What electricity meter put in a house and an apartment: a brief overview of species and checklist


We tell when you need to change the counter and how to choose the correct device according to important criteria: type, number of phases, accuracy and others.

What electricity meter put in a house and an apartment: a brief overview of species and checklist 3652_1

What electricity meter put in a house and an apartment: a brief overview of species and checklist

Electricity consumption in every year increases, because the number of powerful household appliances in homes does not decrease, but only grows. So that monthly bills do not beat the pocket too much, you need to know exactly what electricity meter is better to choose for an apartment or for home. Tell me how to do it right.

All about choosing an electric energy meter

When it needs to be changed

Criterias of choice

Short checklist

When you need to change the electric meter

Replacing the accounting device is a troublesome and fairly costly event. The owner needs to be purchased equipment, pay for services for its installation and sealing. It is clear that without having to do it there is no desire.

Replacement Replacements:

  • Power meter.
  • The end of the calibration period.

In the latter case, it is possible to extend the use of equipment, but it will have to be dismantled and sent to re-calibration. After receiving confirmation that the flow meter is working normally, it is put in place and sesso. Replacements are carried out for other reasons. For example, if the owner of the apartment wants to switch to differentiated electricity accounting. Then you have to install a multi-tariff device.

What electricity meter put in a house and an apartment: a brief overview of species and checklist 3652_3

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How to choose an electricity meter for important criteria

A large number of electricity accounting equipment varieties are produced. We allocated seven criteria that would help determine which to put the electricity meter.

1. Type of equipment

For electricity metering, two types of devices with different principle of action are used.


The design includes two coils. First, the voltage is fed to the parallel winding, then to the current. As a result, swirl electromagnetic streams occur that rotate the disk. By means of worm gear, this rotation is transmitted to the drum of the counting mechanism. Induction devices are durable. The stated service life of 15 years, but in fact it can be significantly more. The price of their low.

The disadvantage is considered a high measurement error. For this reason, old models should not be operated. New varieties designed to take into account modern error requirements can be installed in any homes and apartments. Induction units can only be one idarithic.

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What electricity meter put in a house and an apartment: a brief overview of species and checklist 3652_6

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What electricity meter put in a house and an apartment: a brief overview of species and checklist 3652_8


The housing is installed voltage and current sensors that transmit their signals to the converter. He reads them and redirects to the microcontroller. This unit decrypts the information received and transmits it to the counting device. The latter may be two types: electronic or electronically mechanical. In the first case, the readings are displayed on the display, a mechanical type scheme is operating in the second, similar to the one that is used in induction analogues.

The advantage of electronic devices is considered high measurement accuracy. In addition, they can consider energy consumption by different tariffs. There is the possibility of remote transmission of indications. The period of calibration for such counters is longer than for induction. The disadvantage is considered a high price and a smaller service life.

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What electricity meter put in a house and an apartment: a brief overview of species and checklist 3652_10

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What electricity meter put in a house and an apartment: a brief overview of species and checklist 3652_12

2. Ability to use several tariffs

Electronic equipment can work in multi-tariff mode. This means that the consumption of electricity is considered to be defined by the user intervals. What is necessary if different tariff rates for night and daytime are introduced in the region. Some models are able to "cover" up to eight tariffs, however, two-timing systems remain in demand. All multi-tariff devices are more expensive than their one-tariff analogs. Therefore, before you buy it, it is necessary to determine whether it will be profitable. Make it easy. It is necessary to calculate the average energy consumption for the month and the amount that will be paid at the same tariff. Then split the flow per day and night, calculate the estimated fee. If the difference is approximately half of the usual payment, it makes sense to change the equipment.

What electricity meter put in a house and an apartment: a brief overview of species and checklist 3652_13

3. Number of phases

There are two varieties of equipment.

  • Single-phase. Designed to work with the network 220 V. It is such lines that are laid in apartments, all household electrical equipment are calculated on them. Single-phase devices are recommended for installation in apartment buildings. The three-phase device is theoretically operated on such a line. But in practice, energy sales companies refuse to register them.
  • Three-phase. Designed for operation on line 380 V. From such networks, water heaters, heating boilers, electric motors are operating. The three-phase recorder is installed in homes where there are electrical appliances operating at 380 V.

