We are planning the location of the beds on the country area: rules, sizes and other important points


Orientation on the sides of the world, accounting of the features of relief and illumination - disassemble these and other rules when location of the bed.

We are planning the location of the beds on the country area: rules, sizes and other important points 3449_1

We are planning the location of the beds on the country area: rules, sizes and other important points

Most daches have growing vegetable and fruit crops from hobby imperceptibly into lifestyle. They know exactly how to position the beds on the sides of the light, what sizes to do them. It is difficult for novice gardens, we'll figure it out in our article in the subtleties of the site planning.

All about the right location of the beds in the garden

Planning rules

Dimensions of gardening facilities

Watering system

Features of the crop rotation

Rules of garden planning

Before planting harvested in advance, or spend the springtime, it is necessary to clearly plan your site. It is necessary to distribute places for different cultures, decide on the size and direction of the gardening structures. We list the basic rules that will help you do.

Focusing on the sides of the world

It is believed that it is best to orient the beds from the north to south. So most often come, choosing how to locate the garden of cucumbers. Significantly choose the direction from the south-west to the northeast. In both cases, all plants will receive approximately the same portion of light and heat, which is very important for their proper growth and development. In a small garden, the direction can be noncritical, in large areas the orientation is important, otherwise the seedlings may suffer.

In the southern part it is desirable to plant the thermal-loving varieties, for example, tomatoes, beans, cucumbers. In North - more resistant to the cold of varieties, such as radishes, trouser, carrots. Cold winds are more often blowing from the north, so it is desirable to protect the plants from them. In this part, berry shrubs planted on the edge of the site: gooseberry, currants or raspberry. You can plant enough sunflower, corn or other high and beautiful plants sufficiently. Trees here are undesirable, they will be overly shadowed the land.

We are planning the location of the beds on the country area: rules, sizes and other important points 3449_3

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Correct the features of the relief

For landings you need a smooth surface. Height differences adversely affect the development of plants. Nizans are thawing longer in the spring, in the summer there is water after watering or rain. This must be taken into account when planning the location of the beds in the country area. If possible, the surface is aligned. Small low-spirits can be filled.

If the slope is significant, the alignment will not work. In this case, it is important to correctly plan the landing of varieties. So, in the arid regions in lowlands, moisture cucumbers, peppers or tomatoes can be planted in lowlands. There they will need to water less often. In localities where summer is not too roast, in low-spirits squeeze cabbage, zucchini, salads. If moisture is too much, draw up drainage grooves for its lead.

The ridges located with a slope should not be focused on the sides of the world. There will be much more important than the location of the slope. So all the sprouts will receive the same amount of moisture. If you lay the landing along the slope, the lower part will be "filled" and swell. The top, on the contrary, will suffer from lack of moisture. As a result, yield will suffer.

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Adjusting lighting

To grow vegetables, a large amount of light is necessary. If trees grow on the territory, it may be beautiful, but it will have to get rid of them or plant seedlings at some distance. No culture, even relatively unpretentious, will not be able to develop normally and fruit in the shade of trees. Exception can be done for the Northern side. There are magnificent crowns will not excessively shadow vegetables.

We are planning the location of the beds on the country area: rules, sizes and other important points 3449_6

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Place greenhouses

To get early vegetables, they are grown in a closed soil. The greenhouses are installed on the site, temporary greenhouses are placed under seedlings. The greenhouses choose a place near the house, especially if shelter is envisaged. Well, so that it is closed from strong winds and is quite illuminated.

Greenhouses are placed on any distance from the house, since this temporary construction and heating here is not provided. But sunlight should be enough. Wind protection is assumed to be maximum. The shelter will eventually be cleaned, so it can be placed where useful cultures will subsequently grow. For example, put a greenhouse with a seedler where tomatoes will be planted.

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Dimensions Grois

There are no strict rules setting the size of the beds. Focus falls on feasibility and common sense.


So, the width of the landings are determined on the basis of whether it is planned to approach them from one or two sides. If only one, the width should not be more than 500 mm. So the garden will easily reach the opposite edge, and this is necessary for normal care. The ridge, to which you can approach both sides, can be wider than: 900-1000 mm. Optimally, the employee can get a little further than the landing center. Then it will take care of them convenient. Length can be any. Sometimes there are multi-meter structures, separating them into small fragments with different vegetables.

Important moment - width of the tracks. They are doing so that it is convenient to walk, water and care for cultures. Minimum width 350-400 mm. The choice depends also from the variety. So carrots, greenery or beets will be sufficiently minimal width. For beans, peppers, tomatoes or eggplant, they are better to make them wider.

