How to get rid of the Wirehouse in the garden: 7 effective ways


Homemade traps, pumping, the use of folk recipes and chemicals - we tell about different, but equally effective methods of combating pest.

How to get rid of the Wirehouse in the garden: 7 effective ways 3469_1

How to get rid of the Wirehouse in the garden: 7 effective ways

Standing landing care does not guarantee high yields. Pests can not be reduced by all the efforts of the gloomy, so it is necessary to identify their presence as early as possible and destroy. We will understand how in the spring to fight the wireman in a garden, which is able to spoil most of the crop.

All about combating a wireman

Biological features

Signs of infection

Effective methods of struggle

Biological pest features

The wire is called the bug-clutch larch, it represents danger to landing. Their life cycle begins with the stage of the egg, females are laying them up with tens during the spring-summer period. One individual is able to postpone up to 200 pieces per season. The eggs are hatched from eggs with delicate skin. The first year they are inactive and almost safe. Eating very little, do not leave the nests. Starting next year, worms become active and very voracious.

They eat everything that grows near them. Love roots, especially potatoes, beets, carrots. There is a larva about five years old. During this time, it acquires a chitinous shell of brown or dark yellow with clear segments. The older the pest, the stronger its protective coating. It is almost impossible to crush it. The grown worm actively moves, though, only deep into. It can descend on a meter-one and a half to the depths of the soil. From his feed base he does not go away. Movement to the sides are very small, no further than 200-300 mm.

For the winter, the worm "bursts" deeper, and calmly worries cold. Even strong freezing is not terrible. In the spring it rises up and begins to destroy the plants planted near him. The older the individual, the more it eats, therefore, it brings more harm. It is very important to notice the worms in time and start fighting with them.

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How to understand that a pest appeared in the garden

It is easy to seek to seek to get rid of the Wirehouse in the garden. There are several signs pointing to the presence of pests on the site.

  • With a peopling in earth lumps, small worms are visible. Taurus larvae is clearly segmented with plenty of legs.
  • On a potato plantation or on vegetable beds, only a few plants were damaged.
  • In the dumplings, narrow moves are found, dark dots or stains are noticeable on the peel.
  • The emergence of a noticeable amount of adult individuals. Zhuk-Niccinus looks like a bugger, but there is a bright difference. If you flip it over to your back, he, turning back, makes a sharp characteristic click.

Finding at least one of these signs, we must carefully examine your landings. Skip the "invasion" of wire worms can not be. Every year the damage from its livelihoods is only increasing. Only a timely struggle will allow to preserve the harvest.

How to get rid of the Wirehouse in the garden: 7 effective ways 3469_4
How to get rid of the Wirehouse in the garden: 7 effective ways 3469_5

How to get rid of the Wirehouse in the garden: 7 effective ways 3469_6

How to get rid of the Wirehouse in the garden: 7 effective ways 3469_7

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Methods of combating a wireman on the garden

Choosing a means to destroy pests, you need to start with the safest and non-toxic. Yadhimikati will effectively destroy the population, but at the same time they will cause serious damage to the site.

1. Using natural enemies

In nature, beetles - food for birds. Therefore, it is recommended to attract the borders, starvations, ruling, rods, strokes and shakes to fight the bark of the borders, skewers, rings, rods. These are the main enemies of the shortcuts. So that they feel comfortable, equip the birdhouses and feeders. True, some birds may prefer the worms of ripe berries, for example. Therefore, before attracting them to your garden, you must make sure that they will not be able to cause damage.

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2. Natural dischargers

Schelkun larvae do not tolerate some types of plants that can be used as natural repels. First of all, it's all legumes. Suitable beans, beans or peas. They are sowing in aisle potatoes or around the perimeter of other beds. Beans are good because not only scare insects, but also significantly improve the structure of the soil, they will enrich it with nitrogen in an easily-friendly form.

Culture-Siderats work well. In this case, they choose Lupine, Frejku, buckwheat, rape, spinach, donon, Facelius or Lucerne. But the most effective option is mustard. Worms do not tolerate its essential oils. Siderate is better soaring under autumn. After shootings are growing up to 100-120 mm, they are cut and dripped. In the spring, it is desirable to repeat the procedure. It will enrich the soil with the useful substances and relieve it from insects.

