How it is properly and high quality dishes from different materials: 7 tips


Teflon coating, glass and stainless steel - tell how to wash the dishes so that it serve you for a long time and did not spoke.

How it is properly and high quality dishes from different materials: 7 tips 3368_1

How it is properly and high quality dishes from different materials: 7 tips

1 aluminum

Aluminum pans are inexpensive, so loved by many. But the material does not have sufficient hardness, it is necessary to clean it carefully.

How it is properly and high quality dishes from different materials: 7 tips 3368_3

Start soaking only when the dishes completely cool. Temperature drops can contribute to its deformation. Clean items with soft material: hard easily scratched them. The same applies to abrasive particles in the means for washing, it is impossible to use them. Also, be sure to make sure that there are no acidic or alkaline components: they are able to dissolve the protective layer on the utensils, after such a wash it will darken. Color may change in the event that you leave the aluminum container to dry naturally. After washing it is better to immediately wipe dry.

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2 glass

How it is properly and high quality dishes from different materials: 7 tips 3368_5

When washing glass it is worth using soft materials: a foam sponge, a cloth or just a fabric. Hard can scratch the dishes, and it will lose shine.

You can wash the glass under water of any temperature, however, it is not necessary to change the mode - from a strong differential it can crack. Use a non-aggressive detergent: Abrasive particles can scratch the material. This also applies to cleaning in a dishwasher: hard tools can scratch the products, so they are better to wash their hands. If you have a lot of glassware, pick a special composition for glass or use liquid with the "ECO" mark, it will definitely not spoil the material. Scientific funds are also suitable: vinegar, soda and ammonia alcohol.

After the procedure, leave the items to be dried. If you need urgent dishes, wrap it with nonwoven me - it will not leave the villion on the surface.

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3 stainless steel

How it is properly and high quality dishes from different materials: 7 tips 3368_7

The main advantage of stainless steel dishes is resistance to corrosion, so it is durable and practical. You can wash utensils under water any temperature, besides, it is not afraid of drops. However, the dishes after cooking can not be dirty: the longer the fat is on the surface, the faster it will oxidize.

Nagar and dark spots with a saucepan can be removed using special store compositions or custom. Mix the extended activated carbon with water to form a paste. Apply it on the surface and leave for about half an hour. After we wash the soft sponge and the usual tool for dishes.

4 Teflon coating

How it is properly and high quality dishes from different materials: 7 tips 3368_8

Kitchen utensils with teflon coating is a wonderful assistant to all owners, as the food is practically not burning on it. To extend the life of the coating, it is necessary to comply with several rules: do not clean the pan and frying pans using hard and metal sponges, and also do not use abrasive tools. It is better to wash their hands, as the means for dishwashers are distinguished by rigid compositions.

Also never cool the hot frying pan under cold water. The coating does not tolerate sharp change of temperature. If Teflon is damaged, items cannot be used: it will be all adhered and burn.

And what else can you wash in the dishwasher? Look at this video where we listed such objects

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5 plastic

How it is properly and high quality dishes from different materials: 7 tips 3368_10

Plastic utensils are unpretentious utensils. It does not be fading, easily ished and not afraid of transportation. If the packaging is badly polluted, put it in the water to mock. After the remaining food will easily go away. When washing, use soft materials and compositions, it can be rigid easily to scratch the product.

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6 Crystal

How it is properly and high quality dishes from different materials: 7 tips 3368_12

Most often, we get objects from crystal on some holidays and rarely use them daily. Therefore, periodically, so that the material does not lose its shine, it needs to be processed. For example, rub the wool cloth or wipe the material moistened in alcohol.

Before the procedures for the return of shine items should be cleaned. Crystal is a fragile material, so it is necessary to wash it very carefully. Take a pelvis or other capacity, fill the room temperature and add detergent into it. Put the thick towel or any dense fabric on the bottom - it will help protect the crystal from damage.

Rinse the crystal is worth clean water room temperature. Be careful: from hot water, items can crack, and from the cold - to sweat much. After carefully wrap their cotton material.

7 silver

How it is properly and high quality dishes from different materials: 7 tips 3368_13

Table silver, like a crystal, often get only on holidays. Therefore, during storage in the closet it can darken. It is possible to clean it with the help of special stores or folk recipes: for example, the toothpaste, ammonia, soda, citric acid and vinegar, excellently lightes.

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