Choose a houseplant online: 6 important points you need to know


Always check feedback, ask the store to send real photos and make a bet on unpretentious varieties - share the desired knowledge of the choice of indoor colors, without leaving home.

Choose a houseplant online: 6 important points you need to know 3317_1

Choose a houseplant online: 6 important points you need to know

Ink in the spring mood in the interior will help you room plants. To stock greens, it is not necessary to go to the store, now it can be done a couple of clicks: online shopping stores beautiful photos of houseplants. Are they plausible and how not to pull money into the wind? What are the pitfalls to pay attention to and how not to miss important when choosing colors for home? Collected six useful nuances.

1 Make a bet on small shops

Large network stores that trade except plants are much more often paying less attention to the content and care of greens. As a result, many patients and sluggish colors come across, which is very difficult to restore (if possible). Small local shops in this sense won, because they are engaged exclusively by plants and they contain them with knowledge and care for them (at least it can be calculated).

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2 Assist Send Real Photos

If the store has such an opportunity, request real photos of plants now. It is quite possible to do through the messenger. Often what is presented in the store catalog does not correspond to the real state of affairs. Even if there is the same plant, it could turn, blow away, get sick or fade.

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3 Pay attention to the reviews

Almost every reliable online store has a section with reviews. Read them carefully before buying - often it is in the reviews that contains this information about the store and photos of plants. By the way, the last is a good reality indicator of the recall. If you doubt the objective reviews on the store page, look for additional information about the company on third-party resources.

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4 Carefully check the plant when delivery

Carefully check the goods when delivery if the service of the transport company provides this, check the courier check or in the issue item. The same habit will save you in case the store sent you a wonderful fresh plant, and during delivery it broke or damaged.

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5 Choose unpretentious varieties

If you are looking for no specific plant, but just green plantings for the interior, it is worth seeing to the least whimsical species. As a rule, they do not bloom, but they most often retain a healthy view of the stores and less suffer during transportation. Unpretentious plants include, for example, Monster, Sansevieria, Ficus, Chlorophytum. They do not require frequent watering and special care, well tolerate temperature differences. So, choosing a "cat in a bag", in this case there is less chance to miss.

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6 Specify the packaging format

This is especially true in the cold season. Rarely, who pays attention to the packaging of the plant, and, meanwhile, the effect of cold temperatures when loading in the car and delivery can be destructively affecting the most healthy sapling. The perfect packaging in the cold time is factory and paper from above. By the way, good packaging is capable of providing additional flower protection from mechanical damage.

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