - creates an emphasis. Such secateurs are ideal for working with young branches and bitch. Contact secanders have one moving blade and a fixed stubborn surface. This tool is well suited to work with thick dry branches - it will provide a smooth and neat cut line.

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5 Remedies

The safety is always important to remember, so the list cannot be not included in the protective garden gloves and the helmet (it is needed if you work with large shrubs and trees). Do not forget about protective glasses - of course, all trimmers and other facilities for lawn care are equipped with special protective elements that do not allow an uncontrolled scattering of grass, but it is better to be restrained, especially since gloves, and safety glasses can be found in any construction hypermarket for very modest amount.

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