We are planning the location of the beds on the country area: rules, sizes and other important points 3449_9

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Height is also different. It is believed that in the warm regions of raised trees can not do. Plants are placed at the ground level or even a little deepen them. In cold locations, planting is raised to a height of 100 mm and above. So so much is warmed faster, which is important for unsustainable agriculture zones. Under the raised structures usually make a frame of plastic, boards or an old slate. But this is optional.

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Plant placement scheme that is important to consider when planning

When planning dimensions, plant placement scheme is taken into account. So she looks for the most popular varieties.

  • Polenic - 70x70 or 50x50 cm. For each bustle, the support is required.
  • Early cabbage - 40x40 cm.
  • Cabbage late - 70x50 cm.
  • The roots are planted with 12-15 cm. Distance between seedlings - 6-8 cm.
  • Zucchini Pleet - aisle 150-200 cm, the distance between the bushes is 70-120 cm.
  • Cucumbers without support require a 90-120 cm aisle, between bushes leave 65-70 cm. If there is a support, the distance between cucumbers is reduced to 25-30 cm.

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The form

The shape of a variety can be any. For some crops, for example, strawberries, choose vertical structures. If everything is designed right, it feels great in vertical landings and is plentifully fruit. The traditional form for the beds is a rectangle. But if you wish, you can make triangular, square or complex polygonal structures. They will become a real decoration of the site. In the photo several options for such structures.

We are planning the location of the beds on the country area: rules, sizes and other important points 3449_13
We are planning the location of the beds on the country area: rules, sizes and other important points 3449_14
We are planning the location of the beds on the country area: rules, sizes and other important points 3449_15
We are planning the location of the beds on the country area: rules, sizes and other important points 3449_16

We are planning the location of the beds on the country area: rules, sizes and other important points 3449_17

We are planning the location of the beds on the country area: rules, sizes and other important points 3449_18

We are planning the location of the beds on the country area: rules, sizes and other important points 3449_19

We are planning the location of the beds on the country area: rules, sizes and other important points 3449_20

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Location of beds and watering system

It is impossible to do without watering. Therefore, planning how to properly arrange the beds in the garden, we need to think over the water supply. According to biologists and agronomists, it is best to water outstanding and heated water. Such it will be after the day he just likes. Therefore, it is desirable to put a container in which the water will go back and warm. It may be an old bath, a plastic barrel or metal Chan.

For a large garden, several tanks will be required. They are placed at different points, but so that the water pipe is nearby. Well, if there is a pump for water supply. It will significantly simplify watering procedure. If you have to water "from the crane", you need to make it so that it is convenient. To do this, along the tracks, pipes or hoses are paved to obtain the maximum number of waterproof points. This will allow watering the entire summer territory.

Good solution - drip watering. It suggests that water is fed to each plant. For this purpose, pipes are mounted, mini sprinklers or drip feed devices are installed. This is a relatively complex system, but it is very convenient in operation. It can be equipped with remote control and water the cottage, without even coming to it.

We are planning the location of the beds on the country area: rules, sizes and other important points 3449_22

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Features of the crop rotation

When placing landings it is necessary to take into account the rules of the crop rotation. It is wrong to land the same cultures from year to year in one place. It is necessary to alternate, otherwise the earth is depleted, harvest is worse.

Groups of Culture

  • Undemanding, which do not need a large amount of nutrients. This is beans, parsley, salad, fennel, peas, others.
  • Middle. For normal growth requires a single feeder for the season. It is beet, radishes, carrots, potatoes, eggplant, onions, radish.
  • Demanding. It is necessary for a large amount of nutrients, a few feeding for the season. These are cucumbers, peppers, tomatoes, pumpkin, cabbage.

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When planning, the entire garden territory is divided into four parts. The first is discharged under the perennials that need a transplant more than four to five years. The remaining parts are given under plants with a different need for nutrients. The right solution will be an annual alternation. So, the demanding varieties are planted on the spot, where they grew undemanding. Those, in turn, move to the defense, where there were substantive. The latter are transferred to where demanding vegetables were placed. Such an alternation gives the soil time to recover and increases the crop. It is also important to comply with plants compatibility. That is, their opportunity to develop and grow next to each other, protecting and strengthening their "neighbor."

We are planning the location of the beds on the country area: rules, sizes and other important points 3449_25
We are planning the location of the beds on the country area: rules, sizes and other important points 3449_26

We are planning the location of the beds on the country area: rules, sizes and other important points 3449_27

We are planning the location of the beds on the country area: rules, sizes and other important points 3449_28

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In the recommendations, how to locate a garden on the plot, inexperienced gardens advise to build a scheme. First draw a plan, scaling it to real dimensions. Then the ridges are planned on it. Oriented them as it will be in reality. Make up a list of vegetables that will grow on the garden. Place them in the diagram. This will help determine whether there is enough space for all cultures planned for landing. On average, one weaving is enough to ensure vegetable products of a family of three or four people.

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