How to get rid of red ants on the garden and in the house


We tell what folk remedies can help in the fight against red ants and what chemicals can be used.

How to get rid of red ants on the garden and in the house 3392_1

How to get rid of red ants on the garden and in the house

Neighborhood with insects can be extremely unpleasant, especially if the "neighbors" spoil the products, furniture and things, carry dangerous infections and ruffled garden and garden landings. Let's wonder how to get rid of red ants at home and on the site.

All about the methods of struggle against red ants

Species features

Folk remedies


Species features of pests

In nature there are thousands of types of ants. In Russian houses and gods, you can meet only a few dozen such varieties. If we talk about red pests, then most often homeowners annoy three types: forest, pharaohs or mirmeam. The first is quite rare guests on the plots, more often live in the forest. Give your presence of high anthills that prefer to build near the trees.

Forest variety does not harm a person. On the contrary, they destroy a large amount of pests and improve the structure of the soil. However, it is capable of spreading the seeds of weeds and breed the Tlya, the sweet allocations of which are very loved. Mirmick prefers to settle under the stones, in the roots of plants and cream. This is a predatory appearance that is powered by garden pests, breeds. It hurts very hurt.

The most unpleasant neighbor is the pharaoh ants. Small red-brown flies prefer to set in heated buildings. Matter wet, dark, warm places. Live in homes, and the whole building is their big "anthill." In each of them, there are several dozen, and even hundreds of queens that are hiding in the most unexpected places. They are always active, do not fall into the hibernation. To withdraw this variety is very difficult.

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Folk remedies from red ants

Before entering into the fight against the "invaders", it is not bad to determine their species affiliation. This will help to understand how dangerous they are. The most innocuous - forest and mirmee. They live only on the street, do not come true in homes. It's easy to bring them enough. Much more complicated with pharaoh torment. Here you will need to make efforts to destroy all the colony mask, otherwise it will be reborn again and again. We collected the most effective ways to get rid of red ants in the garden, on a plot and at home.

For garden

Few people will reveal, finding an anthill in the garden. Do not panic. This is a dwelling of a forest variety that brings some benefits to the garden site. If you need to get rid of it, it's easy enough to do it. The anthill is transferred to the forest. For this, tight plastic bags take and assemble the above-ground part of the structure. Make it with a shovel, trying to spend all the manipulations quickly.

Filled packages tightly twist with scotch, so that insects did not have the opportunity to get out. In a separate bag, there are an earthen base from the anthill. It is removed about the bayonet shovel, you can a little more. It is impossible to leave it, because there are many underground strokes in which Murashi is located. In the forest near the tree, they dig a hole into which the ground is laid from the base, the rest is poured on top. It is not necessary to do anything else, insects themselves will form the design you need.

Much more difficult with underground anthills, such builds Mirmick. You can only get rid of new buildings from new buildings that have no long branched strokes. They are digging, folded into the bucket, carry away from their territory and are poured there. Remove old ant settlements with many moves and not damage the landing is impossible. Therefore, they are absolutely removed in part. Be sure to engage in prevention. Clean major stones, stumps, rotting trees - all where pests like to shave.

How to get rid of red ants on the garden and in the house 3392_5

It is believed that insects do not like strong smells. Therefore, in the places of their cluster, it is recommended to lay the crushed parsley, the tomato tops, anise leaves and wormwood, garlic. Help sawdust mixed with cinnamon or with garlic casheam. In a number of councils, how to get rid of red ants in the garden site, they offer to shed anthills and adjacent sections of the carels or kerosene. So you can not do. These are toxic substances dangerous for soil and living organisms.

How not to let insects on the trees

In order not to let insects on the trees, where they will breed the TRU, use the following techniques techniques.

  • Foil. The trunk is wrapped with a strip of foam rubber so as not to damage the bark. The foil strip is wound on top of it. Pests will not be able to overcome slippery barrier.
  • Velcro tape. It is used from flies, but it will work against the Murash. The ribbon is placed on a strip of foam-wrapped around the trunk. From time to time it is replaced with a new one.
  • Cannal oil. They are deceived by the foundations of trees and shrubs. The smell scares the ants.

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For the neck

When the anthills are detected with them, they come in the same way as described above. In the garden most often there are branched underground structures. It is almost impossible to remove them. But it is necessary to prevent developing. Take dried souls and sulfur, mixed in proportions 1: 2. The place where insects settled, pour, fall asleep with the resulting mixture, mix it with the soil. Helps stove soot. It is scattered around ant buildings, stirred from the ground.

Well "works" ash. She sprinkles the sections of the accumulation of pests, tracks and aisle. The ash will not only rebuild the Murash, but also supports the soil. By the number of harmful councils, how to get rid of red ants on the garden, all recommendations on the use of kerosene and carboles should be attributed, even in a diluted form, as well as salts. The latter penetrates deep into the soil, accumulates in it and kills plants.

To scare insects use fragrant herbs: anise, parsley, wormwood. Sometimes in the beds you dig heads with smoked herring. True, the smell can scare away not only the Murash. To combat red ants in the garden, many use a "sweet sponge". The usual foam sponge is wetted with sugar syrup and laid it where parasites were seen. After a while, the sponge raise and dip in boiling water. Run and repeat manipulations.

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For home

If a colony settled in the house, in the first stage, while it is small, they will help scare away and bait with boric acid. First you need to deprive the "invaders" of the feed base. Remove products from free access, what remains on the table, tightly close. It is impossible to leave for the night unwashed dishes, rarely take out the garbage bin. All these are excellent food sources for insects.

We must try to find as many nests as possible. They can be in secluded corners of the bathroom, near the garbage bucket in the kitchen, under the stacks of linen in the closet, etc. When the inhabitants are detected, the nests are destroyed, washed with all soapy water, lay out homemade repelters. Watts or rags are impregnated with lavender, lemon, carnations or mint. You can use dry wormwood, mint or parsley.

Poisoned Boric Acid Baims will help. This means paralyzes the nervous system of individuals, and they die. But it is dangerous for other living organisms, so they use it carefully. Children or pets do not have to accidentally eat bait. We offer two proven recipes.

Safe bait

  • Rafine sugar is soaked with acid, declined in an open place.
  • On half of the liter of any jam take 5 g of boric acid and 20 g of yeast. Stirring, lay out in small tanks, set out where Murashi appears.

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If the population is large, it is unlikely to cope with the folk remedies. In this case, you have to use poisonous chemistry. Against red muscles apply compositions based on two substances: chlorpyphyroid either diazine. The first is active for 30-60 days, the second is only 14-20 days. Both are moderately dangerous for a person. However, it is necessary to use drugs only according to the instructions.

Based on the diazine, the mixtures "Thunder-2", "Medvetoks", "Muravyin", "Muravyad", Muratoks. These are emulsions or granules, which are used for bait or processing areas populated by pests. On the basis of chlorpiproos, "Deliization", "Absolut" and other means are manufactured.

According to reviews of the best choice for home conditions, combined drugs are considered. In their composition, both poisoning substances that mutually reinforce each other's action. Due to this, it is possible to get rid of the "invaders" even in very launched cases. An example of such a drug is the Gel Warrior gel. It can be used in homes and in areas. The result is fast and efficient.

How to get rid of red ants on the garden and in the house 3392_12

Frequently from the invasion of pests is the easiest way at the initial stage, when their number is small. Then it will do much more difficult. And it is best not to give them to start using preventive measures: planting plants with a disconnecting smell, maintaining in the health and purity of engineering communications, garbage storage sites. Insects devoid of feed base and water will find other attractive places for themselves.

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