How to equip the attic in the house


To turn the space under the roof in the residential floor, first of all it is necessary to provide a comfortable microclimate. What construction systems and materials are used for this purpose?

How to equip the attic in the house 35504_1

How to equip the attic in the house

Photo: Tehtonol

Russia is accustomed to the fact that a good roof is that that does not proceed. But when erecting a house with an attic to this design, other requirements are imposed. The roof should have excellent thermal insulation qualities (heat transfer resistance for the middle strip is not less than 4.6 m2 C / W), to extinguish the wall of the rain and transport noise. It is important to understand that ensuring the required characteristics of the inclined fence is much more difficult than the vertical wall.

General principle

It would seem that to protect against summer heat and winter chairs is not difficult - it is only necessary to use a rather thick layer of insulation, such as mineral wool. However, this is not enough. First, it is important that the warm air does not flow down in winter through the gaps and clearances. Secondly, the light fiber insulation can dance: a little water always seeps through the roofing coating, and the wet pairs rise below. As the coefficient of thermal conductivity is wetted, the material increases sharply, and the service life decreases. Moisture-proof insulation, such as polystyrene foam, is difficult to lay without gaps, and in addition, it is a fuel and susceptible to thermal degradation.

How to equip the attic in the house

When creating roofing pie, it is necessary to use modern heat and waterproofing materials and comply with their installation technology. Photo: DuPont.

Finally, in summer, the roofing coating is very hot, and the hot air layer is formed under it, which in the traditional design there is nowhere to go, therefore, overcoming diffusion and heat transfer, almost any obstacles, it can penetrate the living quarters. So, insulation the roof is not easy. Conduct with the tasks and serve many decades only multilayer structures with a ventilation gap.

Main stuff

For the insulation of the attic more often apply plates of stone or fiberglass. Plates (mats) of the insulation are installed between the rainstreams of the Mospus. The support function can perform a vapor barrier film or racks, nailed to the rafters below. The material is placed in one or two layers (in the second case, it is desirable with jogging).

How to equip the attic in the house

Multilayer tile. Photo: Tehtonol

Other methods of insulation of the roof are in spraying between polyurethane foam rafters or in strangling in this space of cellulose wool (EcoWati). The standard width of wooden rafters is 150 mm, and the required thickness of the insulation in most Russian regions is 200-250 mm. Therefore, increasingly when the attic of the attic began to use the glue bar of special sections (for example 70 × 2000), foreign systems, as well as LVL timber.

Another solution to the problem is that the insulation (puzzle foam polyurethane foam plates) are labeled not between beams, but on a solid base of plywood sheets or OSP with a thickness of 12-16 mm, nailed from above to the rafters. However, the cost of the roof rises by 30-40%. As for the rafter design as a whole, the specialists do not advise the design of the too intricate multi-line roofs, as they are difficult to warm up well, and even more difficult to protect the insulation from moisture.

When choosing heat insulation for the roof, in addition to the main characteristics of insulation - the low thermal conductivity coefficient, you need to take into account several important factors and parameters. In particular, it is necessary to prefer vapor-permeable materials. It is also necessary to choose insulation, resistant to temperatures up to 80 ° C, as the summer of the roof is very hot. To enhance the fire safety of residential premises, it is worth paying attention to the products of the combustibility group of NG - non-combustible. When using metal roof materials can be quite a call during rain, and therefore, noise absorption should be provided. Finally, the insulation should not pose a nutritional value for rodents, insects and microorganisms. All the listed requirements are not better matching stained wool plates. As for the thickness of thermal insulation, it is determined by the calculation in accordance with the construction regulations on thermal protection. On average, for the central region of Russia, it is sufficient isolation from stone wool with a thickness of 200 mm, for Siberia - at least 250 mm, for the southern regions - 150 mm. Installation should be made with minimal labor costs. Therefore, for example, with a thickness of 200 mm, it is more advisable to dial the thickness of two plates of 100 mm, and not from four to 50 mm. The insulation must be protected outside the hydraulic protection membrane, which protects it from blowing air, as well as from random dropping of drip moisture. With a warm side, the fibrous material is closed with vapor barrier, limiting the stream of water vapor passing through the design.

Andrei Petrov, Head of Design Center

Rockwool Russia.

To help insulation


The challenge of the parobamire is not to give a warm and wet room air to penetrate the thickness of the roof design. The best insulating films are made of two layers of polyethylene or polypropylene and reinforced with synthetic fiber; These materials are durable and elastic, so they are difficult to damage when installed. The film strips have perpendicular to the rafters and nails with nails through the clamping rail or brackets. Start from the skate and provide the strips of about 100 mm.

Shakes, as well as places, punched with brackets, are sampled by a special scotch. Between the inner cover of walls and vaporizolation, it is recommended to leave an air layer of 20-40 mm. Thus, it will be possible to prevent damage to the film when installing sockets and switches.

How to equip the attic in the house

Installation of the roof of flexible tile. Photo: Tehtonol

Waterproofing and windscreen

A small amount of water almost always seeps through the roofing coating (regardless of whether it is or piece) through microcracks and joints due to the capillary effect. In addition, in the ventilation gap (about him it will go below), along with air, water vapor flows, which in cold weather is condensed on the inner surface of the roofing coating.

