13 seats in which money cannot be kept in the apartment (it is too unreliable!)


In books, freezers and kitchen containers - we tell about places where the thieves first of all will look for your savings.

13 seats in which money cannot be kept in the apartment (it is too unreliable!) 3419_1

13 seats in which money cannot be kept in the apartment (it is too unreliable!)

If you keep your savings at home, it is worth thinking, in the right place they are located. In many caches that you consider reliable, thieves will look for money in the first place. The script theft is usually the following: the robbers first check the upper shelves, and then look at the bottom: in the lower boxes and even under the parquet. We tell, in what places it is definitely not worth keeping savings and jewels.

Look at the video with our advice on this topic.

1 Caskets

The most obvious place in the apartment is boxes in which not only bills are often stored, but also decorations, and other valuable and memorable things.

2 Kitchen containers

The same obvious place as the caskets. In the kitchen they will be checked first.

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3 books

Hold the money between books or magazines - a beaten reception, which is shown in many films. Therefore, it is illogical to use it for storing bills, robbers are easily achieved.

  • Where to hide money in the apartment: 7 examples

4 Tank Toiletza

Another way that is often demonstrated in the cinema is to put valuable in the package and lower it in the toilet tank. Also often hide folded bills in the float, which is located in the same tank. But it is better to refuse such ways: first, it is too common storage location, secondly, bills still can get into place and spoil from a long stay in moisture, and thirdly, many believe that keeping money in water is bad Sketches.

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6 mattress, pillows and furniture upholstery

Sew money in textile upholstery - familiar to everyone way from the novel "Twelve Chairs". Perhaps not all robbers read the classics, but everyone knows about the place of the cache. The same applies to other things in which Cains do: do not sew value in plush toys, especially if you have only a few at home. Touch the mattress, pillow or teddy bear and find the right thing is a case of a couple of minutes.

  • 10 things that can not be stored in the attic

7 pictures

If you have a panel or picture, do not hurry to hide the savings behind them. They will also be torn off from the wall and break. The same applies to the mirrors.

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8 Economic compartments

Ventilation, as well as risers, plumbing cabinets and other similar places - this is the principle of not the best places for the sleep, as money can spoil

9 freezer

Wrap bills into a dense layer of polyethylene and freeze in water - an interesting way, but unfortunately familiar to many. Finding among your freezing such a package will not be difficult.

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10 Clothing and Linen

Many hide valuable things in pockets and hoods of winter jackets, and also think that robbers are rummaged in boxes with underwear. Unfortunately, this is not so. Things from the cabinets can be easily shaken on the floor and overturn, especially if they have a lot of time in search.

  • 13 meaningless home habits that spend your money

11 pots and vases

Another way to hide money is to put them in a waterproof package, place on the bottom of the flower pot, and to fall asleep the earth on top and plant a flower. But the thieves are well aware of this cache, they will not be difficult to shake out the land from the pot to find savings.

The same applies to VAZ, in which decorative fillers or hydrogel balls are often used for planting plants.

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12 portable safe

Safe is considered a reliable place to store money, but only if it is built into the wall or floor and hidden in an unusual place. A small portable safe, which can be simply put on the shelf in the closet, is an unreliable thing. Thieves may not even spend time to open it, but just take it with them and remove the content later.

13 Technique

Void inside household appliances seem to be a great place to store. However, robbers can simply carry it with them along with your snack. And there is also a chance of a short circuit, in which money can simply burn.

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