Spring work in the garden: where to start


Already at the end of March - early April, when the sun is growing stronger, the garden begins to come to life. He wakes up from the winter hibernation, and our task is affectionately and carefully awaken

Spring work in the garden: where to start 34426_1

Spring work in the garden: where to start

Photo: "Dendromir"

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Where to begin?

We start by bypass. It should be checked for winter shelters of thermal-loving crops, make sure that they were not injured due to frosts. If the snow has already completely melted and the temperature on the street holds above the zero mark, you need to ventilate plants under winter shelters. So you protect the heat-loving shrubs and perennials from spontaneous. After the final warming of the plant, covered for the winter, can be completely disclosed. Also in early April, it is necessary to free the branches of shrubs and perennials from the flexing of their hooks and make a trimming, raise the nailed shoots of raspberries, cut extra and weak, trim up the tops.

The trimming of fruit trees and berry bushes is made before the start of the sloping, which is expected in the second half of April. The next stage is the processing of shrubs and trees. Carefully inspect the black currant bushes. In the branches at this time, thick swollen kidneys populated by the kidney tick are clearly visible. They need to be removed and burn. If there is a lot of kidneys on the branch, it is better to remove such a branch entirely. Before the blooming of the kidneys on the fruit trees, as well as the chest of currant, gooseberry, raspberries can be treated with nitrophenium solution (300 g per 10 liters of water), at the same time spraying the soil under the trees and bushes. Processing is made at the average daily air temperature not lower than 5 ° C.

Spring work in the garden: where to start

In April, it's the time to remove the garbage on the site. Photo: shutterstock / fotodom.ru

Spring work in the garden: where to start

In April, it is time to remove the soil to crash. Photo: shutterstock / fotodom.ru

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The traditional spraying can be replaced by watering boiling water boiling water. Early spring sun rays can warm the dark bark of fruit trees from the sun side to 5-10 ° C. At the same time, the temperature of the tree bark from the shadow side will be equal to the air temperature, and in March it is even minus. A sharp temperature contrast can cause a bark burn - damage in the form of cracking with further koram. To protect the fruiting trees from premature awakening, and the bark from sunburn, you need to whiten the trunks of the trees with lime. Trees will not be very hot under the spring sun and will not wake up ahead of time. The whirlwind of the trunks of fruit trees with a lime solution will reduce the bark overheating, in addition, protect the trees from pests.

As soon as the last snow is melted and the upper layer of the Earth is dry, it is necessary to put a plot in order: to harvest the remaining leaves, the tops in a compost bunch or form a cucumber ridge from them, break the soil to eliminate the snow formed after melting. Garden plants constantly need additional feeding. As soon as it melts or almost becomes snow, a nitrogen or comprehensive fertilizer should be scattered along the mourned soil. Melting waters dissolve it and spend plants to roots. With a favorable weather in April, start planting fruit and berry crops. At the end of April, cold-resistant cultures (radishes, radish for early consumption, carrots, parsley, celery, Pasternak, Drop), green (salad, spinach, dill, cinema) are prepared and sow in open soil. The end of April is the appropriate time to divide and disperse perennial colors. If in the fall in the soil organic, phosphoric and potash fertilizers were made, then the spring can only be filtered by nitrogen plants.

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Spring work in the garden: where to start 34426_8
Spring work in the garden: where to start 34426_9
Spring work in the garden: where to start 34426_10

Spring work in the garden: where to start 34426_11

Spraying shrubs. Photo: shutterstock / fotodom.ru

Spring work in the garden: where to start 34426_12

Rejuvenating apple tree trimming makes kidney swelling. Photo: "Dendromir"

Spring work in the garden: where to start 34426_13

The slice of the thin branch is enough to treat the garden boraner. Photo: shutterstock / fotodom.ru

Spring work in the garden: where to start 34426_14

With a branch diameter, more than 2 cm cut is better to lubricate the antiseptic. Photo: shutterstock / fotodom.ru

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How to make trees?

A lime solution for whitewashing trees is a sufficiently thick mass: 2-3 kg of lime on 10 liters of water. In some cases, no more than 50 g of joinery glue is added to enhance the effect of sticking to the crust in the lime solution, and to give the solution to disinfecting properties to combat pests and diseases of trees - 300 g of copper sulfate. White trees with brush, roller or sprayer. What is the height of the fruit trees? Some gardeners advise to play for the maximum height, which will reach. Others believe that the tree trunks need to be blurred from more than 1 m from the ground. Nevertheless, choose the height and intensity of the blame should be based on the degree of heating of the bark of trees. Formation of the crown of a tree is a rather long process. After planting, pruning is produced annually in spring for 8-12 years.

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And do not forget to think through the design of your site so that it is where to relax in the interruptions.

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