Protect the insulation from this moisture is designed by a subframe membrane. Another task is to prevent the blowing of warm air from the insulation. The best materials for the membrane device are dual and three-layer polypropylene diffusion films. They are able to skip the steam, which contributes to the effective insulation ventilation. The film strips roll over the rafter, starting with the eaves, and fasten first with brackets or crowded nails, and then the controls of the counterboots.

As with a vapor barrier device, it is required to ensure that there are no less than 100 mm tools; These places are desirable to smoke with special single or bilateral scotch or sealant. Note that for roofing pie it is convenient to use a set of materials of one company, in which all components are tested for compatibility and work as efficiently as possible in the structure. For example, in addition to the insulation "Light Batts Scandik" (Rockwool), it is recommended to use the Rockwool hydraulic radiation membrane for roofs and vaporizoation of the same manufacturer.

Roof ventilation

Ensure the evaporation of moisture from the surface of the windproof film and the removal of hot air from under the roof helps the ventilation gap created by the help of the counterbuilding. Its standard value is 50 m, however, with a small slope or significant length of the skate, the gap should be increased to 60-70 mm, otherwise the volume of passed air will be insufficient. The air flow is provided through the branch of the eaves. You can, for example, leave the gaps between the boards (panels), tightening them with a metal mesh from birds and insects.

Without ventilation layer of insulation, with time, reuses and stops protecting from winter cold and summer heat

A more durable and aesthetic option - the use of ready-made sophods with perforation. In order for the air to leave the undercase space, the roofing coating is not adjusted to the skate by 5-7 cm and collect a special design - ventilation rope. With a four-paced roof of the ridge holes, it is not enough, and with the multi-volume in the ventzazor, pockets are formed, overlapped with brucks. Then the aerators are installed - the elements of the roof with precipitated "window". They are necessary and where the ventzor is overclined with smoke trumpets or mansard windows, and it is better to mount two aerans of the torus - under the obstacle and above it. To significantly increase the intensity of air exchange under roofs allow inertial exhaust turbines.

Special attention zones

When installing roofing cake often make mistakes. To avoid them, it is necessary to control the work, paying attention to the following details and nodes.

1. Shakes of steamers of vapor barrier, places of its adjoining to rafters, chimneys, extracts

It is necessary that they are punctured by a special scotch or mastic (the latter better sealing the contact zones with rough surfaces of boards, brickwork, etc.).

2. Layer insulation

If the plates are cut in non-accuracy and between them and rafters have a gap, thermally insulating characteristics of the roof will be unsatisfactory.

3. Waterproofing in the Undo Zone

Here, the probability of leaks is higher than on the rest of the roof, so it is necessary to lay two layers of the film (the first rolling with the strips from one slope to another).

4. Grubel and counterfeiting

Bruks have nothing to overlap the ventilation gap. If it does not do without it, it is necessary to make sure that the project provides additional aerators.

5. Elements providing influx and air output

Sometimes ventilated panels alternate with deaf or overlap windproof. Both are unacceptable.

How to equip the attic in the house 35504_6
How to equip the attic in the house 35504_7
How to equip the attic in the house 35504_8
How to equip the attic in the house 35504_9
How to equip the attic in the house 35504_10
How to equip the attic in the house 35504_11
How to equip the attic in the house 35504_12
How to equip the attic in the house 35504_13
How to equip the attic in the house 35504_14
How to equip the attic in the house 35504_15
How to equip the attic in the house 35504_16

How to equip the attic in the house 35504_17

The places of adjoining a vapor barrier film to the structures of stone and wood (walls, rafter farms) seal with mastic. Photo: Dörken.

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Sockets of hydraulic rods are sealed with ribbons. Photo: Dörken.

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Prevent leakage in the endand zone and adjoins help elastic self-adhesive ribbons from attached aluminum; They are durable and resistant to temperature drops from -30 to +80 ° C. Photo: "Red roofs"

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It is better to poke the hydraulic descript on the rafters, reliably presses the sealing tape by the counterbuilding brucks. Photo: Dörken.

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Thanks to the flexible frame, the ventilation rod can "adapt" to the corner of the slope. Photo: "Metal Profile"

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The roofing hood with a diameter of 150 mm is capable of providing ventilation of the slide with an area of ​​up to 80 m2, but it is necessary only if the air outlet through the horse is blocked, for example, mansard windows. Photo: "Metal Profile"

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There are several types of roofing aerators. The most effective is the turbine models. Photo: Vladimir Grigoriev / Burda Media

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Roofing manufacturers offer components for assembling ventilated skates and inclined ridges. Photo: Klober.

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A high-quality hydraulic film film misses couples, which provides ventilation of the insulation. Photo: DuPont.

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The construction membrane of the new generation AIRGUARD (DuPont) is used to reduce heat losses and minimizes the risk of condensate formation in the thickness of the structural of the insulated shelf. Photo: DuPont.

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With a large number of funds and ridges and incorrect shape of the skate, the installation of roofing pie becomes a challenge. As for the coating, in such cases the optimal choice is a flexible tile. Photo: Tegola.

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