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3. Dropping

Pumping is a good remedy for pests. In the depth of wire worms fall only after the first frosts. Until this time, they are pretty close to the surface. This can take advantage. So, the dumping of the Earth in the fall and spring leaves the worms on the surface. Here they become easy prey for birds or you can collect them manually. Well in front of frosts deeply overcoat the soil. This will deprive shelter larvae. In this case, up to 90% of the number of colony dies.

How to get rid of the Wirehouse in the garden: 7 effective ways 3469_11

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4. Homemade traps

Reduce the number of pests help traps. With their help, it is possible to remove wire worms from small areas or from greenhouses. We offer options for ordinary but efficient traps.
  • In the glass jar laid carrots or potatoes chopped with large slices. Install the neck tank in the ground. The bait will attract the wires and shortcuts. So that the latter did not get out, the neck can be covered with foil or tight paper with slots.
  • Spoiled tubers are lowered for a day in any insecticide, then cheer into bed or on a bent. We mark the places where the traps are set. After three or five days they dig and destroy. The procedure is repeated.
  • Large slices of old potatoes or carrots are punched onto the rauchinka or wire. They join them in bed so that wooden or metal "tails" remained above the ground. After a few days, the traps are pulled out onto the surface and immediately burned together with the worms settled in them.

Do not forget about adult individuals who are laying dozens of eggs throughout the summer. They love moisture very much and shadow. The beetles are embarrassed by manure or freshly closed grass. Collected with bait and destroy.

5. Discusing soil

Wire worms prefer acidic soils. Their appearance can signal an excess of acid. Therefore, it is desirable to carry out a laboratory study of the soil. If the backstage is confirmed, you can deal with deoxidation. For this spring, a dolomite flour is introduced into the ground, it is also dolomka. Throughout the summer, wood ash or chopped eggs are used. In the fall, lime is held. Reducing the acidity of the soil in accurately in accordance with the results of laboratory studies. Otherwise, there is a risk that excess calcium appears in it.

How to get rid of the Wirehouse in the garden: 7 effective ways 3469_13

6. Folk remedies

There are many folk techniques to protect the site from wire worms. We collected the most effective.
  • Dry powder mustard. Used as a means of a wireman when planting potatoes. He is falling asleep on the bottom of the hole near the tuber. The protective effect is enhanced if you mix mustard with burning pepper.
  • Luke husk. Grind, bring to the ground before landing. During the summer, make a chain infusion that is used for watering.
  • Herbal collection. On 10 liters of water take 200 g of infusion from dandelion or 500 g of the ropeful infusion. Stir. Proceed and watered affected landings in two or three days during the week.
  • Celandine. The crushed raw material is flooded with boiling water at the rate of 20 g per 200 ml. The decoction is for several hours, then used for processing and watering the affected bushes.

7. Chemical preparations

Radiohirms based on diazonin will help to quickly destroy wire worms. The most effective - "Bazudin", he is the most toxic. It is applied on highly infected garden and garden territories. Similar to it preparations, affecting several pests at once, is "thunder", "pristine", "Medvetoks-y", "Earth", others. We need to use them in accurately according to the description and recommendations of the manufacturer.

Available funds aimed at the destruction of beetle larvae-shortcut. The best of them "Provotox". It is effective, but at the same time maintains the soil ecosystem, is not dangerous for rainwrites. Sold in the form of granules that scatter near landing. They dissolve, create a peculiar protective zone around the bushes. To protect the potato plantation, it is necessary to choose than to process potatoes from the Wirefront before landing. Good results give preparations "Select", "Cruiser", "Prestige".

How to get rid of the Wirehouse in the garden: 7 effective ways 3469_14

It is necessary to get rid of wire worms immediately. They develop rapidly, become more voracious and less vulnerable. If you do not take action, their number will only increase, which will necessarily affect the crop. For the struggle, it is best to apply not one way, but a complex of methods. Then the "invader" will be expelled from the back of times and forever.

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