5 interior techniques that will improve the atmosphere in the family


Create an interior that suits people living in the same house with different psychotypes, hobbies and tastes.

5 interior techniques that will improve the atmosphere in the family 3553_1

5 interior techniques that will improve the atmosphere in the family

1 Accounting of the psychoetype when planning zones

When planning the repair, buying furniture and creating functional zones, it is useful to take into account temperaments of those who will live in the apartment. For example, if all the extroverts in the family are worth paying attention to zones in which everyone can be collected together and spend a lot of time for joint hobbies and classes. In this case, you will need one large dining table in the kitchen, a large sofa and several chairs near the TV and a coffee table in the living room. You can combine working areas, putting tables nearby, equip the general dressing room.

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In the family of introverts it is better to create several small spaces in which you can stay alone with you. For such people, the discovery will be the tabletop on one by the window, a secluded reading corner and a separate workplace.

5 interior techniques that will improve the atmosphere in the family 3553_4
5 interior techniques that will improve the atmosphere in the family 3553_5

5 interior techniques that will improve the atmosphere in the family 3553_6

5 interior techniques that will improve the atmosphere in the family 3553_7

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2 focus on lifestyle

Lifestyle, which is customary in the family, directly affects the interior. For example, if everyone is working for a long time and feed outside the house, it may make sense to reduce the working area in the kitchen, refuse a large plate into four burners in favor of a small two, put a compact table. If it is important for you to be saturated because of hard work - you need to spend efforts to sound insulation in the bedroom, provide perfect darkness with the curtains blackwood and pick up the mattress and pillows suitable in the age and health status.

Make sure your housing is adjusted for the lifestyle you lead and makes everyday life as comfortable.

5 interior techniques that will improve the atmosphere in the family 3553_9
5 interior techniques that will improve the atmosphere in the family 3553_10

5 interior techniques that will improve the atmosphere in the family 3553_11

5 interior techniques that will improve the atmosphere in the family 3553_12

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3 Orientation on the wishes of each

In order for everyone to feel at home cozy and comfortable, collect home and find out how they see their perfect interior. Ask to describe words or lead examples from the Internet or houses of your common acquaintances. Sorry the color palette, furniture arrangement, functional zones.

Change at least something to make space more comfortable for everyone, most likely, you can right today. Perhaps someone does not like the famous balcony and long ago I would like to see my own creative workshop, someone annoyed to the nervous tick curtains in the living room, and someone wants to get rid of the mezzanine in the corridor.

5 interior techniques that will improve the atmosphere in the family 3553_14
5 interior techniques that will improve the atmosphere in the family 3553_15
5 interior techniques that will improve the atmosphere in the family 3553_16

5 interior techniques that will improve the atmosphere in the family 3553_17

5 interior techniques that will improve the atmosphere in the family 3553_18

5 interior techniques that will improve the atmosphere in the family 3553_19

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4 Creating tract for waste

Even in the most friendly family sometimes comes the moment when everyone wants to be alone with them and their thoughts. To do this, you need to create as many comfortable disassembled spaces for recreation, how many members in your family. Ideally, if these zones are in separate rooms, but you can combine in one, spreading at different angles.

At the same time, it is not about something large-scale. It is enough to create a place where the homemade can sit down and spend a few hours with a laptop or book. This place can be a small sofa in the kitchen, a chair in the bedroom, chairs and a table on the balcony.

This technique is especially relevant for large families. You create a small secluded place in which everyone can come to be in silence and loneliness. Also, each house establishes their rules for this zone: for example, bring it in order by ourselves, to carry out no more than an hour in a row, do not disturb others when they use it without very good reasons.

5 interior techniques that will improve the atmosphere in the family 3553_21

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5 Creating conditions for different sleep modes

Very often it turns out that in the same apartment you have to get alongside the larks, the owls and pigeons (those who do not lie too late and does not get up too early). Sharing one bedroom is hard, even if one of you is a dove, as it will still be unpleasant to get up very early or go too late. There are universal techniques that will help make a bedroom more comfortable for everyone.

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What can be done

  • Hang the curtains blackwood so that the owls are poured in the morning.
  • Put the night light with a very soft and muted light so that Owl could come to the room and go to bed, not including light.
  • Purchase an outdoor hanger so that the larks in the morning could take it with all the necessary clothes and accessories, leaving the bedroom and do not have their partner with advanced boxes and the clasp the clasp doors.
  • To give the alarm alarm clock, vibrating on his hand or made in the form of a gradually ignite lamp, so as not to wake the owl.

5 interior techniques that will improve the atmosphere in the family 3553_24
5 interior techniques that will improve the atmosphere in the family 3553_25
5 interior techniques that will improve the atmosphere in the family 3553_26

5 interior techniques that will improve the atmosphere in the family 3553_27

5 interior techniques that will improve the atmosphere in the family 3553_28

5 interior techniques that will improve the atmosphere in the family 3553_29

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