How to get rid of the smelters in the garden


We tell how to deal with slugs with mechanical methods, chemicals and folk remedies.

How to get rid of the smelters in the garden 3533_1

How to get rid of the smelters in the garden

The slugs call the losing herllows and snails. All of them are unwanted guests on any plot. With the arrival of rains, the probability of their appearance increases significantly. In favorable conditions, they actively multiply. Feed mollusks with leaves, flowers, vegetables and berries. Leave after an unpleasant tracks from the mucus, for which they received their name. In a short time, voracious pests cause significant damage to landings. We will figure it out how to get rid of slugs in the garden forever.

Get rid of slugs forever

Mechanical methods

- Manual harvest

- bait and self-catering traps

- Protective barriers

Folk remedies


Preventive measures

How to deal with slugs in the garden mechanical ways

If there is no desire to use toxic chemistry immediately, begin with simple methods of struggle. Despite his simplicity, they give a good result.

1. Hand pick

Especially effective in the morning hours. Inspect all the favorite places of pest stay, individuals are collected manually. More often they live in wet darkened corners, on metal or wooden surfaces. This is the lower part of the porches, hoses and cranes for watering, steel watering cans or buckets. Snails love to gather in the shade of plants: inside the rosette of strawberries, under the cabbage leaves. The collected brickelions destroy.

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2. Bait and homemade traps

Manually collect tedious and takes a lot of time. To speed it up, traps are trapped and lay the bait. So it is possible to assemble several individuals in one place. We offer several options for traps that will help get rid of slugs.

  • Labor like the smell of beer. It is gradually poured into plastic bottles with a cut neck. The dishes are bought into the ground, leaving the cuts free. You can put such a bottle of sideways to the ground. In both cases, the slugs will take inside, can't get out.
  • The soil under the future trap must remain dry for 4-5 days. In the evening, a cardboard moistened in the water, a rag or cabbage leaves put on it. Instead of water, you can take beer or kefir. In the morning you raise the trap and collect pests.
  • Primanka with corn works well. Some steels either flour from this culture fall asleep in the jar and stick it into the ground, or laid on the side.
  • Pests love all citrus and melting cultures. Their crusts become good traps. In the removed from half the fetus, the hole is cut out. Locked it down down on the ground. After some time, raise and collect the bunthogs.

All these traps work well. They are used not only in the garden or garden, but also to combat slugs in the greenhouse.

How to get rid of the smelters in the garden 3533_4

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3. Protective barrier

A simple technique that prevents the penetration of snails into the territory. Around the garden or garden is equipped with a protective strip. For its manufacture, they take rough or sharp materials for which mollusks are inconvenient to crawl. Many options: Rushed shells, large sand, crushed nut shell, harated lime or wood ash. Helps dried coffee thick, mustard powder and superphosphate.

It is best to scatter a means of not one strip, but a few. The distance between them should be 150-200 mm. Similarly protect garden trees or bushes if they grow at a high distance from each other. A protective barrier is equipped around them. Gardeners note that copper and any it containing materials often helps. Upon contact, the mucus snug abdomen with copper-containing coating occurs a chemical reaction that destroys mucus. Pests do not like sharp and spicy flavors. Therefore, plants with such a smell can be used as a scaping barrier for greenhouses, cellars, compost piles. They compact vegetable cultures or sow around the perimeter. It is garlic, parsley, laurel, velvets, rosemary and sage.

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What folk ways to use

To remove the slugs, use numerous folk remedies. We offer several effective ways to get rid of snails and slugs.

1. Discarding landing

The mixture for dubbing is different. A good result gives harated lime or superphosphate. They are taken at 30 g per square meter. Lime mixtures with tobacco dust or tobacco and wood ash. In both cases, substances are mixed in the same proportions. Take 40 g of 1 kV mixture. meter. Processing is carried out in the evening or night.

