How to "make" bloom orchid: 6 tips that will help


We tell why orchid does not bloom at home and what needs to be done to fix it.

How to

How to

From the store Satisfied buyers carry the plant with flowers. Then within a few weeks admire abundant blossom. After the rest occurs, and the flowerflowers look forward to his endings. But waiting is sometimes delayed for months. We'll figure it out why the orchid does not bloom and what to take that her bloom was abundant and regular.

What to do to bloom orchid

Possible causes of lack of flowering

- Plant too young

- Wrong watering

- Flower is ill

- incorrect composition of the soil

- too low temperature

- Little light

Stimulation of flowering

- Imitation of the rainy season

- or drought

- Warm shower

- Temperature differences

- Use of succinic acid

- or cytokinin paste

Causes of lack of flowering

Epiphyts beautifully bloom 2-3 times a year. Moreover, each period of their flowering can last up to four months. Lack of colors - a signal that the plant has a problem. Causes can be different. We list the most common.

1. Too young plant

For the first time orchids bloom from the age of one and a half to three years. It is necessary to know those who grow flower from the kids. The lack of flowers at this age is an absolute norm. We must be patient and wait. True, there are plants that produce color-point arrows in the phase of the injustrial kid or immediately after the transplant. Such flowers should be deleted, their further development will destroy the young flower.

2. Watering errors

The correct watering is necessary for the normal development of epiphytes. The overalling and cutting of the roots is dangerous for them. The best option is watering "on demand", and not on schedule. If the surface of the roots acquired a gray-silver shade, and the substrate is completely dry, it's time to water. It is best to do this in a submersible way: a pot on an hour and a half put in a pelvis with water, immersing in a third liquid.

3. pests and diseases

If Phalaenopsis is fighting for survival, it will not bloom. The initial signs of diseases, with the exception of those caused by viruses, are well noticeable. Diagnosis is easy. The appearance of pests is also difficult to skip. Therefore, it is not necessary to neglect the regular inspection, when the first alarming symptoms appear, it is necessary to begin treatment. It is even better to periodically carry out prevention.

How to
How to

How to

How to

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4. Incorrect substrate composition

Errors in the choice of soil lead to the mooring of the root system, its boot and death. The "correct" substrate includes bark, sand, coconut fiber and peat. Epiphyts categorically does not fit any floral soil and soil with sphagnum. Only a special mixture is used.

5. Cold and excess humidity

Falenopsis vegetate year-round, they do not need a decrease in the temperature for the period of rest. The optimal temperature regime for them is 20-30 ° C. Speaks are desirable between the night and daytime temperatures by 5-7 ° C. Humidity is best maintained at 70-80%. The value of 40% is considered critical for orchid.

6. Lack of lighting

For the development and growth, the flower does not need a lot of light, but the flower kidneys are awakened only with sufficient lighting. Faleenopsis needs a 10-hour light day. Therefore, in winter, especially after the appearance of a bloody, the plant should be heated by phytolamma. The light source is placed above the pot, but so that the leaves do not burn. In summer, the epiphyts shall translate so that the straight sun rays do not catch burn. The light is needed and roots, so it is desirable to pick up transparent pots for planting.

How to

What to do if orchid does not bloom

If the plant is created approximate to ideal conditions, but it still does not want to bloom, give additional stimulation. This uses physical and chemical methods. It is impossible to combine them, it will be too strong stress for the flower. For exposure, some one method is chosen. We will analyze how to make orchid bloom at home.

Let's start with physical methods. The homeland of tropic epiphytes, where there is no summer or winter. But there is a division into wet and arid seasons. This is a natural cycle that affects flowering. Imitation of its phases at home helps the plant blooming. Important note: manipulations can be carried out only with a healthy flower. If there are signs of unfavorable, it is better not to do.

1. Imitation of the rainy season

Start with reducing the amount of nitrogen in regular feeding. It activates the growth of the root system and the leaves, which is not yet needed. Instead, increase the dose of phosphorus and potassium. It will be optimally used such proportions of fertilizers: nitrogen - 2 parts, potassium and phosphorus for 6 parts. Orchid 3-5 days in a row is abundantly watered with warm water. You can water the soul. Then two weeks do not water the flower. It is necessary that the substrate and the roots are well dried. After that, returned to the usual irrigation regime.

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2. Imitation of the arid season

Permanent irrigation stimulates the growth of leaves and the accumulation of nitrogen. A short-term "drought" will change. The feeding and spraying are temporarily stopped, increase the interpolate interval. At the same time, it is imperative that the roots do not dry. In this mode, the orchid lives a month-one and a half, then return to the usual irrigation schedule. If the bloomon appears earlier, normal watering, spraying and feeding immediately need to be resumed.

How to

3. Warm shower

This is a rather dangerous way, the risk of damage to the plant is very large. We must accurately withstand the water temperature. It should not be hotter 40 ° C, better for three to five degrees below. Orchid watered in the usual way, after half an hour, tolerate into the bath and open a warm shower. It should be good to pour the whole flower. The duration of the procedure is 30-40 seconds. After the shower, the epipheit leaves in the bath so that it is cooled. Then transfer to the place. Within two weeks, it does not watered it and do not feed it. The procedure is "shown" not all varieties. For example, a shoe, Cumbria or Miltonony will not be transferred.

4. Daily temperature differences

Phalaenopsis is transferred to a sharp place at night. It can be a balcony or loggia, basement, cellar. You can simply post the window to the night in the microwing mode, but so that the stream of cold air does not get on the leaves. The optimal difference between the night and daytime temperatures is 6-7 ° C.

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Two drugs are widely used for chemical stimulation.

5. Stimulation of amber acid

The drug activates development and growth, strengthens immunity, stimulates flowering and increases its duration. Sold in the form of tablets, of which the spraying or soaking agent is prepared. The proportions are indicated on the packaging of the drug. Amber Acid includes regular care for phalaenopsis. Especially needing flowers after transplanting and a delayed rest period. Before use, you need to familiarize yourself with the instructions.

6. Using cytokinin paste

The drug based on phytohormon cytokinin. It activates the dormant cells, stimulates their growth and reproduction, favorably affects the bookmark and the development of flowers, increases the period of their flowering, contributes to the rapid restoration of weakened instances.

To get a new bloomon, conduct treatment with cytokinin paste. Do it. Find sleeping floral kidney. Very carefully cut the covering scales and remove it. Unformed kidney opens. It is abundantly lubricated with cytokinin paste, after a short time the kidney will begin to grow.

How to

We found out why the orchid does not bloom and what to do to bloom. After the plant is flashing, it is not necessary to cut the flower immediately. If his tip is green, there is a possibility to continue the growth and the appearance of new buds. Dried flowers are necessarily removed. Leave only a small "penetk" with one or more kidneys.

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