Evrodwushka with bright accents for family volleyball players


The owners of the apartment asked the architect Daria Coskovin to arrange a comfortable interior with regard to their high growth. And also use bright accents and natural wood.

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Evrodwushka with bright accents for family volleyball players

Customers and tasks

Apartment owners - married couple. They are professionally engaged in volleyball, often travel around the country. The apartment had to make a comfortable space, given the high growth of the owners. Therefore, among the requirements there were high interior doors, lack of chandelier, non-standard placement of sanitary devices, so that they were convenient to use.

Also in the wishes of Figurery

Also in wishes appeared bright accents in the interior in combination with natural wood and functional storage systems.


Evrodwushka is a modern layout with an isolated bedroom and a combined kitchen-living room. In the process of redevelopment almost did not affect the walls. The dismantling was undesigious wall between the corridor and the kitchen and the partition between the loggia and the living room. Thus, it was possible to form a single large space, and on the loggia there is a cozy corner for reading.

Finish and design

"It all started with a green sofa, which we saw in the store and immediately bought," recalls the author of the project Daria Mostkina. Green became the main emphasis in the kitchen interior.

In support of the sofa wall:

In support of the sofa, the wall in front of it in the TV zone was issued with decorative plaster in emerald color.

As a basic color, a calm light gray shade of paint for walls was chosen - thus decorated with surfaces in all rooms to visually combine the space.

Another bright accent in the kitchen ...

Another bright accent in the kitchen-living room is a cozy chair with a burgundy upholstery.

Tree is also traced in the entire apartment. This is the engineering board on the floor, and wooden slats on the ceiling in the kitchen-living room.

In the bedroom porcelain tens under D & ...

In the bedroom, a porcelain stonework under the tree was issued an accent wall above the bed, and the ends were separated by a liquid metal.

In the bathrooms combined several types of porcelain stoneware: under the tree, concrete and marble.


Three scenarios of light are provided throughout the apartment: these are point lights (main light), chandelier over the dining table - the only lamp of this type, as customers asked to abandon the chandelier, and the backlight in the ceiling to create a coziness.



Architect Daria Cosykina, Avt & ...

Architect Daria Mostkina, author of the project:

The main concept of the interior: the combination of natural tree with bright color stains. Since a green-emerald sofa appeared, an idea with an emerald wall arose to it. Wooden railway beams perfectly complement the whole picture. The bedroom also appeared a wooden walled wall.

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Living room

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Living room

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The editors warns that in accordance with the Housing Code of the Russian Federation, the coordination of the conducted reorganization and redevelopment is required.

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Architect: Daria Mostkina

Decorator: Irina Chertihina

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