2. Burning pepper

The sharp pepper is dried, then rubs into powder. For the preparation of a solution on 500 g of dry raw materials, 10 liters of cold water will be required. Stirred, leave to bent for two days. Then the mixture is boiled and do not touch two days again. Ready decoction spray landing. The processing solution is prepared so. On the bucket with water take 0.5 glasses of soap and 0.5 liters of decoction. The decoction is kept for a long time, so it is preparing to be prepared. Dry pepper recommend adding to mulch.

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3. Potash salt

It helps to quickly remove snails, because it is poison for them. Powder kilogram is dissolved in 10 liters of water. The resulting solution is treated landings. It is better to do it two or three times a day. The bucheloga is covered with mucus, which protects them. They simply drop the poison on them together with her. Therefore, multiple treatments are needed.

How to get rid of the smelters in the garden 3533_9

4. Tincture mustard

Two tablespoons of mustard powder are dissolved in a glass of water, give an hour. Pullen half bucket of water, stir. The solution is ready. They are treated with the soil and cultivated plants. Similarly, the pharmacy diamond greens acts. It prepare an aqueous solution based on one bottle on the bucket.

4. soot and birch down

Syzhai sprinkled landings, aisle and tracks. It has a sharp odor, it is used to scare it. Impreet them with a rag, fabric strips. They are laid under the bushes or tied with them stems.

To scare the mollusks, the aqueous solution of the ammonia, the infusion of garlic, the salty salt, is also used.

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If the population of the buchetic is too large and other methods do not act, chemicals are used. Mollusks are sensitive to metaldehyde. It is based on several drugs. Most often used "Slug" or "Thunderstorm". They are produced in the form of powder and small granules. The smell of means attracts mollusks. After his eating for a short time, pests are dying.

The drug is applied in accordance with the instructions. It is usually scattered on the site or distributed point, near the crops that you want to protect. With caution, use there, where it is possible to eat on a poultry or pets: at the cottage in the basement, near the household buildings in the yard. Sometimes the slugs "attack" apartments on the first floors of apartment buildings. Then helps a safe for man and for animals tool "Ulvid".

How to get rid of the smelters in the garden 3533_11


It's not easy to fight pests. They adapt well to different conditions and quickly multiply. To reduce their chances of distribution, it is recommended to use proper prevention. It is aimed at preventing the slugs to move freely on the site, to reduce so much humidity and reduce the number of their natural shelters. We list effective preventive techniques.

Effective techniques

  • Mandatory spring and autumn peroxide. The bucheloga is buried in the ground. Dropping deprives them of shelter, as a result of which they are dying.
  • Regular weeding is a variety, spacing the rods located near the territory. Slugs do not like heat, lose her in thick grass.
  • Removal from the garbage bunch, boards, last year's foliage, etc. In the warm time, they cover pests from the heat. Autumn mollusks are hiding here from the cold.
  • The presence of an effective drainage system that will save the territory from excess moisture.
  • Mulching landings. The easiest whole snails move on the smooth surface. Roughness interfere with them. Mulching with sawdust, cheese, chopped egg shell, large sand, and especially dried nettle will make it difficult to move pests. Periodically, the mulch is theatest, otherwise the moisture accumulates under it, which only attracts the buncrouch.
  • Early seedling landing. She will have time to strengthen the mass yield of slugs, they will not be able to destroy it. This is especially true for cabbage.
  • It is impossible to make thickening of cultures. The resulting plants will give the shadow in which moisture will be maintained. Such places are very loved by snail.

Preventive measures are very simple. If you fulfill all activities on time and regularly, the amount of malicious population is reduced.

How to get rid of the smelters in the garden 3533_12

Methods, how to get rid of slugs on the plot, a lot. But some one is unlikely to help. The best result will give a set of measures. Committed prophylaxis. Folk remedies work well in combination with the arrangement of protective barriers or traps. The use of chemical drugs is better to leave in extreme. They are harmful to insects and soils.

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