How to get rid of smell in the refrigerator in 4 simple steps


We prepare the device to clean, mine with the use of household chemicals or folk recipes and prevent odor.

How to get rid of smell in the refrigerator in 4 simple steps 3525_1

How to get rid of smell in the refrigerator in 4 simple steps

Opening the door of the refrigeration unit, do not expect unpleasant surprises. Nevertheless, they happen. Strong stench belongs to such. Unfortunately, from time to time, most owners faces. We will figure it out how to remove the smell from the refrigerator and prevent its appearance.

What to do if the refrigerator smells bad

Why it happens

Step-by-step instructions for unpleasant odor

- Preparation of equipment

- Cleaning cameras

- Additional treatment

- Installing the absorber

Why the refrigerator smells bad

Unpleasant amber appears in the refrigeration chamber for various reasons. We list the most common.

  • Exact packaging of fragrant dishes or products. So, smoked fish or garlic salad, for example, it is desirable to remove closing trays into tightly.
  • Spoiled products. The reason may be the forgetfulness of the hostess or the problem of the serviceability of the aggregate. In the latter case, you may have to repair it.
  • Air circulation system breakdown. It stops or significantly hampered by the assignment and supply of pure air flows. As a result, odors are accumulated and stirred, stale appears.
  • The new unit can smell plastic and rubber. Over time, it passes.
  • Mold defeat. The fungus will be noticeable on seals, in the corners of the compartments and the shelves. It appears due to the increase in humidity inside the chamber as a result of the sealing rubber, poor ventilation, etc.
  • Climbing drainage hole. It provides an unhindered condensate outflow, is located at the bottom of the rear wall. Clean the hole can be a special brush or suitable for wire diameter.
  • The contaminated tray for condensate. It is located on the reverse side of the housing at the bottom of the device. Depending on the model, it can be closed with a lid.

If it smells unpleasant from the refrigeration unit, you need to understand why this happens. It will help to get rid of the problem only eliminating its causes.

How to get rid of smell in the refrigerator in 4 simple steps 3525_3

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How to remove the smell of the refrigerator

All devices, including popular Nofrost models, need regular washing. The appearance of salty is a good reason to carry out an extraordinary wash. We offer step-by-step instructions, how to quickly get rid of smell in the refrigerator.

1. Preparation for cleaning

The device is disconnected from the network. All content is extracted from it. It is best to simultaneously sort. Products with an expired storage period and explicitly spoiled immediately emitted. The rest stacked for temporary storage. The contents of the freezer during the cold season is taken out on the balcony or outside, if it is a private house. In summer, it is good to use a refrigerator bag.

In extreme cases, the products are covered with a blanket or bedspread to quickly not heated. NOFROST systems can be cleaned immediately after disconnecting from the network, but it is better to give the equipment to stand up with an open-and-a half door. Standard aggregates must fully define. As they defrost, water is removed from the mounted ice.

  • Lifehak: How to properly store products in the home refrigerator?

2. Cleaning the apparatus

It is necessary to thoroughly wash the shelves, walls, sealing. Do it best with warm water. As a detergent, you can take a gel for dishes, a liquid or economic soap. A special means for cleaning the refrigerator or soda solution is suitable. For the preparation of the latter in the water liter dissolve 3-5 st. Spoons of food soda. It is forbidden to use abrasive drugs. They leave small scratches, in which the bacteria will be able to actively multiply.

Aggressive chemistry is also not desirable. Acids and alkali can damage the surfaces, especially plastic. Equipment will lose an attractive view. A cleaning solution is applied to the sponge coating. Give some time to dissolve pollution. Then washed off the soluble particles. If dried fragments remained, the procedure is repeated. It is not worth using a knife or other sharp devices to lift pollution. So you can damage the trim.

How to get rid of smell in the refrigerator in 4 simple steps 3525_6

Be sure to purify the drainage hole. Brush is inserted into it, they make them several rotational movements. The procedure is repeated two or three times. Purified hole is desirable to disinfect. To do this, it is poured from the syringe peroxide of hydrogen. The composition will destroy bacteria accumulated inside the plastic tube. It remains to wash off the detergent with clean water and wipe all the surfaces dry. If there is a suspicion that smells a tray for collecting condensate, the device unfolds, get the container and wash it out.

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3. Additional processing

It is not always possible to get rid of the unpleasant "dusk" by ordinary wash. It can reduce its intensity, but still preserved. Then additional processing is needed. There are several means for washing the refrigerator from smell inside. We offer the most effective options.


Used only in the form of an aqueous solution. In the glass of water divorces 2-3 tbsp. Spoon 9% drug. In the resulting mixture, a foam sponge or a rag is smeared, slightly pressed. It consistently processes the entire inner part of the equipment, including sealing gum, shelves and containers. The only exception is metal elements. They can begin to collapse under the influence of acid.

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It eliminates the smells of plastics and rubber, present in a new device, as well as garlic fragrance. To prepare the working mixture, a glass of water and 18-20 drops of the ammonia will be required. Everything is mixed, the liquid is wetted napkin or rag. Carefully rubs the inside of the device. It must be remembered that the ammonious alcohol smells very unpleasant. Inhaling his pairs is not recommended. After processing the door leave for some time open.

How to get rid of smell in the refrigerator in 4 simple steps 3525_9


The juice of this citrus removes most unpleasant flavors, including fish, which is almost impossible to withdraw. You can take a lemon slice and grasp them and the walls of the device. Then wipe them with a clean cloth. When the slicer loses juice, it is replaced with a new one. It is not very convenient, so you can do otherwise. With the help of manual juicer or simply, lemon juice is squeezed. They watted a sponge and handle cameras.

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Potassium permanganate

A strong disinfectant, which is also able to destroy odors. For processing prepare a pale pink aqueous solution. Crystalline must completely dissolve, after that, the liquid is mixed again and wipe the internal coating of the compartments, trays, seals. Manganese will help to cope with mold if it appeared inside the equipment. Similarly, hydrogen peroxide works. It does not need to be diluted. The drug is applied in pure form.

For processing, it is possible to use soda solution, economic soap or chlorine-based chemical compositions. The latter may be too aggressive and dangerous for people. They must be applied only in accordance with the instructions and thoroughly wash the surface after them.

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4. Installation of the absorber

The completion stage of the work will be the installation of the absorber, which will "collect" and hold all the flavors. There are a lot of options for such devices. The simplest is made on your own at home. Here are some proven recipes.

  • In a small open container, inexpensive ground coffee, crushed tablets of activated carbon, soda powder, rice or dry tea leaves. The absorber is installed in the refrigerator, the filler is periodically replaced by fresh.
  • Silica gel bags that can be found in packages with shoes or clothing are stacked in an open jar. The equipment of the standard size is enough four-five bags. The jar is put in the chamber. It should be assumed that the homemade knows that silica gel balls are not edible. But to warn just in case.
  • Slices of bread. Baton is cut into thin slices, which are laid out inside the refrigeration compartment. After a while they need to be removed. The resulting lemon is similar. It is important to remove the homemade absorber in time so that it does not deteriorate.

In stores a large selection of industrial production absorbers. They differ in filling, case material. There are models with rigid plastic enclosures fixing on the door or wall. The perforated packets from the film filled with absorbent are also available. Each model has a certain period of validity. After that, it is required either to replace it with a new one, or change the filler.

We figured out how to get rid of smell in the refrigerator. To no longer appear, it is necessary to contain equipment clean and follow its technical service. Completely store products and do not forget to remove spoiled food on time.

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