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What electricity meter put in a house and an apartment: a brief overview of species and checklist 3652_15

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What electricity meter put in a house and an apartment: a brief overview of species and checklist 3652_17

4. Classification of accuracy

It is indicated in the technical documentation and on the front side of the hull. The value shows the error occurring in measurements. It is recommended to use accuracy class devices 2.0 or lower. Induction devices that served dozen years, and even more, had a 2.5 class. Therefore, they are all subject to mandatory replacement, without waiting for the end of the period of calibration or shelf life.

It is necessary to know that, the higher the accuracy of measurements, the greater the amount in the accounts of consumers. The devices with a minimum error "notice" the very minor load. For example, they consider the minimum energy consumption of technology in the "sleep" mode. Therefore, it is recommended to choose devices with an accuracy class 2.0.

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5. current load

Registrars are designed for different current loads. From its actual indicators, it depends on how to put the electricity meter. It can be determined by three methods.

  • Calculate the load on the laid lines. Make it will be able to a specialist electrician who has information on the number of lines and the size of the cable cross section.
  • Take information in the Criminal Procedure or in the HSEK on the amount of ampere on the input line connected to the meter.
  • Calculate the total power of the electrical appliances used.

The easiest is the last option. The owner will need to fold the rated power of all household appliances. Add to the resulting number a number of kW "Prointer" so that when buying new aggregates, the electric meter did not have to change. The result within 10 kW indicates that the accounting device can be put on 60 A, if the total power is larger, the device is 80-100 A.

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What electricity meter put in a house and an apartment: a brief overview of species and checklist 3652_22

6. Operating conditions

Registrars are designed for functioning in different temperature range. So, produce instruments for work in heated buildings. At temperatures below zero, they are not working. They are recommended to those who are looking for which electricity meter is better to put in the apartment. Available models that are not sensitive to temperature. They are allowed to install in unheated premises or on the street. Devices put on dachas, in private houses. Operate the flow meter in unsuitable conditions is prohibited.

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7. Fastening method

All manufacturers produce registrars with two mounting options:

  • Under the bolts. Fixes the device as securely as possible, prevents possible contact loss and small shifts. Most often used to secure on street flaps. It is installed on three bolts.
  • On DIN rail. Mounted on adaptation-rail in the electrical panel, so there is a groove with a latch-retainer on the back of the case. Put or remove the equipment is easy, it is put on a groove on the rail.

Most manufacturers produce recorders with different fixation options on the operational characteristics.

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What electricity meter put in a house and an apartment: a brief overview of species and checklist 3652_25

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Check-sheet for choosing a metering device

To select the registrar correctly, we offer a small check list. He will tell you what to focus on.

  • Type of registrar. For your home or for the apartment more often choose electronic, for the street or cottage induction. Select the necessary specifications.
  • Date of issue. At the factory, electrical equipment passes verification. Her date and results are recorded in the technical support. On the body put a seal, its integrity must be checked. From the date of the first calibration is calculated until the next.
  • Intermediate interval. Requests for technicians. If he is small, it makes sense to choose another model. A new single-phase recorder must be installed no later than 2 years from the first calibration, three-phase - one year. If this is not the case, the scheduled calibration is carried out at the expense of the user who bought the "overdue" device.
  • Completeness. The box must contain technical documentation with a margin about factory control. The registrar must be certified and allowed to install and operate in Russia. The integrity of the hull and seals is checked.

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What electricity meter put in a house and an apartment: a brief overview of species and checklist 3652_30

What electricity meter put in a house and an apartment: a brief overview of species and checklist 3652_31

What electricity meter put in a house and an apartment: a brief overview of species and checklist 3652_32

We figured out which electricity meter to put in the house or in the apartment. The right choice depends on the individual operating conditions. Manufacturers producing equipment for accounting, a lot. This is the case when domestic products are not inferior to imported. Russian brands "Mercury", "Electrometer", "Neva" have proven well established. In the line of models there are the simplest measuring devices, there are complex, with a variety of additional functions.

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